My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 540 Expanding the Batmobile

"Huh!" Fang Ze woke up from his sleep at eight o'clock in the morning. He straightened his sweat-drenched hair first, and then looked to his right hand.

The right palm, which was empty before going to bed, now holds a fist-sized stone.

This stone was forgiving, and when Fang Ze held it in his hand, it always glowed with a strange light.

This is the benefit Fang Ze gained after Menglong, a stone that can expand space.

There seems to be an introduction about this stone in my memory, saying that putting it into any closed space and breaking it can expand the space.

Fang Ze thought about it for a while, and found that he knew how to use this stone, but he completely forgot what kind of dream he had last night and how to get this stone.

Xiao Hei invited me to visit their 2D Center last night, and there is still time. Fang Ze raised his arm to check the time, then stood up holding the stone.

Such a precious stone that can expand the space, of course Fang Ze would not use it in the room. It sounds cool, but without the ability to move, it's useless.

However, things like wallets are not Fang Ze’s first choice. After all, after expanding the space of a wallet, although you can carry a lot of things with you, the function of this stone that can expand the space is only to expand the space, not to change it. small surgery.

In other words, if Fang Ze really used this stone for a wallet, then Fang Ze's wallet can only hold things whose length and width do not exceed the size of the wallet.

As a result, the practicality is greatly reduced.

And once the wallet is torn apart due to something else, the space expansion ability will also be invalidated at the same time.

Putting all these together, in Fang Ze's mind, there is only one place where this stone can be used.

The Wuling Hongguang Batmobile given to him by Bruce Wayne.

It is said that this car has been here for almost a few months. Because Fang Ze didn't have the ability to apply for a Beijing entry permit for this car when he went to the imperial capital, so Fang Ze left the car in Haiping. Although there was a cover on the body, it also accumulated a lot of dust.

But after Fang Ze opened the car door and activated the smart system inside, a puff of gas spewed out from the car body, blowing away all the dust, and the whole car still looked like new.

Sitting on the back seat of the car, Fang Ze took out the space expansion stone and smashed it to pieces immediately.

Because this Wuling Hongguang Batmobile is equipped with a lot of high-tech equipment, the air intake has always been small and the practicability is not high. But after Fang Ze smashed the space expansion stone, the space of the entire Wuling Hongguang Batmobile began to expand crazily. In just one hour, this car that could only carry three or four people now can pull three or four. Hundreds of people are fine.

But the only problem is that after the space is expanded, the front seat of this car has not changed much, and the place behind the rear seat has become extremely empty. It looks like there is nothing on the ground made of steel plates.

Standing on the back seat and looking into the distance, Fang Ze felt for a moment that he had come to an endless source of sand. At a glance, he needed to look very carefully to see the rear compartment of the car.

It seems that a batch of construction materials is still needed to build a small square behind the Wuling Hong Batmobile.

Of course, the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile has become what it is now, and it needs to be modified before it can be driven on the street. Otherwise, if a traffic policeman checks the car on the road, and the other party sees the space in the back seat of his car, he will not be scared to death.

I found a fast curtain at home, took it down and hung it on the roof of the back seat of the car, temporarily blocking the huge space behind the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, Fang Ze drove to Xiaohei's secondary center.

Because the two-dimensional center has not been formally established, Xiao Hei's gymnasium still bears the name of the original Chengnan Gymnasium until now.

Before Fang Ze drove the car to the underground parking lot, he deliberately walked around the small square in front of the gymnasium, only to find that there were not many people waiting in the small square.

There are only a few sparse ones.

There was no queue at the entrance of the gymnasium, and there were even more security guards than tourists.

It seems very popular.

Fang Ze walked up after parking the car. He wanted to buy a ticket to go in, but was told by the security that he could go in for free now.

This gymnasium is double-storey, with two standard basketball courts in the middle, surrounded by open space, where table tennis tables and other sports facilities should have been placed in the past.

The ground on the second floor of the gymnasium is only built around the basketball court, and the middle is hollow, so that if there is a game on the basketball court, the guests on the second floor can see it clearly just by holding on to the railing.

It can be seen that this gymnasium was indeed built with a lot of money before, and the time should be the years when the country advocated national fitness. At that time, in response to this slogan, many gymnasiums were more or less built.

However, with the development of various entertainment cultures, folk sports are actually slowly declining.

On the one hand, square dancing and the rise of ktv give middle-aged and elderly people a place to go.

On the other hand, the popularity of TV series, games, and movies has absorbed a large number of energetic young people. And those who really love sports, because of the construction of a large number of sports facilities in public places such as parks and schools, people no longer have to go to a gym that charges for a long distance.

If it is a big city, with excellent facilities, it may be able to transform into a niche sports. But in a second- and third-tier city like Haiping, there are only niche sports enthusiasts, and they can't afford such a gymnasium.

Fang Ze walked up the spiral staircase to the second floor, then looked down, and found that the number of animation booths in the venue is not only rare, but also set up by some unknown businesses, all of which are promoting animations that have basically never been heard of. and games.

As for some individual stalls, it was even more miserable. There was no one patronizing for half a day, and the stall owners gathered together to play board games to waste time.

Um, it's really miserable.

Fang Ze was just about to find out where Xiao Hei was, when he turned around and found An Ruoxi standing behind him.

"Long time no see." An Ruoxi greeted Fang Ze, and then suddenly coquettishly said to Fang Ze, "Brother Fang Ze, why are you here now. I miss you so much."

"What the hell." Fang Ze looked at the suddenly nervous An Ruoxi in bewilderment, and dared to move a few steps away.

"Can you be normal. This is not on the Internet. If you act coquettishly, I will treat you as a cute girl. In reality, if you do this, I can only pretend that you have not taken medicine recently and your nerves are abnormal."

"Ahem." Seeing Fang Ze's reaction, An Ruoxi coughed heavily, and realized the problem.

Everyone can't see each other on the Internet, and a person's voice can easily mislead the other party's overall perception of this person, so when some girls speak in a cute voice, the other party will misunderstand that she is a cute-looking sister, which will naturally make people Others take care of you like a younger sister.

(End of this chapter) *fo* Reading Joy, Reading Joy is wonderful! (= Reading Joy)

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