My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 55: Night Talk (two more)

Unfinished building.

"Brother Yu, it's troublesome. I told He Chengyuan that the cooperation could not continue. Someone asked me to put pressure on him. He told me that he couldn't do anything. Someone found him. How much we charge, he will continue. "Du Ziqiang said distressedly.

Bai Yu, who was preparing the medicine, stopped.

"How could this be? I didn't ask you."

"This is very difficult to handle. Fatty He has worked well with us, and he also follows the rules. It is really embarrassing to kick him out of the game like this."

Bai Yu stood up and paced back and forth with his right hand stroking his chin.

"There are always all kinds of accidents." Bai Yu is murderous, shouldn't these troubles be eliminated?

"Did he mention which family it is?"


"I think of a way."

Bai Yu took out the phone.

"it's me."

"Sorry to disturb you so late."

"It's okay, I don't usually sleep so late."

"Someone is from Kyoto, and we will keep He Chengyuan from going out. Let's make a price. Can you find out who it is?"

"..." After a long silence, Hua Wu finally replied.

"Who would do this, but who else would be Xu Ya?"

"How to deal with it?" Bai Yu was in a bad mood.

"I'll talk to him."

"Do you know what his purpose is for doing this?"

"Break my marriage contract with him. If I become less important in the Hua family, this marriage contract will not be so valuable... In this case, even if it is married, it is just a look." Hua Wu gritted his teeth. .

"Then you can't talk about anything with him, it will only make this matter more complicated."

"I can handle it!"

"If you don't handle it well, you can't do it anymore. Stop these two drugs. If you want to be recognized in the Huajia, the weight-loss drugs will be a plus.

"We don't have to be afraid of him!"

"I still have family, unless..."

Hearing Bai Yu's stern tone, Hua Wu was a little panicked.

"Don't do stupid things, where are you? Meet me and talk about it."


"Then you come to me!"

"Give me the address, it will take me about an hour and a half to get to you."

Bai Yu hung up the phone.

"It feels really bad to be restrained, or we are too weak and small." Bai Yu's eyes were full of murderous aura, Du Ziqiang shivered beside him, how did he know that the boss he recognized was not an ordinary middle school student. In the last dream, in addition to fighting war machines, he also handled the task of dealing with internal rapes within human beings. He was even more accustomed to and broken legs and limbs on the battlefield. At this time, because of the trouble caused by the two drugs , Making him a little impatient.

Du Ziqiang said: "Then what shall we do now?"

"I do my best to make weight-loss pills, cut off the Luhua pills and jade skin ointment, and cut down the tree, will there be old ravens? Just so, lest Hua San will pester you."

Next, Bai Yu stopped talking and devoted himself to the production of the fat-reducing pills.

Blending, boiling, drenching, forming cakes, and cutting.

All processes are already well-known.

Bai Yu packed the pills and said to Du Ziqiang: "If someone troubles you because of the medicine, let them come to me."

Du Ziqiang said in surprise: "Brother Yu, doesn't this expose you?"

"We think things are too simple. People with a heart can always find clues. It doesn't make much sense to let you get ahead. You should hurry up and improve your cultivation. We are too weak now."


Bai Yu looked at the gate of Linjiang Garden. Late at night, there were still security personnel standing straight on the post platform.

Bai Yu walked over.

"Ms. Hua from No. 8 on the 21st floor of Building 6, made an appointment with me."

Anbao saluted him and looked him up and down: "Please ask Ms. Hua to call us."

Bai Yu dialed the phone.

After a while, Huawu communicated with the property and Bai Yu registered the information. When everything was completed, the security guard had parked the viewing car at the door.

Bai Yu sat in the viewing car silently, looking at the scenery in Jiangjingyuan.

"Sir, building No. 6 is here." The security guard of the company jumped out of the viewing car, opened the door, and handed him the card.

"Please swipe your card after you enter the elevator."

Bai Yu nodded and took the card.

Security drove the viewing car back.

"Old Liu, what do you think this person is here for?"

"This is none of our business, you better manage your own mouth."

"It's just a pity that Ms. Hua actually..."

"To shut up."

"Well, who told you to be the boss."

Naturally, Bai Yu would not know the security dialogue.

Press the elevator, swipe the card, and automatically select the floor, the 21st floor.

"The biggest pursuit of a person in this life is probably to find a way to make oneself lazy, right?" Bai Yu murmured.

The elevator door opened and Hua Wu stood at the door.

She washed off her delicate outfit, wearing a pink sweater, pajama pants underneath, and a plush slippers of a big-eared bunny, her hair had returned to a smooth and supple black.

Bai Yu looked at her for a moment, and remained silent, Hua Wu yawned, covering her mouth with her hand, and her star eyes suddenly became watery.

"Let's go!"

The soles of the feet are covered with carpets, soft and elastic, as if stepping on the clouds.

The two entered the room. The living room was very large, with rockery and streams.

"What to drink?" Hua Wu opened the wine cabinet.

"No, leave after finishing talking." Bai Yu shook his head.

"Cut, you're stingy, are you afraid that I might eat you? Little boy, I'm hungry and thirsty to this level?" Hua Wu rolled his eyes to Bai Yu.

"I practice boy skills."

"Just blow it."

"Then have a glass of boiled water."

Hua Wu took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and placed it in front of Bai Yu.

"I will just drink it, I don't want to boil water."

"Thank you."

"What are you going to do? I tell you, don't want to mess around."

"I can do it without a trace."

"Oh, do you think it's important for people like us to have evidence? If something happens to Xu Ya, they think you did it, no evidence is needed." Hua Wu sighed.

"There is only one way. I will not do these two medicines anymore."

"For the two medicines you provided, some people tried to crack them, but they did not succeed in introducing the prescription. Liuli Jade Skin Ointment is okay, not particularly important, but Zhengyang Luhua Pills are terrible." Hua Wu sighed again. With a sigh of relief, she felt that ever since she met Bai Yu, why did she always feel so powerless?

"What else?" Bai Yu said strangely.

"Of course, without that effect, Zhengyang Luhua Wan already has the qualifications for strategic materials, so I will be so sure to get it, otherwise the third child will not rush over to negotiate with Du Ziqiang."

"Should... it's not that serious, right?" Bai Yu hesitated for a moment.

"This medicine came too suddenly,...I didn't receive a few pills, but just these few made the people in the health center almost crazy. You have to know that there are many old adults."


"Understood, this medicine originally has the effect of regulating and replenishing internal organs. These old people, old and weak, and internal organs are exhausted, this medicine is indeed useful for them." Bai Yu suddenly realized.

"If it's just like this, it's nothing. In Ouchi, it's not too difficult to get some medicines that are good for the body. What is the most important thing? You may not think of it." Hua Wu shook the goblet. Smell the aroma of the wine.

"Can't guess."

"You know, when we are training, we must consider the human body's endurance. If it exceeds it, it may be used to train people. There is often a spy agency called the Dragon Group in online novels. Don't you know?"

"We also have a dragon team?"

"Of course it’s not called Dragon Team. The government won’t use the name of this second grade. I can’t tell you the specific name. In short, there is such an organization. They found that taking Zhengyang Luhua Pills after super-extreme training can cause excessive Problems such as visceral failure caused by training... are no longer a problem."

"Do you still find the most suitable usage for you?" Bai Yu said with a smile.

"No? Whether it's technology or medicine, the first application must be the sword of the country." Hua Wu took a sip of red wine, let the wine slowly infiltrate the tip of the tongue and the side of the tongue, and finally slid to the base of the tongue.

"Although there are the consequences of yang hyperactivity, it is not unacceptable, because speaking, it is controllable." Hua Wu's face slowly showed a slight blush, which looked gorgeous and unreasonable.

Bai Yu frowned and said, "Yin and Yang can't make peace, and these people are not afraid that the meridians will be hurt by the sun?"

"That is the last step. In short, with this kind of fighting training and medication maintenance, their strength improvement speed is very terrible."

"If I tell you that you can adjust the prescription, remove some unnecessary effects, and only retain the medicinal properties of replenishing the internal organs and strengthening the body, what can you achieve?"

"Are you kidding me? You can get a prescription to scare me at any time?" Hua Wu sneered while lying slantingly on the sofa.

"It's no good for me to cheat you." Bai Yu spread his hands.

"If the cost remains high, although it is considered effective, it will not have a finalized effect. What they want to pursue is mass production."

"Mass production is impossible. This kind of magical medicine will need to add some very rare things. Since it is rare, how can it be mass produced?"

"I knew there was nothing so good..." Hua Wu put the wine glass back on the coffee table, regretting.

"If you have the right equipment, you can increase some output, but you still can't mass produce."

"It's not bad if you have it. Taking it for a long time will create a few soldiers. It's not a problem at all."

"Understood, I finally heard something that made me happier."

"There is still unhappy news, Hua San, Xu Ya, they are very troublesome, how are you going to solve it?"

"Hua San, since you, the cargo owner, have already communicated with me, I don’t believe that he dare to sabotage for the sake of destruction. He is not so stupid. Xu Ya doesn’t have to worry. This is no longer a business, but a national issue, so He didn't have the guts to reach out."

"So, in fact, what do you mean is that I am worrying about the world?" Bai Yu said with a smile.

"Am I safe now?"

"Yes, I believe that the news that you came to me in the middle of the night will be placed on the desk of some big bosses who care about this early in the morning."


"Don't look at me with that cute look, so if Xu Ya thinks I put a green hat on him, our marriage contract may be cancelled."

"I always feel that no matter how I guard you, you can always squeeze benefits from me."

"Are you driving?"


"Well, it's too late, I, I will go back now!" Bai Yu fled. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 55 Night Talk (two more)) reading history , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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