Chapter 752: Please believe me

"Of course, get in the car with me first." Seeing his daughter crying, Qin Yue's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly, so tight that it was suffocating.

"Dad, I know you did this because you love Ranran and don't want Ranran to be hurt. But I am over 18 years old, I am an adult, and I know what I am doing." Qin leran bit his lip, Then he said, "Brother Lie is the person I chose. I believe in him, and please believe in me, okay?"

Qin leran's tone was very soft, as if he was praying for his father, and there was a lot of grievance and stubbornness in his prayer.

Brother lie is the person she chooses to like and trust, and she also hopes that her family can trust him like she does.

She had just overheard their conversation, heard brother lie changing the title of Uncle Qin to Mr. Qin, and saw the loneliness on brother lie's face after being ridiculed when he walked out of the room.

Of course, he can become the leader of a country, and I have heard many different remarks about him, but this time is different.

Because the people who said those words to him were not people who had nothing to do with him, but her biological father who he cared about.

Brother lie must have been very sad at the time.

Seeing his lonely back, she wanted to rush out and hug him and tell him not to be sad, but she couldn't.

He didn't know that she already knew his identity, so she had to pretend not to know so that he could handle his affairs properly.

"Of course, dad doesn't want you to get hurt, and I'm not forbidding you to be with him." Qin Yue explained.

"Dad, you and my mother both told me. It was you who told me that no one's life is smooth sailing. Everyone's life has twists and turns of varying degrees. I know that if I go ahead with my head covered like this, I may encounter setbacks, but Please let me go and have a try, maybe you will see a different daughter."

This path, this ignorant feeling, is her own choice. Maybe the result is not what she wants, but she definitely has no regrets.

Qin lelan understands his father's worries, but if he doesn't make a breakthrough, he will hide under his parents' wings all his life, be protected by them, and be a child who can't withstand the slightest wind and rain. Is this really what they want to see?

She believed that her father did not want her to be such a weak and incompetent child. He only allowed her to learn all kinds of knowledge and develop all aspects of her moral, intellectual and physical development over the years.

"Okay." Qin Yue said solemnly.

She said she wanted to break out and no longer wanted to hide under the wings of her parents, so he let her go. He just wanted to let her know that no matter what happened outside, she still had a home and a family who loved her. .

"Dad, thank you!" She didn't know why, but after her father promised her, her tears fell even more.

"Silly child, you are my daughter." Qin Yue held the little girl in his arms and patted her back gently. He wanted to see her happy more than anyone else.

"Mr. President, please don't take anything the Qin family said to heart today." Driving Quan Nanzhai to his residence on Tongda Road, Lin Jiacheng endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it any longer and spoke again.

"Have you prepared the meeting materials for tomorrow morning?" Lin Jiacheng said this, but Quan Nanzhai was talking about something else and had no intention of mentioning anything about the evening.

Qin Yue loved his daughter, and it was normal for him to talk to him. If they exchanged identities, he would do the same.

"Mr President……"

"I'm asking you a question."

"Ready." Lin Jiacheng didn't dare to say any more.

"Go back early." Quan Nanzhai said again before turning and entering the yard.

The house was still the same as before. He used to come here to stay alone for a night occasionally, but this night made him feel that the place was particularly empty.

The house is empty and the heart is empty.

Maybe it's just because someone came here last night, her cheerful laughter and her lively presence are here.

I came here again today. The girl who stayed here for one night last night was gone. Everything that happened last night was like a dream he often had before, so he felt particularly lonely.

Just as he was thinking about the person on his mind, Quan Nanzhai's personal mobile phone buzzed and vibrated twice. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Qin leran.

"Brother Lie, my father came to Laihai City and picked me up early this morning. Don't be sad if you don't see me when you go home. Also, the weather has cooled down. Remember to add some clothes. Qian Don’t catch a cold. If you catch a cold, you will be worried.”

This girl's message came so timely, as if she knew he was thinking of her.

Quan Nanzhai took a long text message and read it over and over again. He could vaguely see the little girl making naughty faces at him on the phone.

"Silly girl, you should take good care of yourself and don't worry those who care about you." Quan Nanzhai quickly replied to her with a message.

"Brother Lie, I know you will be very disappointed if you don't see me when you go home. I'll send you a photo to satisfy your craving." Soon, Quan Nanzhai received another text message from Qin lelan, accompanied by a photo of her just now Selfies taken.

He couldn't help but reached out and tapped her face in the photo on his phone, with a slight smile on his lips: "You are so cute, brother lie really wants to eat you in one bite."

He thought to himself that he didn't dare to say these words, because the girl would definitely know that what he meant by eating was different from what she meant by eating.

She was obviously in the same city as him, breathing the same air, but he couldn't see her.

After not seeing her for just a day, he began to miss her more intensely than ever before.

When he thought of her, he dialed her phone number uncontrollably with his fingertips. Almost as soon as he dialed, Qin leran answered the phone: "brother lie..."

Hearing her voice, just hearing her voice, Quan Nanzhai felt that his empty heart was filled with her: "Of course..."

"Brother Lie, you are thinking of me. Don't admit it, I know, you must be thinking of me." Qin leran's soft voice reached his ears from the mobile phone.

"Well, I miss you very much." She was here last night, in his arms, he could touch her and feel her breath.

"Brother Lie..." Qin leran sniffed, "Actually, I miss you too, I really want you to hug me, and I really want to hear your voice."

"Ran Ran……"

"Brother Lie..."

They just called each other, no one said another word, and listening to each other's breathing quietly was also a kind of happiness.

After a long time, Qin lelan broke the silence: "brother lie, let's video chat when you miss me in the future."

It's inconvenient to see her in real life, but it's nice to be able to see him on video every day.

"Okay, it's all up to you." Quan Nanzhai smiled softly. Many times when he saw her happy, he would also be involuntarily happy.

"Brother Lie, it's getting late today. Let's go to bed early. You wait for me tomorrow night."


"Brother Lie, good night!"

"Of course, good night!"

After saying good night to brother lie, Qin lelan hung up the phone. After hanging up, she pressed the phone tightly to her ear, as if she could still hear his voice.

In the room, Qin lelan was talking on the phone enthusiastically. He didn't know that there was a person standing outside the door and listening for a long time. He didn't leave until she hung up the phone.

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