My double is steve

Chapter 723 It’s time to continue working

Because he wanted to study the three realized dimensions, Fang Mo stayed in the dark corridor for a long time.

And after some thinking.

He also had a general understanding of his own power.

In short, at present, Fang Mo's dimensional power is indeed a bit ridiculously strong. In theory, this can even allow him to be promoted to a multi-level monster.

But the problem is that Fang Mo is a half-way monk, he was not born as a Dimension Demon God, and he is too lazy to be a batch, so for those extremely cumbersome, troublesome and precise permission operations... he is not very proficient yet.

Currently he is better at it.

Most of them are simple and crude operations.

For example, extract energy from a certain dimension and use overwhelming power to completely kill the opponent to ashes.

As for the mysterious theory put forward by Xiao Yao, such as the omnipresence of time and space in multiple entities, the migration of quantum sympathetic dimensions, etc., to be honest, Fang Mo couldn't even understand it, let alone try it.

After all, in Fang Mo's opinion.

This dimensional power is originally something like a plug-in.

As a decent player, Fang Mo is still very resistant to cheating. After all, in his opinion, playing games is for fun, so wouldn't cheating mean no fun at all?

Of course there are exceptions to everything...

If these Pikanzi monsters don't know how to flatter Fang Mo, then I don't mind cheating and torturing them.


He plays games to have fun, not to be tortured.

So even though he now has multiple dimensions, Fang Mo has decided that unless he really can't beat him, he won't cheat easily.

Of course, after all, Fang Mo was very happy to realize the main world.

After all, whether he wants to cheat and whether he can cheat are two different things. Fang Mo is in a good mood and of course he can not cheat, but he must retain the right to cheat. When he gets really unhappy, he can punch him and the whole world will be punished. I disappeared into smoke.

What's more, the status of this original dimension after it has been realized is extremely high.

Other dimensions can also be integrated.

Yes, it is the original dimension, not a separate main world dimension, because Fang Mo just tested it and found that the lower realm and the end seem to be able to integrate other dimensions.

Although the speed is slightly inferior to the main world.

But it’s also outrageous.

After realizing this, Fang Mo soon started to think wrongly again.

This time he set his sights on the Abyss Kingdom.

As mentioned before, the Kingdom of the Abyss consists of the Abyss Wasteland, the Land of Fear, Omuso, and the Dark Realm.

After Fang Mo thought for a moment.

The three dimensions were directly pulled out and merged with the lower realm.

So after a brief shock, the originally hot and desolate lower realm instantly turned into an endless abyss as terrifying as a nightmare.

Originally, the cave structure in the lower realm was not very large.

But after integrating the abyss dimension, some cave structures began to expand unprecedentedly.

Those hell rocks were gradually polluted and eroded by the abyss breath.

The interior of these caves has become extremely vast. Even if you stand inside and look up, you can only see some dense green mist, and you cannot see the top of the cave at all. It is as if this is a vast wilderness and not a cave.

The ground is covered with a thick layer of abyssal molten sand. Occasionally, you can see some lakes with bright blue plague flowing like substance. There are some huge stone chains hanging from the top of the cave.

This was originally the terrain of the Abyss Wasteland.

After the fusion of dimensions, new rules seem to have been born here.

Asola the Sleeper is the source of the Coral Plague. Wherever it passes, the land will turn into swamps, and the Coral Plague will spread.

But the dragon was eventually banished to hell forever.

But even so, the forbidden and blasphemous power of Asola the Sleeper still eroded the surroundings. The Coral Plague polluted the lower world, and eventually turned the surroundings into an abyss.

In the same way, the Land of Fear has also become a part of the lower world. The power of the abyss gradually spreads in the lower world, causing hell to condense a purple rock called Yuansu. And in the area with the most abundant Yuansu, the fear of beasts Chagalos was conceived.

At this point, the fear plague began to spread.

Wherever the plague went, everything was covered with a layer of putrid scarlet.

As for the final dark world, Fang Mo arranged it in the darkest place in the lower world, deep in the cave where even fluorite and lava cannot illuminate.

There are shadow realms that do not belong to the physical realm.

all in all.

This is the lower bound today.

If Fang Mo wants to make the main world a colorful paradise, then the lower world is its opposite.

Full of horror and malice.

An endless abyss independent of the main world.

As for Omuso, considering the nature of this world as an empty island, Fang Mo did not stuff it into the lower realm. Instead, he integrated it with the end. So far, this dimension has completely become a dimension that interprets the end. .

Everything here speaks of the end.

It seems to be implying that this is the edge of the rational world.

"Tsk, this feels really good."

After fusing several dimensions, Fang Mo couldn't help but sigh while observing the changes in the main world with his consciousness: "This is in line with the sandbox world in my heart. A world full of adventure and exploration elements is the way to go." !”

"If you can't remember the synthesis list, just say so."

Hearing this, the little demon next to him rolled his eyes: "Next time, don't start survival, instead start an adventure."

"It's okay, it's because of you." Fang Mo wasn't angry at all, and said with a smile: "I just think there are many modules that can directly add terrain to the main world, but they have to design an independent dimension. As a result, A batch of stuck..."

"That's true."

The little demon nodded when he heard this: "The main server can't even be brought up..."

"So MC is a really interesting game." Fang Mo spread his hands: "No matter how low the configuration is, it can be used, but no matter how high the configuration is, it can't be used..."

"That's it."

The little thing on the opposite side also sighed: "My chassis was tens of thousands of yuan in size back then... but I just added a few hundred large modules and it couldn't be carried anymore, especially the one that can reduce the height of the original building." The module was immediately stuck for me."

"Mod that removes the original building height?"

Fang Mo was a little curious when he heard this: "What is that?"

"I forgot the name. Anyway, it can lift the 256-block building limit. A mountain can be hundreds of blocks high on any terrain. It's quite real." The little demon said casually.

Yes, although MC is a free sandbox game, in fact, this game also has its own limitations. For example, the building height just mentioned. This game, whether it is terrain or man-made buildings, cannot exceed 256 blocks. This is the system default. According to the rules, the maximum height of this sandbox can only be this high. Otherwise, too many blocks are generated in each block and the system will easily freeze.


Fang Mo touched his chin thoughtfully: "Then let's go back and see if we can unlock this module."


The little demon responded when he heard the words, but he seemed a little absent-minded.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Seeing his partner's appearance, Fang Mo came to his senses: "I will give you the mechanical space you mentioned now."

Speaking of which.

Fang Mo also walked directly towards the other party.

There was no nonsense, Fang Mo raised his hand and pressed the opponent's head, dimensional authority was activated, and soon the main authority of the mechanical space was transferred to the opponent.


After obtaining dimension permissions.

The little demon here also quickly became sluggish.

After all, this was her first time controlling dimensions, and she was probably still very unskilled. She was probably digesting and understanding the corresponding information at the moment.

Take advantage of this time.

Fang Mo once again focused his consciousness on other dimensions.

After tasting the sweetness of dimensional fusion, he obviously felt a little enlightened. Now he is thinking about how to make the terrain of the main world richer.

After all, unlike MC games, after the main world is realized, it is a truly infinite land. This means that the more modules Fang Mo integrates into it, the richer the form of the main world will be and the more like a real world it will be. .

If there are no characteristics in the main world dimension.

Then I guess this is a boring world that keeps repeating the original terrain.

Fortunately, Fang Mo has more terrain blessings here, plus the twilight forest dimension that was previously integrated, as well as the special terrain of the Sakura module, the nuclear power craft module, and the abyss kingdom module...

You must know that just the module "More Terrain" adds dozens of different terrains to the main world, such as volcanic plains, fir forests, savannahs, lavender forests, fungus fields, cemeteries, meadows, mysterious forests, Tropical mountain cliffs... And after each type of terrain is realized, its scale is unprecedentedly huge.

And it is precisely because these modules are stacked and intertwined with each other.

This makes the world more real.

On this basis, Fang Mo quickly integrated the dimensions of the Land of Chaos.

The Land of Chaos is an ancient underground kingdom.

There are all kinds of huge and weird insects everywhere here. After the dimension of Chaos Land was merged and swallowed by the main world, huge caves soon appeared deep underground in the main world. And in these dark and cold underground In the world, an ecosystem dominated by giant insects was also born.

But just when Fang Mo was about to start integrating other dimensions.

But a portal suddenly appeared next to him.

Orange-red sparks flew everywhere, and not long after, Gu Yi, wearing a linen robe, walked out.


Fang Mo noticed Gu Yi immediately and greeted him cheerfully: "Hey, isn't this Teacher Dagu? Didn't you go make soup today?"

"...What the hell are you doing again?"

Gu Yi ignored Fang Mo's remarks and asked directly: "Your dimensions have undergone some changes. My power from the abyss dimensions seems to have been disconnected. They give me the feeling that they are being manipulated." Something more terrifying swallowed the same thing, do you have any idea about it?"

"Oh, I did it."

Fang Mo nodded and admitted: "Sorry, I forgot that you are also connected to those dimensions."

Yes, because Fang Mo allowed Gu Yi to use the Kama Taj spell, when she cast the spell before, she had always extracted the energy of the abyss dimension. However, now the abyss dimension has been swallowed by the lower world, and her source of power has also been cut off.

Think of this.

Fang Mo also raised his hand and pointed towards Gu.

The dimensional authority is activated, and the power of new dimensions pours into the opponent's body.


Feeling the familiar yet unfamiliar breath of the dimension, Gu Yi was slightly dazed, but soon she came back to her senses and asked directly: "So, the planet in the white dimension was also transferred by you. Already?"


Fang Mo nodded: "Is there any problem?"

"That dimension of yours..." Ancient One's expression was a little weird: "How did you get that dimension? It's so big that it can hold the entire multiverse."

"How did you get it?"

Fang Mo rolled his eyes: "That world was originally my world. I saw that it was too miserable for you to live in Yi Ge's little broken ball, so I moved you here."

"All right."

After hearing Fang Mo's explanation, Gu Yi did not ask any more questions, but turned to look around curiously: "Is this a new world? The natural atmosphere is very strong... Is this a magical world?"

"Welcome to the continent of Arad."

Fang Mo opened his hands and welcomed: "You have two camps to choose from, believe in Allah, or join Germany..."

"Goodbye, farewell, excuse me for disturbing you."

After hearing this, Gu Yi turned around and left, opened the portal, raised his legs and stepped in: "I came here this time just to confirm the change in dimensions. If nothing happens, I will go back..."

"You really don't want to stay a little longer?"

Fang Mo was in a good mood at the moment, and he said cheerfully: "How about I just give you a dimension? When we go back to Marvel next time, you can directly visit your good disciple as a dimension demon. Strange...isn’t it beautiful?”


Gu Yi's face was obviously a little dark: "Let them think I am dead."

"Oh, let's talk about it next time."

Fang Mo waved his hand. He didn't have any good work for the time being, so he let Gu Yi go for the time being and let her leave along the portal.

After seeing off Gu Yi here.

Fang Mo also turned to look at the little demon who was in a daze.

Recalling the time when the Shoggoths merged with the dark space and time, Fang Mo felt that his little partner would probably be down for a while. After all, not everyone is like him and can assimilate these dimensions in an instant.

That being the case.

It's no longer a problem to wait here all the time.

Thinking of this, Fang Mo directly patted the person next to him to summon the Jade Emperor: "Get up quickly."


Originally, the person who summoned the Jade Emperor was also in a daze. After all, she couldn't understand what the two of them were doing. As a result, Fang Mo suddenly slapped his head on the head. He immediately covered his forehead in pain and glared at the other person with some displeasure. One glance: "What are you doing!?"

"It's work."

As soon as Fang Mo raised his hand, the ceiling not far away collapsed instantly: "Hurry and kill the city lord and go back."

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