My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 97: Out of bounds

The driver, deputy, and assistant were sitting in a coma while the assistant fell into a coma. This was not the reason for everyone's surprise.

What makes them feel incredible is that the scene in front of the locomotive is not what they imagined. The railroad tracks quickly fall under the locomotive, and the walls on both sides are retreating rapidly...

The scene in front of us is colorful glare in front. A railroad track stretches forward in mid-air, and finally disappears in the opening of a black hole. The colorful glare is like a recovery capsule landed in outer space, and the high-temperature fire light rubbed in the atmosphere, It seems that the locomotive rubbed violently with the air here, creating such a wonder.

"Really...good-looking." Cheng Xiaoyun let go of her covered mouth and muttered.

"This should be the place where the yang enters the underworld, the wandering soul world, where there is a virtual reality, there exists between yin and yang, the living is here, if they move forward, they die, and when they retreat, they live. This colorful glare, should It was inspired by the yin force to consume the yang force on the train." Bai Yu said as he looked at the scene in front of him carefully.

"We are on this train, how can there be a chance to retreat?" Ke Yuanyuan smiled bitterly.

"Yes, if it's just you, you don't have any chance, you can only follow the train into the underworld and become a living dead as a stranger." Bai Yu nodded.

In this ghost world, the railroad tracks are floating in the air. They are not up to the sky or down to the ground. They look much more dangerous than the roller coaster. The roller coaster can at least see the earth. From the front porthole, you can see that the train is empty in all directions, under the rails. It is even more eye-catching, without the appearance of a half-day boundary.

In the distance, apart from the black hole where the railroad tracks are located, there are countless black holes densely distributed throughout the space. From time to time, luminous bodies flicker, just like stars in space.

"Those are wandering souls. The train turns from yang to Yin, and from reality to virtual. As long as it is inside the train, before the whole train turns into femininity, they can't threaten you." Bai Yu began to act, and he turned the train into The driver moved out of his chair.

"What are you going to do? What can we do?" the young woman said anxiously.

Bai Yu turned his head and smiled: "You guys, try to survive! If you don't succeed, it depends on how I can cut this ghost world."

Cheng Xiaoyun and the young woman were dazzled by Bai Yu's smile. They only felt that this boy was so handsome, and they blushed.

The White Feather Rabbit flew and fell, opened the door, with extreme agility, and in a blink of an eye, he climbed onto the roof and slid along the porthole to the front nose of the car.

I saw that under the friction of Yin Qi, Bai Yu also burst out with colorful rays of light, just like a person in a fairy!

But he didn't realize it, and sat down cross-legged. Although the nose of the car in front was a steep landslide, he didn't know how Bai Yu sat so stable.

The four of them only felt that amidst the sound of hunting and hunting, there was a vague sound of chanting scriptures, but it was Bai Yu who was adjusting his mood and preparing to issue his strongest blow.

But what he was chanting was the classics of the world where Tianmengong was in the dreamland. The pronunciation of the words was not understood by any of the four in the car.

A wandering soul with no eyesight followed the train, and seemed to feel that this insect-like thing was full of yang, especially the locomotive position, where there was a stranger! It whirled around Bai Yu for a long time, and everyone did not dare to make a sound. Cheng Xiaoyun was even more anxious and his face turned pale. The wandering soul was vaguely human, but it had a huge feather-like band of light. If it weren't for Bai Yu, it was already said. In the soul world, everyone will believe that it is an angel.

But the angel suddenly opened his mouth, revealing shining white teeth, and took a bite towards Bai Yu. Seeing the extent of its upper and lower jaws, he could swallow Bai Yu into his mouth with just one bite!

"Be careful!"



All kinds of screams sounded, and everyone in the train couldn't help but scream.

Under the erosion of the extreme Yin Qi, they finally saw that at the last moment, Bai Yu, a red blood like a wolf smoke, rose into the sky, the wandering soul screamed, was washed away, and could no longer maintain peace. The synchronized speed of the train was far behind.

The crowd screamed for a while, and when they saw that Bai Yu was safe and sound, they were relieved, but at this time, the two big women and the little girl were already pale, and Ke Yuanyuan was also afraid. Bai Yu was already their last support. What happened to Bai Yu, he could guess with his feet, and they just waited to die, as for escaping from the train? The void that can't reach the world or the ground falls in it. Thinking about it, you will know that it is not a good place to go.

The sound of the unknown scriptures grew louder and louder, and even resonated with everyone. They only felt that no matter how difficult things are in the world, all peace and joy, only in the heart, the originally worried and fearful mood slowly calmed down. Come down.

At this moment, Bai Yu stood up, the long sword raised his chest flat, and suddenly "poof!" A mouthful of blood sprayed on the sword body, and the other blood mist caused a burning effect in the void, and Everyone smelled a peculiar smell at the tip of their noses, and they just wanted to cheer.

Bai Yu is about to build a foundation. The muscles and bones of his body are already the ultimate that a mortal body can achieve. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a perfect body. There is no genetic limitation here, even if he does not build a foundation. He can reach the limit of human life span of 150 years. After the foundation is built, he will basically get rid of the mortal womb and formally become a monk. At this time, he is like a precious medicine. When ordinary people smell his blood, they don’t feel the fragrance. Strangely, that is the craving of weak genes for powerful genes, not everyone's weird hobby of bloodthirsty.

After the long sword was stained with his blood, sparks arose in the void, and in the end it turned out to be like a torch burning as a whole, Bai Yu holding the sword with both hands, as if lifting a huge weight, every inch of it is extremely difficult. , Finally, finally raised the long sword to the top of his head.

"I...cut!!!" Bai Yu finally drew a sword into the void in front of him.

The original empty front suddenly turned into a tough and astringent rubber. Bai Yu only felt that the sword was drawn down, and it was extremely laborious, but since he connected the three channels, he has no more in the real world. I tried my best; at this time, although the whole body's bones creaked under the pressure, there was a kind of excitement that finally used my full strength.

"Open! Ah!" Bai Yu finally fell to the bottom with a sword.

The space in front suddenly fluctuated, and a crack appeared in the void.

The railroad sleepers in the distance fell one after another, and the railroad tracks lost their support and scattered, floating in the void.

The crack grew bigger and bigger, and the train finally rushed into the crack before the rails collapsed like dominoes in front of them.

The sky is full of stars, and the scenery ahead is the railway scenery that I used to see. It is not clear in the night, but it can be distinguished. The front is just after the exit, and on both sides of the mountain walls, the railroad tracks extend forward. A vast expanse of countryside!

"We are out! We are alive! We are alive!"

The three people in the train cab stayed in ecstasy. The young woman hugged her daughter and kissed her tender cheek a few times, her eyes were full of tears, but she immediately covered her daughter's eyes and gave a light mouthful in her mouth. , It turned out that the two parents-in-laws were so surprised that they hugged and kissed wildly.

"Where's Xiao Bai? What about the others?" The young woman suddenly saved her eyes, and her vision gradually widened. How could there be Bai Yu on the nose of the car?

"Ah? What about people? What about others?" The two in-laws separated quickly, and Ke Yuanyuan stretched out his head, wanting to see where Bai Yu is.

"Be careful, I'm okay." A tired voice came. Ke Yuanyuan quickly retracted his head. A pair of feet fell, followed by his body. It turned out that Bai Yu returned to the top of the car head after breaking through the soul world. Support the roof of the car and fall back to the cab.

By the faint light of the dashboard, everyone's complexion was not so pretty, and Bai Yu was even more pale and haggard.

"How to do?"

"Don't worry, we can go back to the sleeping berth. They will wake up soon. The next station will take more than half an hour. It is estimated that these train crews dare not say anything. In addition, it is night time and most of the guests will only I thought I was too tired, so I fell asleep."

"The question is, what about this lock?"

"It's okay, I have a way, you should go back first."

"Then...then you be careful."

"rest assured."

Waiting for them to leave the cab, Bai Yu took out the phone.

"it's me."

"Mr. Xiaobai, it's so late, didn't you... Didn't you go to break the realm?" Gu Feng's voice came from over there.

Bai Yu looked at the time, 23:22. Fortunately, I didn't grind it to zero, but after zero, I knew what was going on there.

"I'm on the train to Beishui Province. There is a No. 23 tunnel on the Pakistan Water Line and something went wrong."

"What? Wait, did you say something went wrong?" Gu Feng's organization is responsible for some abnormal incidents in the country. There was such a serious incident on the 23rd of the Pakistan Water Line that year. He naturally has the record. He heard the 23rd. An accident in the tunnel made his scalp numb.

"Yes, it hasn't reached zero, but the train was suddenly involved here. I don't know what exactly caused the door to close. I don't know. You'd better investigate it." Bai Yu said wearily.

"How many casualties were there?" Gu Feng's voice trembled slightly, showing no confidence.

Bai Yu calmly replied: "There were no casualties, but now, the entire train's people are in a coma. It is estimated that they will be seriously ill after the incident. As for whether anyone will die at that time, I don't know."

"Mr. Xiaobai! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much! If this kind of mass accident really happens, this... I don't know what to say! Mr. Xiaobai, when you break through the realm and come back, I will give you wine to wash the dust !" Gu Feng heard this Bai Yu's words, he was so happy that he was about to explode, there were no casualties! No casualties! The gratitude to Bai Yu immediately reached the highest level, and even the title was changed to honorific.

"I don’t need to put alcohol on it. Help me take care of my family. Don’t make people trouble them. Also, I have a problem here. I broke the safety door of the cab. Don’t let them check it out with great fanfare and find it on my head. I can't explain it."

"Don't worry, don't worry, Mr. Xiaobai, wrap it around me, and I will ask the leader of the railway crossing to say hello to suppress this matter." The latest chapter address of my dream can come true: dream can come true. Read the full text address: Dreams can come true txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorites" record the reading record of this time (Chapter 97 Breaking the Boundary), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dream Can Be Real", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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