The terrifying aura on Dugu Canghai's body was quickly retracted, and he sneered: "Interesting, a little god of war, he dares to overstep his authority and replace the exercise of power, hehe, is there anything else about this person?

Barely suppressing the fear in his heart, the adjutant said with a pale face: "My subordinates have investigated, this Ye God of War is from the Imperial Military Department, but there is very little information, except for his name and strength is the God of War, other information such as family background and background are all gone." Another thing is that the Tenglong group where this person's wife belongs is the same group that took over the Yanjing defense project launched by the general. What's more, the two recent sensations in the upper circle of Yanjing seem to have been detonated by this person......

" After the adjutant finished speaking, Dugu Canghai's brows gradually wrinkled, and he waved his hand to stop the stage play and let all the performers leave, and then he said slowly: "Every god of war of the empire is an authoritative figure of the empire, and he has the highest secret authority in the military department, so it is understandable that you can't investigate other information about him for the time being." However, this person made such a big move in Yanjing, and as his god of war, he privately gave the general's project to his wife, which is not kind. Hmph, is this Yanjing really his world?Where do you put Ben Jiang???"

Finally, Dugu Canghai's tone suddenly became stern, and he looked angry.

The adjutant trembled with fright, but he knew that this lord had a bad temper, and if he angered him, he would die.

So he hurriedly asked: "Then Your Excellency General, do you want to subordinate and invite this Ye Zhanshen to come over for questioning?"

Dugu Canghai heard this, and snorted coldly: "No, I don't have to, Ben Jiang will sit here and take a good look at what tricks he can play, hmph, even I don't dare to do anything to so many big families in Yanjing, he is very good, he dares to let go, see how he ends up in the end......

" The adjutant asked again: "What about the city defense project?"

"You don't have to, so why don't you do it for him. In the end, if I can't get the result and mess up the general, I have to put him in the black prison of the Imperial Military Department.

Dugu Canghai said with a dark face.

Since Yanjing took office, it was the first time he had met such a guy who dared to ignore his existence.


Ye Tianze didn't know that one of his anger caused by the Li family had caused such turmoil in Yanjing's upper circles.

He didn't know that he was now on the blacklist of the mysterious supreme governor in Yanjing.

But even if he knew, he was probably indifferent and ignored it.

Ye Tianze's idea is very simple, everyone's well water does not interfere with river water, I won't go to you, and you don't come to mess with me.

Otherwise, he doesn't care what level the other party is, anyway, no matter what level it is, it is impossible to have a high level ...... him

"Dad, our art teacher has assigned homework, let's use a painting to draw what our father is like, hehe, Yuan Bao has already drawn it!! "

Yuan Bao shook the painting in his hand as if showing off, and said with a smile on Ye Tianze.

It's eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianze has already put on a beautiful little dress for his baby daughter, and is carrying a cartoon schoolbag for her, and said with a smile: "Baby, is this your dad?

So Dad, you just wait a little longer, okay?"

Ye Tianze laughed, and didn't care about laughing: "Okay, then baby, you have to paint Dad better, please."

"Don't worry, Dad, people paint Dad very well." The

little girl showed her little white teeth, smiling so much that her eyes were squinted together, and she seemed to be in a very good mood.

After Yuan Bao went to kindergarten, his talent in painting was revealed.

Some of the flowers and plants that she usually paints, Su Yingxue saw it, and she was very surprised that she said that it was very level.

Ye Tianze didn't understand this, he only knew that his baby daughter was very good, and the teacher personally called him, saying that Yuanbao was the smartest child in the class, and he learned everything very quickly.

Su Yingxue said while wearing high heels: "Husband, when our daughter grows up, what are you going to train her to do?"

Ye Tianze smiled and said: "I can let her do whatever the girl wants, as long as she is happy." However, I see that she likes to draw a lot, so it is good to train her to become a world-class painter in the future.

Su Yingxue snorted lightly, and said sourly: "I have found out, you have an unconditional preference for your daughter, and you depend on her for everything, but what about others? Could it be that if you have a daughter, you don't spoil others? Recently, you don't go to the group to accompany others to work overtime......

" Looking at Su Yingxue with a resentful face, Ye Tianze couldn't cry or laugh, and hurriedly coaxed: "Wife, what are you doing here? Why are you still jealous of your daughter?" You two are my most precious people, and I love them all, regardless of each other.

Su Yingxue felt happy in her heart, Yingying smiled: "It's almost the same, hehe!! husband, in fact, people just want to be coquettish with you, so people don't compete with their daughters and be jealous, come, kiss one, I'm going to work."

Ye Tianze stepped forward, kissed Su Yingxue, and said with a smile: "Be careful on the road, drive slowly." "

Yes, goodbye husband.

Su Yingxue glared at Ye Tianze with her cheeks crimson, and quickly went out.

Even though she has been with Ye Tianze day and night for so long, every day when the two are intimate, Su Yingxue still feels her heart beating non-stop, and she can't help but blush.

Su Yingxue left, and Ye Tianze also went out to send Yuanbao to school.

His current life is far from his identity and his identity is not matched at all.

On the contrary, it is like a father who takes care of his children at home and cooks for his wife, or the kind of full-time !! who

leaves Yanjing No. 1 Kindergarten, Ye Tianze's car does not stop, not to the Century Building, but to the building.

For the past few days, he has come to the building every day.

The Thunder Operation carried out by the Inspection Division and the City Lord's Mansion encountered some thorny problems, even if Yang Ting and Xing Changfeng did not dare to deal with them, at this time, Ye Tianze needed to guide the two of them.

"My lord, you are finally here, just now the people of the Yi family came to the door to make trouble, saying that our city lord's mansion has no right to remove the personnel of the Yi family. The Yi family's god of war, even carried a long knife to come over and go crazy, Changfeng and I, we don't know what to do......"

Ye Tianze just walked into the office building, Yang Ting greeted him with a difficult face, and quickly spit bitter water.

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