"This is my wife, Shimani." Old Dong introduced Fang Ze, "She doesn't speak Chinese very well. English is no problem."

As soon as Lao Dong finished speaking, Ximani said hello to Fang Ze in broken Chinese, and then said a lot of welcome words in English.

When Fang Ze heard Ximani's English, he continued to pretend that his English level was only about that of a high school student, and answered a few words awkwardly.

Old Dong walked over and said a few words to Ximani, and then asked Ximani to leave first, and then he took Fang Ze to the upstairs study.

"You're already married here." Fang Ze said to Old Dong, "It looks like you don't plan to return to Huaxia?"

"When I was young, I was poor and had no choice but to come here to seek a living. Now I'm used to living here, so if there are no accidents, I probably don't plan to go back."

There is a wedding photo of him and Shimani on Lao Dong’s desk, and Lao Dong said proudly to Fang Ze, “My wife’s family is a big family with a high caste in India. The deputy prime ministers all called to congratulate."

"Oh." Fang Ze was a little interested after hearing what Old Dong said, and he asked, "Isn't there a caste system in India? What kind of caste are we foreigners in India?"

"Barely, it can be counted as a Kshatriya." Old Dong took out a cigarette and tried to give Fang Ze one. Here is considered a run-down nobleman, so the status is still good. Of course, Europeans and Americans are higher. But this is only useful for men. For women, no matter how noble you are in India, you still have to be very careful when you go out. Some Indians are in love, but Regardless of caste, sometimes even species doesn’t matter to them.”

"Uh." Fang Ze recalled the news about the relationship between Indians and animals, and nodded in agreement with what Old Dong said.

"I've always heard that the caste problem in India is very serious. How about the situation in Delhi? Are your Indian servants the legendary untouchables?"

"No, no, no, although my servants pay them a very small salary every month, they are just low-caste Indians, not untouchables." Old Dong said to Fang Ze, puffing out smoke rings, "India The caste system is very complicated, and it cannot be interpreted from the literal meaning of 'Brahman', 'Kshatriya', 'Vishya' and 'Shudra'."

"People in our country may understand this hierarchy as different classes, the difference between nobles and civilians due to historical reasons, or it is equivalent to what the Mongols did during the Yuan Dynasty. But it is not the case. Compared with the Mongols who followed the Racial classification, the Indian caste system is much more vicious."

"To answer your question first." Old Dong said, "Those people who work as servants in our family belong to the Sudras according to their ranks. They are just low castes, not untouchables. In India, the real untouchables do not have their own Caste, they do the dirtiest and hardest work, and are required not to appear in public. Except when working and getting paid, if a Dalit wants to contact people of other castes, he will be beaten to death. Because They represent the unknown, get it."

"Understood." Fang Ze felt a chill down his back when he heard what Old Dong said.

"When we talked about the division of castes, there are more than 10,000 sub-castes derived from the four castes in India. The division between these sub-castes is also very confusing. For example, my wife's surname is Kshatriya in Delhi, but in other Some of the states can be counted as Brahmins. Some are considered as the caste of Kshatriya in Delhi, and they are also counted as the low caste of Vaisya in other states.”

"So it is actually very difficult to judge class based on gender alone. In India, your caste does not represent your nobility. What really represents your nobility is your job."

"Work?" Fang Ze was a little confused.

"Yes, because the caste system was established very early, so for thousands of years, all caste families in India have tried to move closer to the high caste,

Fight for contempt for other castes. This has been going on for thousands of years, not to mention us, even the Indians themselves can't figure it out. "

"However, the real purpose of dividing castes in India is not to distinguish classes, but to distinguish jobs. For example, in India, gods are supreme, so Brahmins are the spokespersons of gods, responsible for communicating with gods, and the boss of the family.

Kshatriya is responsible for managing family affairs and is regarded as the second child. Vaisya, who is in charge of earning money to support the family, is the third child, and the fourth child Dhara does the housework. These are all family members. And some dirty work, such as emptying the toilet and digging the sewer, requires outsiders to do it. This outsider is the untouchable, also known as the untouchable. "

Old Dong was smoking a cigarette, and his tone was relaxed, but what he said was not easy, "Untouchables are not considered family members in India, so you can sometimes see an Indian who loves small animals very much, and he is very He is caring and a good person, but in the face of untouchables, they will not treat them as a life."

"My company used to hire an untouchable as a coolie. One day he didn't come, and I didn't care. It was a long time later that his father came and told me that he was found because he took a shortcut and climbed over the wall of a rich man. Then he was killed. And his father didn't even try to call the police, that's the status of untouchables in India."

"Is no one trying to resist?" Fang Ze was a little dumbfounded. After all, no matter how much he knew, he only understood Indian castes in writing. Now that he is in India, he heard this from a compatriot who has lived in India for many years In other words, the inexplicable feeling is a little scary.

"Don't think that resistance to oppression is an easy task. How many people have been killed by a good family in our country, and the poison is still there. The situation in India is more complicated. I told you that there are more than 10,000 of them. Derived castes, these castes actually represent jobs. For example, the same Sudra, in India, there are people who drive motorcycles and tricycles to pick up passengers. However, the two waves of people who drive motorcycles and ride tricycles are not a sub-caste. They despise each other and refuse contact. If you are not of the motorcycle driving caste, you cannot drive a motorcycle, otherwise people will drive you away. Because their union is also controlled by this caste.”

"So the most complicated situation in India is that they not only despise the lower castes from the upper castes, but also despise each other among the same castes. You are a farmer, and you can only farm the land in your life, and you cannot weave. Because you It is not the caste of weaving. If you are a cake maker, you cannot make flying cakes. Everything is because of your caste. Moreover, your caste will accompany you all your life. Even if you change your surname, your work will expose you. What level of society. Even if you convert to another religion, your caste remains the same. Any religion in India must obey the caste system. They discriminate and hate each other, more than 10,000 sub-castes, religions, occupations, regions, Nationalities are entangled with each other, dislike each other, refuse to intermarry, high-level people can only communicate in English, and low-level people may not understand each other's language."

"This kind of situation can only be passed by time. What we did before can't be used here, because there are no landlords here, only castes that despise each other. When the time comes, we don't know who to fight." Old Dong As he said, he poked the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "There is an Indian self-deprecating saying that can explain all this, 'In India, no one makes the mistake of letting others have dreams.'"

"Let's talk about the news you have about the disappearance of Laosha's people." Fang Ze felt inexplicably heavy after hearing what Old Dong said, so he skipped the topic and asked about the business.

"The people Sha Ge sent to India this time, except for a girl, are two men named Feng Zhongjie and Huang Sheng. I am very familiar with Feng Zhongjie. He has been to Delhi several times. He said that he used to be a special soldier. The physique is also really good. There is no problem in playing five or six games by one person."

Old Dong said, took a book from the side, and then took out a photo from the book. "This is Feng Zhongjie's photo."

Fang Ze took a look at the photo. The man in the photo was about twenty-five years old, with a cropped cut, and he looked muscular.

"That is to say, in fact, the three missing people didn't have any news for such a long time because they met some local hooligans."

"Yes." Old Dong nodded and said, "Indian hooligans also bully and bully women, so they don't have the guts to rob on the road, because once they are caught, they will be killed immediately. So this time the three disappeared. That's why they were so alarmed, because they suddenly had no news, they couldn't get through the phone, and they didn't explain in advance."

"And later we sent people to track Feng Zhongjie's mobile phone signal, and found that the mobile phone signal of the three people disappeared on the day they disappeared. We searched for people in the same place, but the mobile phone was not found."

"The phone card must have been pulled out." Fang Ze thought for a while and then asked, "Then do you know where they went last?"

"They didn't tell me when they left, but the driver of the taxi we took them to find out that they got off near the Delhi subway station, and there is a slum nearby. You know, the most troublesome part of the slum is that, You don't know who's telling the truth and who's telling the lie."

"Aren't they here to buy new medicine? Why are they going to the slums?" Fang Ze then asked.

"This is also where I am puzzled. Because they asked me to prepare a lot of ice chips in advance. The original plan should be to put them in the refrigerator and keep them warm after getting the medicine, and then leave Delhi directly to return home. But when they went out, they didn't bring ice pads, which means they didn't go to get medicine."

There are too many doubts.

Fang Ze leaned weakly on the chair.

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