My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 91: those years

"General, the fallen helicopter, the data has been exported." The technical soldier saluted Stanney.

"Very good, what about the random video?"

"General, please see."

The video has been cropped and started when the chief was locked.

The chief shook off the person he was holding his head, and a young man appeared, and he cut out a ray of light.

"Oh! God, is he a Jedi soldier?" the technical soldier murmured.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom appeared, and was absorbed by the young man.

"I take back what I just said, he must be a wizard..."

Then came the warning sound of the helicopter members and warning shots from the horn.

The young man waved his sword, a crescent-like light waved out, and the video shook violently, following the sky and the earth, a few seconds later, the fire was blazing, and the picture went black.

Stanney repeated it several times.

"Can you see his face clearly?"

Stanney has lost interest in the chief, and he can get specific information about this person, which is better than ten chiefs!

After the chief was unconscious, they were taken back.

But the chief's condition is extremely poor, he feels like he is twenty years old, his muscles have shrunk to varying degrees, and his hair has become gray.

The technician zoomed in on the picture, and on the still picture, Bai Yu's upper body could be displayed on the screen, but the shooting distance was too far, and the enlarged face seemed to be blurred, and it was impossible to see it clearly.

"Is there a way to deal with it?" Stanney frowned as he looked at the vague figure.

"Yes, there are, but it's not necessarily accurate, and it's time-consuming." The technical soldier replied.

"Okay, as long as I have results, how much time do you need?" Stanney was somewhat satisfied when he heard that he could handle it.

"It takes about twenty-four to thirty-six hours..." the technical soldier replied after thinking about it.

"General, the people in the fourth formation are back."

"Did you find it?"

"They are lost."

As expected, Stanney still couldn't help being a little angry. These wastes were raised by the imperial taxpayers in vain!

Who is the young man who suddenly appeared?

The only certainty is that this person must be of Xia descent!

"Let the people from the Immigration Bureau check how many people of summer descent have come to Brisbane in the past two months."

"General, we can't appoint Da Li's immigration office..."

"This has threatened the national security of the White Eagle!" Stanney sneered.

This is the usual practice of the White Eagle. No matter what, as long as it threatens the national security of the White Eagle, there will be no disadvantage.

"Okay, our military base in the country will put pressure on the country."

"Very well, the White Eagle Nation shoulders the responsibility to ensure that the world does not cause major turbulence. Any powerful force must be filed with the White Eagle Nation and the White Eagle Nation must be notified of the use of these unconventional forces at any time, especially this one. Human! I suspect that he is Xia Guo's secret genetic force! Once verified, Xia Guo must destroy these genetic forces! Submit research and development materials!" Stanney said coldly.

"Xia is very difficult to deal with such things through diplomatic channels," the adjutant replied.

"Diplomatic channels can't work, there are political channels. Political channels can't work. We can also make them realize their mistakes through various sanctions; if we treat each other with courtesy, they will never repent, and the soldiers of the White Eagle Nation will let them know the truth. Within the range of the cannon!"


A deserted farm on the outskirts of Brisbane.

Bai Yu cleared the farm house.

Luqiu Hanyan stared at him with big eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Bai Yu was bored for a long time before finally suffocating a sentence.

"Yeah." Lu Qiuhan lowered his head and responded in a low voice.

"You... do you still have pain in the wound?" Bai Yu felt a little worried when she heard that she was very lacking in energy.

"Somewhat bloated."

"It should not be infected, let me see."

"Do not."

"Uh, well, I'll get some food."

"You won't leave me behind, will you?"

"Snivel girl, I won't leave you behind."

"I'm not a nasal girl anymore, I choked badly in the water that day." Lu Qiu Hanyan argued.

"Then what do I call you?" Bai Yu asked.

"You used to call me the monitor." Lu Qiu Hanyan replied in a low voice.

"What squad leader, why can't I remember?" Bai Yu beat his head in distress.

"You still didn't think of it?" Qiu Hanyan's voice was a little disappointed.

"I really forgot something? I really can't remember." Bai Yu's eyes were confused, but he knew that what she said must be true. The question is why he can't remember it?

"Forget it, I don't want to, I'll go get some food first."

Bai Yu walked out, and after a while, brought two rabbits back.

"Tutu is so cute...How can I eat without chili?" Lu Qiu Hanyan regretted.

"Bake it, but there are no spices, it will have a grassy smell."

Seeing Bai Yu coming back again, carrying the skinned and decapitated rabbit, Lu Qiu Hanyan said:

"That year, my dad was promoted from teaching to Shaoqing, and he was finally regarded as the first person in Jindu's education. He went to Dasheng Township to inspect the local private school, hoping to solve the problem of the source of teachers and the low salary."

As Bai Yu listened, he chopped off the shabby chair in the room and started a fire.

"He's been away for half a month. It's just a summer vacation, and he's going to be in the second grade. Mom took me to visit him in Dasheng Township."

Bai Yu probably remembered that his father took him to live a rural life in Dasheng Township. By coincidence, he rescued the snot-clearing girl, but what happened afterwards was not impressed.

“I’ve never been to the countryside. I’ve seen chickens and ducks. I’m surprised when I see sheep. I also like sheep. Later, when I see cows, I think the eyes of the cows are big and beautiful. Annoy the cow?"

Bai Yu also remembered, she seemed to really wear red clothes back then.

"The cow came to chase me. Mom followed me crying and told me to run. I was so scared that I didn't know the north, south, east, and west. I ran all the way and fell into the river."

It was embarrassing later.

"I ran all the way and was forced into the river by the bull. The river was not in a hurry, but I, a little girl in the city, would bubble in the swimming pool at most, but I would not be able to cross the river if I fell in. Knowing how far I rushed, I met you at a Huiwan."

Bai Yu sighed. How could a half-old wild boy like him have any scruples in entering the water? Naturally, it was a little skin monkey that was stripped naked. He was suddenly hugged under the water at that time. He was almost scared to pee...Uh, he couldn't remember whether he was scared to pee or not. In short, he was very scared.

Fortunately, he was good at water, and worked hard to break free, only to realize that the girl who was holding him before was a beautiful young lady who looked a little older than him. In fact, Lu Qiu Hanyan was a month younger than Bai Yu, but when she was a young girl, girls of the same age looked at him. Will be older than the boy.

When he released his hand, the two of them had been washed away again. He tried his best to drag Lu Qiu Hanyan to the bank of the river. Of course, there was no such thing as artificial respiration. He was exposed to the sun for a while and lay on a stone. Lu Qiu Hanyan, who was spitting water, became sober. Bai Yu had no clothes to wear. She was embarrassed to be naked in front of a young lady, hiding in the water, until the two adults rushed to find it along the river bank.

At this time, I saw two little ghost heads, one on the shore and the other soaking in the water. The face in the water was white with blue lips and a long scratch on the brow. It turned out that Lu Qiu Hanyan was struggling, and the little girl had sharp nails and scratched it. A big wound was soaked white.

"Later, my mother didn’t speak very nicely. It seemed to offend your dad. It was not very pleasant. Although my dad tried to make up for it, the effect was not very good. He went back and had a fight with my mother. I'm afraid that your family knows that my dad is an official, and will mistake my dad."

"These are the events of those years, let me talk about the later things, do you believe me?" Lu Qiu Hanyan said softly, this time, how similar is it to last time? When he was desperate, it was this dead enemy who appeared in front of him again.

"I also want to know what happened. I always feel that what you said is true, but there is nothing about you in my memory."

"Later, I always wanted to find you, but I couldn't find it. I am a primary school student, how can I find someone?"

"On one occasion, the Jindu Youth Art Troupe I participated in reported performances in various schools. When I was in Wangqiao Primary School, I saw you."

"Wangqiao Elementary School!? I fainted. When I was in the fifth grade, this happened. It happened to be Children's Day? I remember all the children's faces were rubbed like monkey buttocks, so you can recognize them too! "

"It was a bit unsure at first, but later I was sure." Lu Qiu Hanyan stretched out her hand and gently stroked the scar on Bai Yu's eyebrow, but then quickly retracted like a scalded hand.

"Then I find you, I don’t worry anymore. In fact, even without this injury, I can almost recognize you. I’m afraid I will forget what you are. I often want to think about what you are like and remember the memories of that time. I drew it, but the phone was confiscated, so I can’t show you what I drew."

"Later I tried to find a way to inquire about your situation, only to know that your father passed away, and my aunt took you and my little sister to live a life. The life is very bad. I want to help you, but I don't know how to help you. After making a lot of noise, I finally went to the same junior high school as you and went to the same high school with you."

"Class...Squad leader!" Bai Yu's face turned pale and fell to the ground with a bang. Those memories that happened to be scattered by the Purple Night Tribulation Lightning and related to Lu Qiu Hanyan began to gather at her prompt!

Bai Yu only felt that his mind was so full that it was about to explode. Pieces of shattered memories flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, and everything belonged to him and Lu Qiu Hanyan.

Lu Qiuhan stubbornly collected homework and supervised the study.

Lu Qiu Hanyan helped him teach the bad boys when he was bullied by his classmates.

Lu Qiu Hanyan knew that he didn't have breakfast, so she secretly gave him food, but he refused coldly and left with a red nose.

Lu Qiu Hanyan learned that he hadn't done his homework and gave him his homework to copy, looking worried.

Someone joked that Lu Qiu Hanyan was very good to him. He nonchalantly said that he was just a friend. At this time, he understood Lu Qiu Hanyan's gaze.

After a long time, he came back to his senses leisurely, but he felt that he was leaning on Luqiu's lap, and he smelled the sweat mixed with blood on the girl's body, and she was singing some song gently.

"I remember." Bai Yu sighed.

"Well, just think of it, do you know? After transferring to another school, I really want you to contact me, but you don’t, I think, maybe you don’t have the money to buy a mobile phone, and you don’t want to spend money to go to the Internet cafe, so you can’t contact me. I; later on, I couldn’t help it anymore, I just wanted to walk around your home. I didn’t know that I met you and another girl. I was very angry and aggrieved. I wanted to go over and ask you why, but I just happened to hear her. I told you to let you sleep with her, I was desperate at the time: how could this be?"

Luqiu Hanyan's voice was very flat, but Bai Yu knew that she must have been heartbroken at the time. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (in those years in Chapter 91) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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