Is it so strong?

Genos looked behind him in disbelief, but Ye Qiu gave him a playful smile.

The two masters and apprentices have not yet gone to the Hero Association, and they naturally don’t know about the hero qualification test, in fact, he is also one of the current S-level heroes.

However, that little robot with a somewhat rigid personality is cute, if you really want to do it with him and try his strength, then Ye Qiu doesn’t mind letting this little robot return to the factory for repair.

Fortunately, because Ye Qiu had given Genos a little help when he was fighting against the mosquito girl before, and he was still a friend of his teacher, Genos did not have any intention of making a move with Ye Qiu, but followed behind his teacher and flew in the direction of the Purification House.

Saitama used to run, Genos used flying, and Ye Qiu also directly cast his Fengshen legs, following behind the two unhurriedly.

At this moment, seeing the casual walk behind him, Genos, who followed him and his teacher, understood that Ye Qiu’s strength was indeed extremely powerful, and from the movements between his marches, he could understand that this should be a strong person who used physical skills.

When the three arrived at the House of Evolution, all movements were watched by the monitor, Dr. Kenos who was lurking inside the base.

S-class heroes!

Not only S-class heroes, but also two monsters with combat power comparable to S-class heroes, and now the only way is to release the monster locked in the 18th floor underground, otherwise the House of Evolution will never turn over.


Sure enough, before Ye Qiu and Saitama finished looking at the Evolution House, Genos decisively blasted the 6-story building on the surface of the Evolution House into ruins.

Not only Saitama seemed very speechless, Ye Qiu also had a helpless look, sure enough, his psychological endurance was very fragile, and he would constantly want to make his robotized body more robotic.

However, this power is not small at all, and it is no wonder that Genos was directly rated as an S-class hero after participating in the test of the Hero Association.

If Ye Qiu was allowed to make a move, unless he used the ability to burn fruits to the extreme, it would be difficult to blast such a large building to the ground in an instant.

It’s just that this kind of combat method requires, not too like, for energy is a big waste, so only Genos as a robot can perform such a wide range of moves without scruples, anyway, using the energy of the robot to attack, there is only this wide range of moves.

“It’s a pity.”

Ye Qiu shook his head regretfully.

Saitama, who had no expression on his face, seemed to understand what Ye Qiu’s words meant, and also showed a slight trace of helplessness.

“It shouldn’t be so easy to succeed, right?”

Saitama tilted his head to look at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu walked up to the ruins and scanned around, “There seems to be an entrance here, and the building on the ground seems to be a pretense. ”

Dr. Kenos is definitely a talent among talents!

To be able to build a building that is not disturbed by weirdos in the absence of resources, and to study so much data about genes, is simply a waste in the world of One-Punch Man.

“Genos, promise me a condition, after the meeting goes in, please be sure to keep your hand, don’t destroy it so quickly, if that doctor has nothing to do with your affairs back then, please leave him to me?”

Ye Qiu said sincerely to Genos before entering the underground.

“Mr. Ye Qiu, that Evolution House is not a base created by some kind person, what are your thoughts about that kind of person?”

Genos didn’t understand Ye Qiu’s words very much.

Ye Qiu said meaningfully, “Actually, that guy’s research on genes is of great use to humans. He was the first person to live for decades and still use coughing up blood to stay young! Whether it is in the research of genetic medicine or the genetic research of human rational strengthening, this guy is the top genius. If this guy spends all his research on the right path, I think humans should have the ability to completely take the earth back from the weirdos in ten years, or twenty, thirty years! ”

Is genetic knowledge that important?

In fact, whether in Saitama’s heart or in Genos’s heart, this is a world full of jungle laws, and they believe more in using their own power to become stronger, rather than the so-called genetics.

“Well, as long as he has nothing to do with the events of that year, I will give him to you!”

Genos was silent for a moment, but still assured Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu nodded, this is the piece of iron that leads to the underground entrance, revealing a dark passage full of humid aura inside.

Inside the passage, it was already filled with the sound of machine guns, and there was a strong smell of blood.

Ye Qiu is not in a hurry, it seems that the madman of the Asura Unicorn Immortal has been released by Dr. Kenos.

“This place is really disliked!”

Saitama’s face was helpless.

This dark and humid place, full of the smell of blood, is no different from the areas outside that have long been destroyed by weirdos, and it doesn’t look like a place where humans live at all.

“It’s really not very popular, if it were me, I wouldn’t choose to live in this kind of place, which is torture for any living person!”

Ye Qiu said with emotion.

“So I think everyone who lives like this is probably a monster.”

The three of them soon followed the smell of blood to the end of the so-called passage, and at the end of the passage, they saw a white glowing and huge room.

“Huh! Is S-class hero Ye Qiu? I don’t know which gust of wind blew you here, aren’t you a non-dragon-level disaster that doesn’t shoot? ”

Dr. Kinos said a little tremblingly.

After all, he is an S-level hero, and about Ye Qiu’s achievements, all of them are against dragon-level disasters.

Even if Saitama gave people a very weird and powerful feeling, but in Kenos’ heart, Ye Qiu, who had terrifying data, made him more worried.

But in addition to worry, Kenos is more excited!

Perfect sample!

Whether it was Saitama or Ye Qiu, it was an extremely perfect sample for him, and as long as he could get their body data, his research would definitely be able to go further.

The Asura Unicorn Immortal is just a semi-finished product, he must get the data of Ye Qiu and Saitama to make the most powerful evolutionary!

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