My Great Qin Cannot Die

Chapter 468: 1. Everything must be from the root, to prevent micro-duplication.


Nodding in agreement, at this moment, Li Si's expression also became solemn. He naturally knew why the first emperor ordered the relocation of 100,000 wealthy households to fill Xianyang when the Daqin Empire was just established.

These people are the biggest trouble in the local area, and at the moment, Da Qin's rule of the county below is almost a vacuum, and strong means must be used.

As the Prime Minister of the Empire, Li Si also attached great importance to this matter. He knew in his heart that if these local tyrants hadn't acted as a protective umbrella for the remnants of the Six Nations and the anti-Qin forces.

How did these people still escape and disappear under the rampant pursuit and killing of the Daqin Empire.

Local tyrants must be rectified.

They have been able to use their clan power to coerce local county magistrates and continue to erode the foundation of the Qin Empire's rule.

This was naturally unbearable for the First Emperor, and the reason why there was no major attack was because the court at that time had just established the country and had too many things to take care of.

It can only be pushed sequentially.

At this moment, Li Si was keenly aware that while the first emperor was controlling the power of merchants, he was also attacking the power of local tyrants.

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Jiujiu in his heart instantly extinguished, and he could discuss other matters with Ying Zheng, or even let Ying Zheng make a slight concession, leaving room for change.

However, when it comes to the ruling foundation of the empire, whoever dares to stop it will die.

Feng Quji is the best example.

"In recent years, the Qin Empire has just established a country, and it is inevitable that there is some negligence in the local area, so that the local tyrants and powers have developed rapidly, so that a group of strong lords and tyrants who use the strong to bully the weak, use the crowd to oppress the few, and run rampant in the villages. "

"These nobles often gather together, lift up the dock walls, repair armored soldiers, and endanger one side."

Li Si and others may have expected it, but it is destined that Ying Zheng does not know clearly that these places are terrifying and powerful.

Ying Zheng took a sip of his tea and said with a solemn tone towards Li Si, "Once the tyrannical powers in these places are left unchecked, they will surely get out of hand and become bigger and bigger."

"At that time, they will control the people, manipulate the local government, and influence the central decision-making. They will be very powerful."

Having said this, Ying Zheng looked calm, but deep inside his heart was turbulent.

He knew in his heart that these places were not easy to be powerful. It was recorded in history that during the Three Kingdoms period, Fan Xian wanted to kill Ji to gain power. And when Guan Ji went there, he beheaded more than 30 people from the main book at the door, and Ji acted freely."

This is the only social killing incident of local tyrants that has been recorded in historical records.

At that time, Wang Yi, the prefect of Hedong, was diligent in politics and love for the people, but Cao Cao couldn't believe him, and wanted to recruit him back to the capital and let Du Ji serve as the prefect of Hedong.

Wang Yi was reluctant to leave, so he sent the county commander Weigu and the Zhonglang general Fan Xian to his superior, Sili Commander Zhong Yao, to request the cancellation of the expedition. Zhong Yao categorically refused, and ordered Wang Yi to hand over the seal as soon as possible for Du Ji to take over.

He asked Cao Cao to send Xiahou Dun to lead a large army to attack Wei Gu and Fan Xian, to clear the obstacles for Du Ji to take office.

Du Ji disagreed with Zhong Yao's proposition, dissuaded Cao Cao, and asked to rush to Hedong alone to take office.

Du Ji and Hedong Weigu are old friends and have some friendship, but they have no relationship with the Zhonglang general Fan Xian. As soon as Du Ji arrived in Hedong, Fan Xian committed murder.

He said to Wei Gu, being a tiger, but not daring to eat human flesh, what kind of tiger is it? Si minus bxwx.Co Si

Wei Gu hesitated. Fan Xian wanted to intimidate everyone by killing Du Ji, and also wanted to observe Du Ji's whereabouts, so he executed more than 30 officials below the main book.

Regarding this matter, Du Ji had a calm demeanor and behaved as usual. Fan Xian felt that Du Ji was easy to control, so he made him the prefect.

In front of the prefect dispatched by the imperial court, beheading more than 30 officials, how lawless, this is a ruthless trampling on the law, Ying Zheng knows that in the Great Qin Empire, there is no tyrannical force without this kind of energy.

Rather, they are now dormant by the intimidation of the Great Qin soldiers that swept across the six countries in Shandong.

It was precisely because he accidentally saw this scene from the memory he got from Li Kang, and he made up his mind to fight against the heroic force.

Ying Zheng's words made Li Si tremble with fear. He could sense Ying Zheng's inner worry and the hidden murderous intent.

This master has murderous intentions, and the local hero is powerful. This time I am afraid that he will pay the price of blood.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Li Si turned towards Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, regarding prohibition legislation, currency legislation, city change laws, city ship regulations, accounting legislation, auditing legislation, etc."

"This minister probably knows about some of the prohibition legislation and the city's change of laws, but I don't know much about others. Could you please elaborate on your majesty?"

This is Lis.

He is extremely cautious in dealing with the world. He understands that, naturally, he will deal with it directly without asking a word. sacrifice as sacrifice as

However, this is something he doesn't understand, and he will definitely not be ashamed to ask, because Li Si knows that only by understanding the intentions and plans of the First Emperor can this matter be done well.

This is also the most striking feature of the Daqin Empire in this era. Whether it is Daqin officials or the people of the Daqin Empire, they are extremely They never play tricks.

Looking at Li Si, Ying Zheng smiled, he also knew that these things were a little embarrassing for the Prime Minister.

"In addition to salt and iron, the national monopoly commodities include coal, wine and other commodities."

"For the control of salt, iron, wine, coal and other products, it is clearly stipulated that three jins of salt, three buckets of wine, 15 jins of wine-making koji, and 10 jins of iron are all annihilated."

"Shang Jun has already proposed the monopoly of salt and iron, and I, Daqin, have been implementing it, but the times have changed, and Qin's law will naturally change accordingly."

"At the same time, currency legislation was added. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, metal coins were mainly circulated, including copper coins and bronze coins."

"My Daqin Empire is also dominated by bronze coins. Its manufacture, issuance, circulation, exchange, currency value, etc. are all under the unified control of the government, and it is strictly forbidden for people to mint coins without permission."

"In the new legislation, this should be clearly stipulated: "Those who make money privately will exterminate the three clans. "


Ying Zheng knew that currency legislation must be cruel, and now the Daqin Empire is dominated by bronze currency.

However, with the rise of merchants and the vigorous development of handicrafts, light industries and heavy industries in the Qin Empire, bronze currency will not be suitable for the current era.

Especially when the Qianzhuang, the ancient bank appeared, will inevitably lead to the birth of paper money.

The birth of banknotes, although an improvement, also means that banknotes are more likely to be imitated.

This must be eliminated in legislation. Mi He Mi

However, Ying Zheng also knew that under the temptation of huge interests, countless people wanted to take risks.

After all, it's almost a no-brainer deal.

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