My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 21: Colored glaze jade skin cream

Unfinished building.

"The **** in the school, you let them follow you, don't let them fool around in the school anymore, the school is good, it makes the mist." Bai Yu dripped the soaking liquid of one of the medicinal materials into the pot.

"Why do you take them? It's horribly troublesome. When I think of me like them before, I feel like throwing coins." Du Ziqiang curled his lips.

Bai Yu was about to answer, but he heard Du Ziqiang say: "Brother Yu, wait a minute!"

Du Ziqiang ran far away, only to hear a "porch" sound. He fanned the air until the stench cleared, and then returned to the fire refreshed.

"Brother Yu, can this medicine be improved? I have lost my face in class in the past two days." Du Ziqiang asked cautiously, thinking of all the unbearable discomforts in the classroom, the students' expressions: surprised , Funny, painful, frightened, numb, these turning points made his face almost green: I can't help it! I can't control how many things I can remember!

"Let’s think about it, alas, it may take some time for the prescription to be adjusted; of course they will prevent them from coming to me! Didn’t you see? These bad guys are standing at the door of my class. Do you know everything?" Bai Yu said angrily.

"Hey, there are a few younger brothers behind, isn't that awesome?" Du Ziqiang sneered.

"Prestige? Prestige shit! What are we doing now? Do you know how big the profit is? How much does Fatty He sell?" Bai Yu sneered.

"We gave him 50,000...I heard that he poured out, it was 180,000, and the highest was someone who said: 300,000 to receive one, the number is not limited..." Du Ziqiang hesitated and said.

"So? Do you think we are not dazzling enough? You were already pushed to the front desk. It is normal for a few younger brothers to do things under your hands. As long as they can't find out the origin of the medicine, you are always safe. Exposed, guess what's our fate?"

"Understand Brother Yu." A cold sweat broke out on Du Ziqiang's forehead.

"Those guys..."

"Brother Yu, wait a minute!" Du Ziqiang's face changed color and quickly ran to a ventilated place.

"I can't stand it anymore, this prescription, let me think about it again, stop that medicine for two days!" Bai Yu said desperately.

"Brother Yu, there are still a lot of medicines! It's a pity not to take them! Those medicines cost more than 300,000 yuan!" Du Ziqiang said distressedly.

"... You can stand it, I can't stand it either!" Bai Yu felt a headache. What kind of magic operations were there this minute?

"Except farting, everything else is fine, Brother Yu, look!" Du Ziqiang picked up a brick and punched it severely. The brick was broken into two pieces, and the upper half flew out far away.

"Yes, it seems that you are still working hard." Bai Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"That is, I will practice quietly when I go home at night. Even in class, I will be simulating swings on Sundays... Everything is good except farts..." After speaking, Du Ziqiang's expression changed.

Bai Yu waved his hand, meaning to let him go.

Du Ziqiang turned around and continued: "He Chengyuan has been calling me these past two days and asked side by side, when can I trade the second batch of Zhengyang Luhua pills."

"Why? Hang him first. If we give him the medicine too quickly, it's hard to guarantee that he won't have any crooked thoughts."

"What are you afraid of, Brother Yu, I am not a vegetarian with my big fist!" Du Ziqiang raised his fist proudly.

"You're stupid! What if you beat him up? It's hard to guarantee that the person who finds the medicine will be more greedy. If he wants to make money, let him make some money. I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the government."

Du Ziqiang fell silent, silently watching Bai Yu deal with medicinal materials.

"Brother Yu, what kind of medicine is this this time?"

"Liuli jade skin ointment, for women, to rejuvenate, remove spots, and kill wrinkles." Bai Yu sprinkled the powder, smelling the rising gas, and replied while distinguishing the properties of the medicine.

"This thing... is not as valuable as Zhengyang Luhua pills?" Du Ziqiang hesitated.

"Zhengyang Luhua pills are of course valuable! The problem is that the thing is too bad, have you ever heard that impotence is also used to treat intractable old diseases?" Bai Yu sneered.

"Although this thing is not as expensive as Zhengyang Luhua pills can be sold, the question is how much high-end cosmetics can be sold for? I heard that Australia has skin care products customized according to customer DNA... The consumption threshold is 500,000 Australian dollars to qualify, ha ha , More than 2 million soft coins? I tell you, no matter what effect it is, I will hang him on eight streets!" Bai Yu said proudly.

"So powerful?" Du Ziqiang cheated.

He ran away quickly and came back more than ten seconds later.

"Brother Yu, can we sell this more expensive?" Du Ziqiang was full of excitement.

"Just dream! You sell so expensive as soon as you come, I'm afraid you will be scolded as a dog! But in the future, it is hard to say!

Du Ziqiang looked around the rudimentary pharmaceutical environment, looked at the bottom of the pot blackened by firewood, and set up a few bricks indiscriminately to build the stove. The PVC blow stick in his can it be inferior to the imagined technology. A full-feeling cosmetics customization laboratory, but with these simple equipment, can they produce products far beyond the world's first-class products? He couldn't imagine what kind of picture it was like.

"You tell He Chengyuan that Zhengyang Luhua Pills will only provide internal confession in the future. After all, it is too hateful. Ask him if we are interested in this skin care product now? Or is it the old rules and give him a bottle of trial. "Bai Yu began to fiddle with the crystal prism.

The moon dew condensed and dripped into the pot.

"I don't know if he wants to..." Du Ziqiang hesitated to answer.

"This is not for him. If necessary, you can show off your muscles. Besides, this colored glaze jade skin cream is also a big business."

"I mean, I'm afraid he can't help himself. After all, I heard that his business has been very large recently. It was all established by Zhengyang Luhua Wan. These relationships are to be maintained. It is estimated that his needs are still quite large."

"It depends on how he chooses. If we cut off his source, he will cry miserably!" Bai Yu carefully concocted the ointment slowly concentrated in the pot, and then dripped the essential oil of flowers, and a fresh fragrance rose, Bai Yu Give a soft drink: "It's done!"

The ointment in the pot has turned into a light goose yellow, Bai Yu scraped up the ointment and filled it in small bottles.

Watching Du Ziqiang beating his body day and night and tanning his skin, Bai Yu smoothly applied the remaining ointment on the spoon to Du Ziqiang's arm.

"Smell, is there any unpleasant smell?"

Du Ziqiang rubbed the ointment, raised his arm and smelled it, "It smells very comfortable, with a bit of medicinal fragrance, not pungent, quickly absorbed by the skin, and not greasy."

"This is a good thing. It will form a protective film on the skin cells. This protective film can prevent the cells from losing too much water and prevent ultraviolet rays from scorching the cells, so the melanin will be slowly absorbed. , The skin will naturally look white and tender, and it can repair cells and prolong cell lifespan, because when designing the prescription, I took into account the problem of protecting the capillaries in the skin, and it also has a good protective effect on the blood vessels, so I used this Well, the skin will show a faint pink color. In short, it just makes the complexion look good... He Chengyuan asks, you can blow it up with him, in short, you can’t blow this thing anymore. Of course, don’t be so stupid to talk to him. Said this cures all diseases." Bai Yu confessed.

"Brother Yu, don't worry, I won't be so slanderous. How much does our Liuli Jade Skin Ointment cost?" Du Ziqiang took a look. There were seven or eight bottles of medicine at a time. Earn less, right?

"Tell him, these bottles are at a friendly price of thirty thousand one bottle. After the rich ladies and rich ladies have used them, let's talk about the specific price."

"Okay! Then I will find him tomorrow night, what about Zhengyang Luhua Wan?"

"Tell him, you can get a few at the end of the month."

"He doesn't think it's enough..."

"He knows he chose, didn't he ask you to show off your muscles?"


When I got up the next morning, God Baiyu walked to the kitchen mysteriously and said to his mother who was preparing breakfast:

"Mom, I found you a good thing!"

"Boy, what are you looking for if you don't study well?"

"Mom, the son's filial piety, are you hitting me like that?"

"Okay, you are good, did you find something? Tell me."

"Dangdangdang! Look, this!"

"Oh! Come on? Where did you get this thing? Isn't it cheap?" Han Lin looked at Bai Yu suspiciously at the international brand printed on the red cover.

"I said, where did this thing come from? Don't learn it well!" Han Lin scowled.

"Mom, don't worry, it's not a crooked way, it's not vomiting inside! Come on! I got it from Mu Xiaopang. It is said that it was a recipe made by an old Taoist priest in Taoism and it is very good for the skin! How about... …Try it?"

"Mu Xiaopang? Are you at the same table? I have seen a child who is quite down to earth, forget it, my old lady, you let me paint this and there, I don't have such a thick face!" Han Mu Xiaolei's honest face appeared in Lin's mind.

"Who told me that you are an old woman, who am I anxious! Mom, you are only in your early forties, and you are in your forties. Dress up, who wouldn't say you are my sister! Besides, mom, you were beautiful when you were young. Now It's not too late to pick up the decorations. Look at Zhao Yazhi, how old is he? Isn't he young and beautiful when he is dressed up?"

"How can I compare with her, she is a big star!" Han Lin listened to her son's rainbow fart without money. She was moved and a little shy. When Bai Peixiang was alive, she didn't have these sweet words. When her son is older, she knows how to coax his mother. Up.

"You are a star in my heart, and no one can compare it! Mom, why don't we... let's... try?" Bai Yu tentatively asked.

"This...three no products, right? What should I do if my face is smeared? Your mother is always getting old, but this old face is still going to meet people!" Han Lin was a little tempted, despite her son's kindness.

"Mom, if we're afraid, let's paint our hands first. If there is something on our hands, we are not afraid, right?" Bai Yu urged.

"Then wipe your hands?" Han Lin hesitated.

"That's it! Mom, I'll take care of the meal. You wash your hands and smear this thing. Don't wash the dishes later. I will come back to wash at noon!" Bai Yu pushed her mother to the sink and guarded her hands. , And then watched her put Liuli Jade Skin Ointment on her hands.

"It' smells good, not greasy, and has a medicinal smell. I think it shouldn't hurt the skin, and it's refreshing." Han Lin raised her hand to the end of her nose and carefully distinguished the smell of the ointment.

"Of course, can a son harm mom?" Bai Yu said proudly.

"Don't look at the soup? Be careful to burn it!" Han Lin scolded with a smile, and lightly hit Bai Yu's arm. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 21 Liuli Jade Skin Cream), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "My Dreamland Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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