Chapter 759: Exclusive ringtone

The rain fell very lightly, but it continued all day without stopping.

As night falls, the city lights illuminate the city, and the drizzle adds a mysterious veil to the city.

Qin leran was sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his laptop in his arms. He was concentrating on searching for the relevant background of Linhai city, the background information of the previous presidents of country A, and who was brother lie's biggest competitor before he came to power.

Brother Lie's tire exploded this morning. She thought it might not be an ordinary tire explosion, but man-made.

After she left the hospital, she wanted to check the situation of the tire explosion, but she could not find anything by herself.

At the critical moment, Qin lelan thought of the three people her father had arranged for her - the Chang family, mother and son.

Since her father asked the three of them, mother and son, to help her in Linhai City, then these three people must not be ordinary people. It should be easier to find the reason by asking them to investigate.

When thinking of the three of them, mother and son, Qin leran called them immediately and asked them to help her check if anyone had tampered with brother lie's car.

They promised to give her the news tonight, so while waiting for the news, she browsed some information about Linhai City on the Internet.

The city of Linhai is a very strange city to Qin leran, but it is the place where brother lie was born and where he lived from childhood to adulthood.

Even with this relationship, Qin leran has lived here for less than a month, and he will feel that this place is like his own home, as if he has been here before.

Perhaps it was because when she was very young, brother lie often told her stories, including his hometown, so she felt that this place seemed similar to her deep in her memory.


The mobile phone placed aside suddenly rang. Qin leran picked it up and saw that it was Chang Huan's phone number. She immediately answered: "Aunt Chang, have you found it?"

Chang Huan said: "Miss, I'm sorry! We arrived a little late. The president's people cleared the scene earlier, and they also wiped away the traces of the car that was involved in the accident."

"Why do they want to erase the traces themselves?" Qin lelan thought about it, but didn't think it through.

Could it be that the person who caused the tire explosion and the person sent by Brother Lie to find out the matter were the same person?

Not likely either.

If it is really the same person, the person who is looking for clues is clearly leaving a clue for others to catch.

A person who dares to murder Mr. President would never be so mindless, or else he would die.

"Miss, it's very possible that Mr. President's person already knew who did it, so he asked his subordinates to destroy the evidence. Or maybe the person who did it was too smart and didn't leave any clues for us to investigate." Chang Huan The voice came to Qin lelan's ears from the mobile phone again, with a very respectful attitude.

"Aunt Chang, which of these two possibilities do you think is more likely?" Qin leran has no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, but she knows to listen to the opinions of her elders.

Chang Huan said: "Miss, in my opinion, it is impossible that the person who did the manipulation did not leave any traces. People don't often say that if something is done, it is absolutely impossible not to leave traces."

"Aunt Chang, I understand." Qin leran nodded and said politely, "thank you for helping me so much today."

Chang Huan added: "Miss, being able to work for you is the most honorable thing for us, mother and son, in our lives. Please don't be polite to us in the future."

"Aunt Chang, since you asked me not to be polite to you, then I won't be polite to you anymore. Don't call me short lady, eldest lady, young lady. Just call me Leran." Qin leran smiled and said, "Aunt Chang, it's settled. Goodbye!"

Chang Huan is the elder, so Qin leran talks to her in the attitude of a junior. She has always done a very good job in human relations and sophistication.

After hanging up the phone, Qin leran had no intention of searching for information anymore. All he could think about was the tire explosion today.

After this incident, she understood even more why brother lie was unwilling to recognize her and meet her in public.

What Pei Xuanzhi said to her today was the answer.

Brother Lie holds the position of president of country A and has great power, but the power is directly proportional to the personal risk.

It is often said that high official positions come with dangers.

Now, Brother Lie is in the center of a dangerous whirlpool. Anyone who comes close to him may be in danger, or may become a tool for others to deal with him.

Because Pei Xuanzhi is loyal to their president, he is worried that she will become brother lie's fatal weakness.


This is something Qin lelan cares about very much. She doesn't want to be someone else's weakness in dealing with brother lie.

If she insists on being compared to one of Brother Lie's ribs, then Qin lelan is willing to be Brother Lie's strongest rib instead of being his weak spot.


The mobile phone placed aside rang again. Qin lelan grabbed it casually and answered the call without even seeing who was calling: "Aunt Chang, is there anything else?"

"I thought that when I was gone, the person my Ranran would miss the most would be me. Who knows... I seem a little sad."

It was brother lie's voice with bass bubble effect that came to Qin lelan's ears from the mobile phone. When you listen carefully, his voice still has a sour taste.

"Brother Lie, please stop thinking nonsense. You know clearly that the person I miss most is you." Hearing Brother Lie's voice, Qin leran's lips were involuntarily stained with a smile, and he said softly.

Quan Nanzhai asked: "How much do you want it?"

Qin leran smiled and signed: "I think you can't even see your call clearly."

Hearing her laughter, Quan Nanzhai couldn't help laughing: "I guess you, a little girl, can talk."

Qin lelan tilted his head and said softly: "brother lie, why don't you record a special ringtone for me with your nice voice another day. In this case, when you call me in the future, I will know it's you when I hear the voice , I will never admit the wrong person again.”

"What kind of exclusive ringtone do you need?" Quan Nanzhai was willing to cooperate with her even if it was such a childish thing.

"As long as it was recorded by Brother Lie, anything is fine." She is really a little fan of Brother Lie.

"Okay." Quan Nanzhai nodded, already thinking about what kind of ringtone to record for his baby Ran.

"Brother Lie, are you done?" Qin lelan murmured.

"Well, we're done." Quan Nanzhai said in a very soft and gentle voice, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"I ate a lot at night." Qin leran picked up the phone and put it tightly to his ear, "brother lie..."

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Lie, I just want to call you...I haven't called you for more than ten years. Now that I finally have the chance, just let me call you a few more times."

"Well, wait a moment."

"Brother Lie, are you still busy?"

She hung up the phone without answering. Qin lelan looked at the darkened screen of her mobile phone, feeling a little depressed.

Soon, the phone screen lit up and a voice file was received.

When Qin leran opened it, he heard brother lie say in a pleasant voice: "Of course, what are you doing? Brother lie called! Answer the phone quickly! Answer the phone quickly!"

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