My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 544 Performance

Of course, the most coquettish operations of the Spartans in history are not limited to these.

The Spartans who were exaggerated in the movie and fought for freedom actually didn't want to fight the Persians in the first place. Because the most anti-Persian in the whole of Greece is actually Athens. In the two Hippo-Persian wars, Athens fought the first battle of Marathon that reversed the outcome. The second naval battle of Salamis, which repelled Persia, was also fought by Athens.

So from the very beginning, the Spartans never thought of going to the front to stop the Persians, but hid in the Corinthian city wall. Later, the Athenians promised to make great profits, which persuaded the Spartans to send their heavy infantry to fight, and defeated the Persians in the Battle of Plataea.

And after the war ended, the heroic Spartan general who defeated Persia in this war, in order to defeat Athens in the future, instead joined forces with the world-enemy Persians, and with the help of the Persians, he built a navy to defeat Athens. Athens.

Kratos, who was so angry with this kind of nation, chopped off the head of the Spartan king.

Of course, if the 300 Spartans from history came today, Fang Ze would have to use all means to tie up the 3 million and imprison them in the car for three days, even if Fang Ze tried his best to get 200 of them injured. I know if they will suddenly get nervous and hurt people in the street.

But Fang Ze entered the extended space of Wuling Hongguang, and after seeing 300 naked men wearing only underpants and red capes, he concluded that these 300 Spartan naked men came from the movie, and each of them had modern features. The beautiful character of the ancient people imagined by people.

Because in history, apart from wearing red cloaks, the Spartans never naked before going to the battlefield!

Not to mention Sparta, but a normal soldier would not only wear big underpants on the battlefield, isn't that courting death? The Spartans in history were all heavily armored hoplites.

After talking with King Leonidas for a while, Fang Ze confirmed that their timeline should be a few days before the three hundred naked men of Sparta went to Thermopylae to stop the Persians.

In other words, these people, after being a guest here for a week at Fang Ze, will go to the battlefield to fight a war that is destined to be wiped out. No matter how Fang Ze warns in advance, the outcome of this war cannot be changed. After all, this is the general trend, and the outcome cannot be changed by one or two future news.

"Tomorrow, I will help you find a place to live." Fang Ze said to Leonidas, "Since you have come to my country, I will let you live well."

"No need." After hearing Fang Ze's words, Leonidas resolutely refused. "The more comfortable life is, the less soldiers can devote themselves to the battlefield, because they are afraid of dying on the battlefield, so they can't enjoy these wonderful things, so these days you only need to provide the most basic food and beds. .”

"Okay." Looking at Leonidas serious expression, Fang Ze knew that he meant the truth, so he didn't force it.


Fang Ze rolled his eyes, and a bold idea was born.

Didn't Xiao Hei reject the members of the gay wrestling group yesterday? The strongest of those gay wrestlers was not as strong as the worst of the three hundred Spartan warriors.

One is the product of the gym, and the other is the result of actual combat training, so the effect is completely different.

If I can get these 300 people to perform, then today's show will definitely be there.

After all, although the discussion account asked Lei to come and sing a song yesterday, Lei is only an up host after all, and the time he can perform is short, and he can't support the whole show at all.

But how to convince these Spartans?

Fang Ze thought for a while, then turned to Leonidas and said, "Your Majesty the King, I admire the fighting power of the Spartans very much. Because in our country, we rarely see such powerful soldiers with cold weapons, so I hope you will send some warriors to demonstrate the Spartan fighting style and formation for the lives of our country. As a report, I will give you some information about the Persians.


"Although there is no precedent for the Spartans to perform battles for the people of other countries. But since we are fortunate enough to come to this world that is completely different from ours, then I think this exception can be made. You need three hundred of us to fight for the people of other countries." Do you need dozens of people to perform?" Leonidas didn't know if he was moved by Fang Ze's Persian information, and agreed to Fang Ze's request for a performance.

"Only dozens of people are needed, and I think eighty people is a reasonable number." Fang Ze estimated the area of ​​the gymnasium in his mind, and felt that eighty Spartans would actually be enough. If there are more ninjutsu, the center of the venue will become very crowded.

"Okay." Leonidas immediately nodded in agreement. Sure enough, the Spartans from the movie world are easier to talk to. If they were from the real world, Fang Ze would have to show them a video of modern weapons to make them realize what insignificance is.

But since it is easy to talk, Fang Ze doesn't want to mention hot weapons such as machine guns and missiles in front of these Spartans. If a group of cold weapon fighters who thought they could defeat any enemy as long as their muscles were developed enough saw the power of modern hot weapons, it is estimated that even Leonidas himself would shake his belief.

Some old things abandoned by the times are actually not wrong in themselves, but because the times don't need them, they are crushed by history.

Just like many traditional handicrafts in China, although the government has been clamoring for protection, it can only be maintained for a generation or two at most. They have nothing wrong with it, but because the wheel of history is ruthless, they can only being abandoned.

If any thing is maintained by emphasizing feelings and promoting history, then it is not far from complete extinction.

The same is true for the 300 soldiers with cold weapons in the city-state of Sparta. Even though they are extremely powerful in the movie and can kill 20,000 people, in reality, they can be killed quickly with only a few machine guns.

Wuling Hongguang slowly parked in the underground parking lot of the gymnasium. Fang Ze asked Leonida to take a few people to follow him out first, and discuss the performance with Xiao Hei first.

"That's right." King Leonidas looked at Fang Ze and said, "When will you give us the Persian materials you promised to give us? When we go down for a while, I need to let those of us who can read follow you to get them."

Uh, Fang Ze thought that the Spartan king didn't mention this matter just now because the brave are fearless and don't need to know the Persian information in advance.

Walking to the control center of the Wuling Hongguang Batmobile, Fang Ze projected a screen for the Spartans staying in the extended space.

ps: There are still two chapters that will be released later, and need to be revised.

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