My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 99: Jin Xiaoji

Bai Yu asked Yan Xin'er's birthday character, carefully pondering.

"On the first ugly day of May in Yiwei year, she belonged to a sheep girl, and she weighed two and two dollars on her bones. This bone was light to cheap."

When Bai Yu said this, Yan Tong's face was extremely ugly, naturally because he heard that her daughter's life was not good.

Bai Yu held Yan Xin'er and twisted her palms all the way to her shoulders, and then changed hands to make the same recognition.

Then from the sole of the foot to the pubic bone, press the center of the eyebrows with thumbs, stretch out the palms from the top of the head to the back of the head to embrace the head, and slide the thumbs down the bridge of the nose. The palms are retracted to hold Yan Xin'er's chin, and the palms are turned down. I touched Yan Xin'er's shoulders and stroked all the way to the last two ribs. After a few seconds of silence, the palms moved down and reached the hip bones. Using the hands gently, Yan Xin'er's buttocks were raised, Bai Yu's fingers swayed, and the tail vertebrae were weighed. When he patted the sleeper mattress, Yan Xin'er bounced up, and he stretched out his arms with a load. Yan Xin'er had landed on his forearm and rolled to his forearm, already face down.

Bai Yu gently put down Yan Xin'er, drew out his arms, stretched out his right thumb and index finger and middle finger, like a twisting bead, counting the spine dragon, finally let out a long sigh.

"The bones are beautiful and straight and round, and the muscles are well-balanced. It shouldn't be the life of two or two, with full face and fullness, the bridge of the nose is sharp, the eyes are big and energetic, the black and white are clear, the lips are straight and even red, and the mouth is straight. Chiyun, such a face is a natural fate for a beauty, but it can be regarded as a fate for a beauty who has a light fate like paper... It really is a fairy bone!"

"Mr. Xiaobai..." Yan Tong looked at Bai Yu pitifully.

If it weren't for Bai Yu, I changed someone else. With the previous set of operations, I'm afraid that Yan Tong had already rushed up with a disheveled hair, but at this time she was afraid of hearing nothing from Bai Yu's mouth.

The two parents-in-laws who were watching were also speechless. If there was no foreshadowing, they would think that Bai Yu was a hungry ghost who molested a young girl!

"Just like what I said before, you go to Jindu, Xianzi Health Care, find my mother, Ms. Han Lin, just say that I let the arrangements, I will tell her when I find time, and when I finish this time, Let her be a registered disciple first."

Hearing that Bai Yu finally settled this matter, Yan Tong almost fainted without joy, and was about to kneel down and lick her head again. Bai Yu quickly grabbed her: "I have a relationship with Yan Xin'er as a master and apprentice. The secret to let you see me is the second. If she doesn’t enter my door, she will definitely die, and the third, so you don’t need to be too polite, but you..."

Yan Tong's eyes were tearful: "As long as Xin'er can grow up peacefully, I can't care about anything..."

Bai Yu smiled gently: "Sister Yan, you don’t have anything to do. When I accept Xin’er’s entry into the wall, she will cut off the cause and effect with you. You have a mother-daughter relationship with her, but yours How can a mortal life hold her fairy bones? So everything went wrong in the first half of your life, and you have gone through the saplings. This is the day when you make great achievements, and God will also compensate you for the kindness of conceiving Xiner. , Serve as a slave, don’t take these words seriously, if you help my mother well, even if it’s a reward for me."

"Mr. Xiaobai, don't worry, I will do my best." Yan Tong said with tears.

Bai Yu said so, so why didn't Han Lin and him be like this? If it weren't for Bai Yu's ghost envoy to obtain the dream ability, and finally enter the road, how can Han Lin stand up?

"Xiaobai, are you...Sword Immortal?" Cheng Xiaoyun finally couldn't help but asked carefully.

"Sword Fairy?"

"Yeah? It's the kind of sword between heaven and earth..."

"Between Yujian Heaven and Earth...I can't do it yet."

"That can be done in the future? Look at my aptitude..." Cheng Xiaoyun's eyes flashed suddenly, and Ke Yuanyuan also looked envious, but he seemed to have thought of something, and then quietly pulled Cheng Xiaoyun's sleeves.

Bai Yu held back a smile and said, "Don't worry, your wife, I dare not touch it, are dead."

Ke Yuanyuan was full of disappointment, but he seemed to let go of his heart. Bai Yu guessed the idea and couldn't help feeling his head and chuckling.

Cheng Xiaoyun kicked him angrily, saying, if you weren't there, you would let Mr. Xiaobai play the piano on her body... Then again, it won't hurt to be able to cultivate immortals! Xiuxian! I blushed while thinking about it.

There was nothing to say all the way, everyone got off the bus one after another, and Bai Yu drove to the terminal alone by himself.

After another day and a half, I finally arrived at Anjian County, Fan County, which is the nearest to Shenlongjia.

This is the last stop of civilized society. Bai Yu is about to enter the virgin forest. He informs important people of safety and tells his mother about Yantong's mother and daughter.

"Little god, where have you been? I have made an appointment with Yuanzi during the winter vacation, and I will come to see you in Jin! Would you not welcome us? Smile.jpg"

Bai Yu saw that it was the girl Cheng Xiaoyun.

"Welcome." He turned off the phone and walked toward the forest with one sword and a small backpack on his back.


In the middle of Shenlongjia, there are unknown mountains.

This place has been inaccessible to humans for thousands of years, and all kinds of fierce birds, beasts, poisonous insects, and poisonous snakes along the road have persuaded professional field survival experts to retreat.

But there was a burst of hearty laughter in such a place where humans were absolutely impossible.

"Jin Xiaoer! Tell you to hit me with fruit!"

The one called Jin Xiaoer turned out to be a golden monkey, and the one who laughed was Bai Yu who had been in the dragon's frame for more than 20 days!

For a monk like him, who was only close to the door when facing the foundation building and entering the road, even in the mountains, forests and rocks with no road, it is not a problem to travel hundreds of miles a day. Therefore, in just fourteen days, he has reached the Shenlong. The center of the frame.

The reason why he stopped was because at the beginning he had seen one or two fellow travellers carrying tall backpacks, but afterwards, after removing the thorns and rocks from under his feet, there was no road, but he instinctively went through the forest and crossed the stream; , I found the golden monkey tribe here, and after dealing with these naughty forest elves a few times, I actually became friends with them, so I simply stayed and planned to find some kind of cave nearby to build the foundation. success.

One of the two largest monkeys in the group of monkeys has the best relationship with Bai Yu. From time to time, they get some fruit, pick up rock salt and so on to find Bai Yu for some food. It is the Jin Xiaoer named in Bai Yu’s mouth, because the monkey king is named Jin Boss. , This little monkey is not Jin Xiaoer and what is it?

When he came to the territory of the golden monkey group, Bai Yu fished the finger-length white fish in the stream, grilled it and was greedy. He was alone in the wild, somewhat lonely, so Bai Yu saw that the little monkey wanted to approach but was timid. , I put the grilled fish on a stone not far away. Monkeys are omnivores. They can also eat fruits and various insects. Small reptiles such as lizards can also eat them. Some birds, Bird eggs are also in their recipes.

But there is no grilled fish in the recipe. When the little monkey ate the delicious grilled fish, his expression was like the black brother eating ice cream. Bai Yu brought the grilled fish closer and closer, and finally Bai Yu put the fish within reach. , The little monkey had the courage to come and take it and ran away.

In the past few days, it gnawed fish while Bai Yu stroked its head. It was also not at all afraid. It was just that the beast was afraid of fire by nature, so it still did not dare to get too close to the bonfire.

The little monkey was very greedy. Bai Yu hunted a rabbit and deliberately wiped some chili powder on it. The little monkey didn’t know there was a trap. After a few mouthfuls, it was so spicy that it was almost crazy. He ran to the stream and drank it almost to death, teasing Bai Yu. Haha laughed.

It took the fruit and smashed the white feather, and forgot the chili in its hand, and touched its eyes. It suddenly felt like it was roasted by flame moxibustion in its eyes. The clothes stick picked it back to the shore, and it is estimated that it would have to go downstream to salvage it.

After many days of tempering, the little monkey was finally not as afraid of fire as it was at the beginning. He got up from the icy cold water in a wet suit. Knowing that a campfire can bring warmth, he turned his back to the fire to keep warm.

The reason it turned its back to the bonfire was because of the anger of Baiyu.

"Who told you to rush to eat? This is chili powder with Chaotian pepper. You have never eaten it before, and you can't stand it."

Bai Yu was roasting another piece of rabbit meat, but this time he didn't put any chili powder. The rabbit oil fell on the fire, snorting, and wisps of smoke rose, and the smell was tangy.

Jin Xiaoer glanced back, suddenly turned around, squeaked excitedly in his mouth, pounding his chest and feet, while pointing at Bai Yu and rabbit meat, and then reached out and fanned in front of his mouth, obviously expressing extreme expression. dissatisfied.

Bai Yu handed over the roasted rabbit hind leg, but Jin Xiaoer jumped high as if he was scalded by boiling water, and continued to make angry screams. It is estimated that he wanted to tell Bai Yu: Don't want to cheat anymore. I.

"Eat, eat, it's not spicy this time!"

Only then did Jin Xiaoer calm down, and grabbed the rabbit leg from Bai Yu's hand.

After snatching the rabbit's leg, it didn't eat it, but squinted at Bai Yu. It was obvious that someone had bankruptcy in his mind.

Bai Yu endured a smile and said, "Let's eat, eat, it's not spicy this time! Hiss... no more!"

He breathed in, making an unbearably spicy expression, and stretched out his hand to fan in front of his mouth.

Bai Yu picked up another branch and bit on the rabbit meat skewered in front, with a pleasant expression on his face.

Jin Xiaoer licked a bit of rabbit meat half-believingly. Seeing that it didn't taste spicy, he bit with confidence and boldly.

After eating the rabbit meat, Jin Xiaoer crawled between Bai Yu's coiled legs and lay on his thighs, flung his long golden tail around, and glanced back at Bai Yu. He couldn't help but see that he didn't move. Anxiously, he took Bai Yu's hand and pressed it on his back, and the other paw knocked on his back, meaning, Xiao Yuzi, do it.

It turned out that the first time he got close to Bai Yu, Bai Yu caught the little guy. Under the curiosity, he massaged the big points all over the little thing, and gave him some infuriating qi, which was so scared. The little guy suddenly found that he was very comfortable, and then slowly calmed down, and fell asleep on Bai Yu's lap!

Bai Yu researched Jin Xiaoer and found that the acupuncture points of his body were not much different from that of the human. He would inevitably wonder if he would comb Jin Xiaoer's muscles and bones in this way and create a demon monkey like Sun Dasheng.

This Jin Xiaoer knows the taste of the food marrow, and is addicted to this thing after he comes and goes. Every time he finishes eating, he will find Bai Yu to massage. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dream can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 99 Jin Xiaoer) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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