My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 508 Confession

Under Fang Ze's command, the Ghost Wolf walked up to the man, with its ferocious bloody mouth open and its giant teeth clearly visible.

"You still have another chance." Fang Ze squatted in front of this person, pointed to the ghost wolf and asked, "If you say something wrong, I will let my pet eat you."

Ghost wolves have no entity, and of course they cannot eat people.

But this did not prevent Fang Ze from using this to scare the other party.

"Boss, the boss is really not here!" Faced with this situation, the man still didn't tell the truth, which made Fang Ze frown.

It was his first time facing such a thing, and he didn't know how to deal with it. It is not his style to wantonly hurt others when the right owner is not found.

People always have a little restraint on themselves, otherwise the bottom line will get lower and lower.

At this time, Tsunade standing in the middle of the field moved.

She stepped on the ground seemingly lightly, but it made the whole villa shake like an earthquake, and large cracks spread out around her.

After doing all this, she squatted in front of a woman who had been frightened into a fool, and asked softly, "Can you point out Li Yusheng, please?"

Tsunade's words seemed to be magical, the woman raised her hand involuntarily, and then pointed at the man Fang Ze asked twice before.

"You are Li Yusheng!" Fang Ze fixed his eyes on this person.

"I'm not, I'm not!" The man yelled mournfully, stretched his hand under the table, and then suddenly pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Fang Ze.

The guns in the real world are not like those in the game. You can shoot when you pick it up. You also need to open the safety, and pay attention to whether your wrist will be injured by the recoil due to unqualified holding methods.

So when Li Yusheng took out his pistol and went to dial the insurance, the ghost wolf moved.

The huge teeth easily pierced Li Yusheng's wrist, and the pistol fell directly to the ground.

Because the ghost wolf has no body, after the teeth left, Li Yusheng's wrist seemed to have been directly opened by someone.

Because he still had to ask questions, Tsunade used medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding for Li Yusheng, and Fang Ze also took advantage of this time to knock out all the security guards who had heard the sound and throw them in the villa.

"Is it you who killed Wang Teng?" As a ninja who has been on the battlefield for many years, Tsunade's torture methods are much more powerful than Fang Ze. In addition, Fang Ze has the ability to judge the truth and lies, so they quickly got the result they wanted.

"The killer is already leaving Macau by boat tonight." Li Yusheng endured the pain and said, "I just asked him to teach Wang Teng a lesson, but I didn't expect him to kill someone, so I had to tell him to leave quickly."

"It's a lie again." Fang Ze gave Li Yusheng a kick, and then asked, "I have a question for you."

"You ask." After Li Yusheng knew that these two people came to avenge Wang Teng today, his face turned pale, but he still did not give up the idea of ​​survival.

After all, the purpose of Fang Ze and Tsunade's coming here today is very clear, which is to avenge Wang Teng. He just needs to pass the blame to others, so he needs to cooperate more with Fang Ze now.

"If I want to send you to prison, what evidence do I need to collect?"

"What?" Li Yusheng was stunned.

"I mean, if I want to send you to prison, where do I need to find evidence and witnesses. Who knows about the illegal things you did." Fang Ze looked at Li Yusheng and said directly, " I have the ability to know whether every word you say is true or false, so don't try to lie to me. And we are in a hurry to intercept your little brother who killed Wang Teng, so we don't have much time, so hurry up and say, If you say it too late, the consequences will be dire.”

People like Li Yusheng, who had been on the road before, would never tell the whole truth from their mouths.

But it doesn't matter, Tsunade's medical ninjutsu allows Fang Ze to pull out the nails on Li Yusheng's ten fingers at will, grow them back, and then pull them out again.

After doing this several times,

This tough guy who used to be a gangster couldn't take it anymore.

Not only did he reveal all his criminal facts, evidence, and younger brothers, but he also revealed the secrets of several ghosts he planted in the police station and some politicians.

Fang Ze took out the list of the inner ghost and the hard drives that Li Yusheng hid in the safe to manipulate others, and the hard disks that stored the videos, and then walked away with Tsunade.

"Boss, Boss." After confirming that Fang Ze and Tsunade had left, a younger brother present boldly stood up, pointed at the woman who had leaked Li Yusheng's identity before, and said, "This woman dares to betray Boss, I'll go dig A hole buried him."

"Fuck that fart." Li Yusheng still hasn't recovered from the pain of having his fingernails pulled out countless times. But he can already think of his future ending.

The best criminals must also be the best cops.

Li Yusheng knew that based on what he confessed just now, even the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu would not be able to save him.

What's more frightening is that the means of the man and the woman just now are too unbelievable. Facing this kind of people, even if I escaped by chance, they will definitely come to the door again next time.

So while they were chasing others, Li Yusheng planned to run as far as he could, and first run out of Macau.

But what Li Yusheng didn't expect was that Fang Ze didn't go to intercept the person who killed Wang Teng, only Tsunade went alone.

But Fang Ze himself went to Hua Luo's office.

The sound of 'dong dong dong' the toilet paper tapping on the glass sounded.

Charlotte, who was sleeping soundly, heard the abnormal noise, and immediately got up from the bed, turned her head to look around, then walked to the window in a daze, opened the curtains, and Fang Ze was standing outside.

"This is the second floor!" Charlotte let Fang Ze in while making sure that she didn't sleep in the living room on the first floor tonight.

"I know." Fang Ze jumped into the bedroom, threw the recorder that was used to record what Li Yusheng said just now to him, and said.

Charlotte saw the recording pen and was immediately attracted to it.

He put on his headphones and started listening to the recording.

Li Yusheng's shrill scream made him look at Fang Ze with strange eyes, but soon he was shocked by the content inside.

"Li Yusheng said these things. I'm afraid he's going to run away tonight. With my contacts, there's no way I can call the police to stop him tonight."

"This guy Li Yusheng gave me the handle to hold others up." Fang Ze threw the hard drive and the list on Charlotte's table, "First unite all people who can be united and eliminate the main enemy. This kind of operation you It should be."

"Although I'm not from mainland China, I know what to do." After confirming that the contents of the hard drive were valid, Charlotte immediately started calling.

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