My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 95: Tunnel illusion

"Fu...Fu is gone!" Ke Yuanyuan trembled.

Bai Yu held the hilt in his hand, "Hey..." In the slight friction sound, the long sword revealed a small cutting edge.


The long sword cried for joy.

Cheng Xiaoyun and Ke Yuanyuan didn't understand at this time, this sword was not a 300-odd craft sword bought on Taobao at all, this young man was obviously an expert!

The long sword was finally out of its sheath, and Bai Yu flicked on the spine of the sword.


The sound of the sword sounded clear, spreading around like a wave, suppressing the sound of the train rubbing against the railroad tracks.

Bai Yu's finger touched the blade, blood oozing from the finger: "Don't move!"

He first touched the little girl's heart and shoulders.

"This...what is this?" the young woman asked with a trembling voice.

"Helping her life is strong, there are no taboos."

"Little brother, I...may I have some too?" Cheng Xiaoyun asked carefully.

"You are adults, you don't need me to add fire to you, follow me, don't get lost, I don't know if you are lucky or bad, now the anger is boiling, those who are blocked... can't stop it. "Bai Yu sighed. It's really troublesome. If you want to find a quiet place to build a foundation, you have to encounter this kind of thing.

"Then, then we, aren't we dead?" Ke Yuanyuan cried.

"Don't use the word "men", if you are not lucky, I can't protect you, you are dead, I can run away." Bai Yu replied after thinking for a moment.

"Little brother, don't be so honest, okay? I'm scared to death!" Cheng Xiaoyun couldn't laugh or cry.

"Follow me, if you don't surprise me, you will soon enter the ghost world, this old monk, don't know the more he suppresses, the greater the rebound? Enter the ghost world, remember, whoever wants you to talk to, don't talk. !" Bai Yu warned.

"It's okay if you don't talk to each other?" The young woman panicked.

"If you don’t talk to each other, you will be fine if you are lucky. Keep up. When you get to the front of the car, you must cut the gap between the ghost world and the human world. Otherwise, this car will drive all the way to the underworld. By then, there may be some besides me. Chance..." Bai Yu stopped talking.

Everyone looked up. Car 9... This means that you have to pass through 8 cars to reach the locomotive position.

"Are you ready? Just now our intercepted carriage, because of my charms and swords, has not been infiltrated by the ghost world, and entered the 8th...It is another appearance, no matter what you see, you are not allowed to make a sound! Did you hear it? "Bai Yu said sharply.

"Yes... I do!" The three adults replied in a low voice.

"Mom, I'm afraid!" the little girl answered timidly.

"Little sister, it's okay, you have my Zhiyang effort to protect the three fires, and even if there is anything, I won't find you first." Bai Yu comforted.

The three of them rolled their eyes at the same time. Will it be useful if you persuade you like this?

"Big sister hold her, let her close her eyes and don't look." Bai Yu opened the door to carriage 8 and stepped in.

The three of them hurriedly followed, and a flower in front of them unexpectedly entered a mine-like construction site.

Workers coming and going, in ragged clothes or bare-ups put the stone into the bucket, some workers were stabbed by sharp stubble at their feet, but still did not dare to stop, leaving a string of blood on the ground Footprints.

A distance of three to five meters, there are soldiers from the Chinese soldiers who are dressed and guarded. They are either holding whips or rifles with bayonet in their hands.

A worker was holding a stone and suddenly fell to the ground. The others silently bypassed him and continued their work as if they hadn't seen it.

"Plap!" With a whip sound, a guard slapped the worker's back with a whip, but he did not respond, only a new whip mark on his back, slowly oozing a small amount of blood.

Another guard came over: "Get up!"


"Get away."

He stabbed the gun downwards, stabbing a bayonet at the waist of the worker who fell on the ground, and still had no response.

"You! You! Get him away!" He sent two workers with his fingers, and the two workers carried him back.

Cheng Xiaoyun and the three dared not speak out, and followed Bai Yu, who walked and stopped, seemingly afraid of bumping into the workers who came and went.

Along the way, I could see those intercostal ribs clearly identifiable, with a dull expression on his face, and the ashen-hearted Xia Guo laborers being abused by the soldiers of the country. Cheng Xiaoyun and the young woman were much more emotional, and tears were already in their eyes.

"Get aside!" Bai Yu suddenly warned in a low voice, and pressed against the tunnel wall.

"Rumble!" There was a loud noise.

As if the whole mountain was shaking, Cheng Xiaoyun and the three of them almost fell to the ground.

"Hey..." With a few sounds, the electric light on the mountain wall went out, only the torch was still burning, and the whole tunnel looked darker. The workers and soldiers all got up and their faces were confused.

From a distance, gunfire came.

Bai Yu said with a solemn face: "This is the last moment of the year. It should be the collapse of the cave entrance crazy with the Chinese people. The oxygen in the tunnel did not run out for a while. The crazy and the Chinese were killed."

"Why are we here? Did we pass through? If we were sealed here, would we die from lack of oxygen?" Ke Yuanyuan rattled his teeth.

"This is an illusion, but if you really believe that you are sealed in here, your body will believe that you are really hypoxic. At that time, if you are lucky, we did not enter the underworld, and your body was found by someone. The report must have died from asphyxiation and hypoxia." Bai Yu glanced at Ke Yuanyuan and said.

"What do we do now?" Cheng Xiaoyun asked.

"To the end of this illusion, it is 3.22 kilometers away, where is the boundary of this illusion, break it and go out."

"Break it out, will we be saved?"

"Nothing so good, there is only the boundary of the illusion, broken, we can continue to the locomotive position."

"Take it." Bai Yu took out four folded talisman papers.

"what is this?"

"Hide your yang energy, lest you be smelled by them."

All the laborers and soldiers rushed towards the exit, and the whole tunnel became deserted and deserted. In the farther place, only a few torches were still faintly seen, and the four continued to set off.

Cheng Xiaoyun took out her phone and checked the time: "Why... it's three o'clock? Have we been in for so long?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Don't take time in the fantasy world and the ghost world."

The tunnel was gloomy, and from time to time I heard the water seeping from the mountain wall falling into the ground surface liquid, making a long and clear sound.

Suddenly, a flower appeared in front of the four of them.

Bai Yu stopped and reached out to stop everyone.

"Who killed An Kenjiro?"

Forty or fifty workers were tied back and stood together in a string.

"Don't say so? Do you think that the law does not blame the public? We can't do anything with you?"

"Taijun! It's Gui Sanwa, Lei Fugui and the others, it's them, it has nothing to do with us! Taijun, it has nothing to do with us!" Suddenly, a skinny middle-aged man in the crowd shouted, his expression panicked. These widows will really kill people without asking them indiscriminately! Everyone who was **** turned their angry eyes at him. He struggled to get out of the crowd, but after being tied together, how could he get out?

"Well, no one admits it, right?" The interrogator Heguo's officer poached his ears and replied smoothly.

"I admit it! I admit it, Taijun!" The man flushed with anxiety.

The Heguo officer waved his hand, and the two machine guns that had already been prepared burst into flames. Chinese workers fell to the ground one after another, and the gunshots shook back and forth in the tunnel, making the eardrums itchy.

"If you don't report it immediately after the incident, you still want to live? Drag these corpses to every worker to let them know the fate of destroying co-prosperity, destroying construction, and killing imperial soldiers!" Heguo officer grinned.

Cheng Xiaoyun and the young woman both covered their mouths and turned their faces to one side. Although they knew that this was an illusion after hearing what Bai Yu said, these people are like real people. Seeing them being killed and growing up in a peaceful society, where will you see them again? Ever such a cruel thing?

On the other hand, Ke Yuanyuan's eyes flushed, his hands clasped, his finger bones creaked.

Blood was flowing, and the soldiers of He Guo began to inspect the slain Xia Guo laborer, and when he saw that he was still breathing, he stabbed him with a bayonet.

"Tell them to dispose of the corpse later." The Heguo officer said lightly and turned away.

Bai Yu watched the people walk almost the same, the workers continued the construction indifferently despite the blood on the ground, his face was indifferent, he sighed, and said in a weak voice: "Let's go."

Under his leadership, everyone continued to move forward.

After a few more illusions, finally came to the end of the illusion.

"Boom!" A blast sounded.

What Bai Yu and others saw were a few people who had buried explosives. The explosives exploded in advance. They hadn't retreated to a safe distance. A large number of rubbles flew up. Several people were hit. They fell before they even screamed. On the ground. A large number of stones fell from the top of the tunnel, and in a moment, these laborers were buried in the gravel.

The workers hiding in the distance rushed to shout, trying to pick them out of the gravel.

Bai Yu said with a green face: "Next, I want to break the illusion. The talisman given to you can hold on for a while, break the illusion, and we will succeed for a fraction of the time. If anyone did not hold on before this, I would not be able to save you. ."

To reach this point in peace, the three of them didn't know that they were relying on Bai Yu, and why they would have unreasonable requests, they all nodded in response.

"You don't have to worry about us. If you survive, God will reward us with a life. If you don't survive, that's fate. You can break the illusion!" the three said.

At this time, Bai Yu has connected the five veins, but because the foundation has not yet been built, the five elements' true qi cannot form, circulate, and become one, forming a true essence. The combat power is far less than that after the foundation is built, although he is already a top master in the ordinary. , But the obsessional illusion formed by this kind of resentment can still only be used to break through the stupid way, but the force required to break the illusion is huge, even with the power of the white feather, It’s been a long time, and when it’s done, the blood is boiling, those resentful spirits are naturally not close to his body, but the three of them are very dangerous in the process, and Bai Yu has nothing to do with this, only to see if the three of them are not. Fate is too big, the little girl has the painstaking effort of his Zhiyang boy. Under her own three fire moxibustion, it is connected with his blood and blood. Naturally, he is okay, and the little girl is okay.

Someone asked, why don't Mao give the other three people a lot of hard work?

Hard work, do you think it was chicken blood or duck blood bought at the vegetable market? If Bai Yu pays attention to these three people again, it consumes too much, just wait to fold in this illusion together. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 95 Tunnel Fantasy) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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