My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 215: Commander Chen is young and promising, and Xiang Liang admires it!

After a long period of turmoil, a relatively stable environment has emerged, especially without the danger of war. The people of the world are actually very happy. Huang Shigong knows that even if it does not reach the level of disobedience, most people still express their return. served.

It's just that this is not enough. After all, on the land of the Central Plains, it is not only the people at the bottom of the country, but also the old aristocratic family and the landlord class. Local tyrants, hundreds of schools of thought and the remnants of the Six Nations, and the most special class of scholars on the Central Plains.

After the demise of the Six Kingdoms in Shandong, the conflict between the Daqin court and the aristocratic landlords of the Six Kingdoms did not end.

On the contrary, it is only under new conditions that the form of conflict has changed.

Many nobles and bureaucrats among the six kingdoms left behind had a strong anti-Qin consciousness and tried to stand by.

Huang Shigong had studied it, and he knew in his heart that in order to combat the anti-Qin activities of the former nobles of the Six Nations and the landlord class, and to prevent and suppress the resistance struggle of the people of the country, the Great Qin court must establish a system and system that can control the whole country as soon as possible. From the imperial court to the local government offices and officials at all levels.

However, because the time was too short, the Daqin court thought was too simple, and the country was destroyed too fast, and the officials of the Daqin court had no such experience, so that the new Daqin Empire was basically a continuation of the original Qin state. It is an extension of its governing body.

Such a move, on the contrary, deepened the conflict and contradiction between the Daqin court and the people of the Six Nations in Shandong.

Qin law is strict and restricted everywhere, but the people of the six kingdoms in Shandong have long been accustomed to the looseness and freedom when the six countries were there. Naturally, they are not suitable for the strict Qin law of the Daqin Empire, but for the needs of governance, the Daqin Empire does not dare to take it lightly. change.

At this time, the Daqin court was in great conflict with the nobles of the Six Nations and the landlord class in Shandong, but they were all under the deterrence of the First Emperor, and they did not dare to move easily.

As an anti-Qin force, Huang Shigong naturally knows the current situation of the Great Qin Empire very well, and the control of the legal network in the current empire is indeed quite strict. Although there are some omissions, from Xiapi to Chen, to Haozhong, undercurrents are everywhere.

But before the moment that caused the chain effect came, he had to admit that the control of the Great Qin Empire was still very strong, so long as the First Emperor was alive for a day, those opponents would not dare to act rashly.

However, before that, they need to weave a tight network of anti-Qin forces. Only in this way can they take advantage of the situation after the situation in Xianyang has changed drastically. And in his opinion, Duke Chu Nan was too careful.

Now that the Marquis of Wucheng, Wang Jian, led the army into Xianyang, and the same Meng Tian and others spoke out, the situation in the Daqin Empire suddenly became strange. Huang Shigong knew in his heart that when the army was dispatched, a careless move would lead to civil unrest.

Maybe this time is their chance.


Thoughts flickered in his heart, Duke Huang Shi walked towards the mansion. He needed to discuss with Zhang Liang. Regarding matters in Lujiang County, although he was optimistic about the situation, he also admitted that Chen Ping would be the commander of the black-clothed guards. is not simple.

Although he has confidence in Zhang Liang, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

He had already lost one apprentice, and he never wanted to lose another. Moreover, he had high expectations for Zhang Liang. The anti-Qin forces needed someone like Zhang Liang, who not only had hatred, but also had more talent.

It is destined to not be in the company of the Great Qin Empire.

A quarter of an hour later, Duke Huang Shi had already arrived in the mansion and said to the elder, "Go and invite the ovary over, the old man is waiting for him in the study!"


Nodding in agreement, the elder turned around and left.


"Teacher, are you looking for me?"

A flash of surprise flashed across Zhang Liang's eyes, and he was easily concealed. He was no longer a child, and he was not the one who was wanted by the empire and panicked. During this period of time, he has grown a lot.

Naturally, he knew what Huang Shigong was thinking, but they had the same purpose. Therefore, Zhang Liang turns a blind eye to some things, and just needs to move forward according to his own ideas.


Nodding his head, Duke Huang Shi smiled at Zhang Liang and said, "The old man just discussed with Nan Gong and asked you to go to Lujiang County to deal with it. The imperial court sent the black-clothed guards south again to conduct a thorough investigation on Lujiang County."

"The old man thought about it and thought that only you can do it—!"

"Teacher, the students understand!"

Zhang Liang's expression was solemn, but there was still a touch of excitement deep in his eyes, but Zhang Liang had already grown up, and even if he was excited, he still remained silent. Even someone like Huang Shigong didn't notice it for a while.

"Students are here, go meet the black-clothed guards for a while!"


Compared to these people in Chen County, the Xiang clan in Kuaiji are low-key and terrifying.

As if they had disappeared overnight, there was no trace of them in the entire Chu land, but there were only a few people who knew exactly what Xiang Liang was doing and the plans of the Xiang family.

Lujiang County.

Pan Yang.

In the study, Chen Ping is dealing with the results of the black-clothed guards in the past few days. Since he went south, Chen Ping has not had any leisure Commander, there are people who claim to be the Xiang clan and want to see you! The subordinate moved towards Chen Ping and said softly, "Commander, see or see?" "

Hearing this, Chen Ping frowned slightly. He knew the enmity between the Xiang clan and Heiyiwei. Xiangfuyun was still recovering from his wounds in Xianyang.

However, he had no intention to settle accounts with the people of the Xiang clan at this time when he went south to Lujiang County, but at this moment, the people of the Xiang clan came to the door and they disappeared, which was not his style.

"Bring it in, I also want to see the people of the Xiang family, what medicines are bought in the gourd!"


On the land of the Central Plains, because of Xiang Yan, the Xiang family has a great reputation.

Moreover, later in the Chu region, there was a saying: "Although there are three households in Chu, Qin must be killed by Chu, even though there is only one small family in Xiang, the great Chu is more prosperous." Chen Ping's heart was complicated for the people of the Xiang family.

He didn't understand a little. Who did such a stupid thing as attacking and killing the black-clothed guard come from?

From Chen Ping's point of view, if Xiang Liang was so unwise, then the Xiang family would have long since become extinct, and how could it be today? This is a contradictory argument that makes people puzzled.

"Xiang Liang has seen Commander Chen!"

Xiang Liang, who came in, bowed to Chen Parallel and said, "Commander Chen is young and promising, Xiang Liang admires him!"

Hearing this, Chen Ping took a deep look at Xiang Liang, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and said, "Speaking of which, the reason why Chen Ping is today is thanks to you, sir, otherwise, Chen Ping would still be worthless!"

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