My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 307 The Death of Jian Zhengtian

Chapter 307: The Death of Jian Zhengtian

"Who is the most important person?"

The person who asked the question was still Jian Ran who couldn't hold back her breath.

How much she hoped in her heart that this was a misunderstanding, that Jane Zhengtian was lying and deceiving them, but she also understood that there was no need for Jane Zhengtian to tell lies at this moment.

Jian Zhengtian shook his head, let out a long sigh, and said, "As for who it is, my good son-in-law must have a direction. As long as he finds the right direction and asks him to continue to investigate, he will soon know who it is. ."

After speaking, Jian Zhengtian closed his eyes, and was no longer willing to speak another word.

Jian Ran still wanted to ask, but was pulled off the plane by Qin Yue.

On the way back, Jian Ran kept silent all the time, her heart was very chaotic and she was at a loss.

People say that the grievances of the older generation have nothing to do with the younger generation, but can it really be irrelevant?

Is it possible that nothing happened between her and Qin Yue?

she does not know!

"Jian Ran—" Qin Yue called her name in a low voice, a kind of helplessness and distress that could not be expressed.


"Remember what I said to you?"

Jian Ran nodded and said softly, "Remember."

"Really remember?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Trust me I can handle it all."

"Qin Yue, but I don't want this. I don't want to rely on you for everything. I want to work hard to solve my own affairs. That person is your grandfather. You are sandwiched between us. How should you deal with yourself? "

One is his wife and the other is his blood relative's grandfather, and now there is a blood feud between the two.

She could try her best to bring the old man of the Qin family to justice, but would that hurt Qin Yue? That man is his grandfather.

She was shocked and doubted when she got the truth from Jian Zhengtian's mouth, but she would not feel distressed, but what about Qin Yue?

On his surface, it seemed that nothing had happened, but she believed that his heart would never be as relaxed as what she saw on the surface.

He may also be worried, also afraid, worried that after she finds that the old man of the Qin family is the murderer of his biological father, even he will blame him.

Qin Yue said, "that's my business, don't worry about it."

Jane asked back, "is that your business?"

Qin Yue: "..."

Jane said again: "my business is your business, and your business is also your business? So you can only help me, and I can't let me take care of you, right?"

"Jian Ran-"

"Qin Yue, in your heart, I'm really that useless?"


"what is that?"

"I'm your husband, you're my wife, shouldn't I do something for you?" Qin Yue's voice was a little excited, and it was rare to see his emotions fluctuating so much.

"..." This time, Jian Ran was speechless because Qin Yue's reason was too sufficient.

But has he ever thought that it is precisely because he is her husband that she wants to contribute and not let him carry everything.

He won't feel tired or bitter, but she will feel sorry for him.

She was so angry, not at him, but at herself for not being able to do anything, for not being able to share his worries and solve problems for him, and to cause him trouble.

"Jian Ran—" Qin Yue embraced her in his arms, pressed his chin on top of her head and rubbed lightly, "Do you know that as long as you stay by my side, it is the greatest encouragement to me. and comfort."

He probably wouldn't understand, wouldn't know how he survived without her?

For more than three years, he was like a person born in purgatory, and every day was so difficult.

Now that she is back, to him it is like a gift from God.

Every day when he wakes up and sees her lying beside him, that kind of happiness no one can give him except her.

"But I..." Jian Ran blinked, sniffed, and said softly, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day I will wake up and you won't be by my side anymore, I will never find you again, and I don't know Who are you?"

"Trust me!" He was still so short, but he was still as powerful as ever.

Qin Yue has Qin Yue's worries, and Jian Ran also has Jian Ran's worries.

They all want to share their worries for each other, but they don't know that this will make the other party feel more distressed for themselves.


The plane flew for several hours and was positioned over the Atlantic Ocean.

Jian Zhengtian, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly felt the plane shake violently. He quickly opened his eyes and saw thick smoke coming from the cab.

"What happened?" he shouted.

"Mr. Jian, the old man asked us to send you the last ride, and I hope you go well." A cold male voice came from across the thick smoke.

Immediately afterwards, Jane Zhengtian heard the sound of the cabin opening, and then heard someone say: "No. 1 ready, jump. No. 2 ready, jump. No. 3 ready, jump. No. 4 ready, jump."

There were four crew members in total. After the fourth jumped off, the plane swayed even more.

Jian Zhengtian wanted to rush over to check what was going on, but because of the thick smoke and the fuselage shaking too much, he couldn't move at all.

He hugged the seat tightly so that he didn't let himself roll over as the fuselage swayed.

"Help! Help!"

Jian Zhengtian made a terrified cry for help, and the sound was so miserable that it seemed that he was being killed by a ghost at this time.

But apart from the sound of the wind and the roar of the machine, there was no other sound, let alone the human voice he was looking forward to.

"I was wrong! I was really wrong! Please let me go! Qin Yue, let me go, I will tell you everything you want to know, I don't want a penny of your money, just let me go Bar."

Jane Zhengtian shouted hysterically, her throat was hoarse, and no one replied to him.

And his last scream was extinguished by the sound of the plane exploding, and his body was also blown into pieces together with the plane, turning into meat foam and slippery slag in mid-air.

At the last moment of his life, he regretted, regretted the things he had done before, regretted that he threatened Qin Yue, and regretted that he would do anything to make the Jian family prosperous.

But no one heard his voice of remorse again, and no one gave him the opportunity to change his mind and continue to be a man.


A passenger plane flying from Jiangbei to a capital of an African country crashed in the Atlantic Ocean, with five passengers and crew on board. All crew members were rescued, but the whereabouts of the passengers were unknown, most likely buried in the Atlantic Ocean.

After the plane exploded, the debris fell into the sea. If there was no accident, Jian Zhengtian, who didn't have time to parachute, was blown to pieces, and he wouldn't even have a complete body.

In the evening, this bombastic news occupied the front page headlines of major news.

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