My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 606 Let me teach you Qinggong

But in fact, Fang Ze doesn't need to pretend that he is a novice, because his movements seem to be those of beginners, but his rock climbing speed is weirdly fast, only one Щщш..lā slower than Chen Huahua

"You are very talented." Chen Huahua looked back at Fang Ze and gave Fang Ze a thumbs up. Then she sped up the climb in order to maintain the dignity of her veteran.

Fang Ze was afraid that no matter how fast he was, it would be easy for Chen Huahua to misunderstand that she was an old hand pretending to be a cute newcomer, so he didn't speed up, but seriously climbed slowly.

"Brother." Within thirty seconds of Fang Ze's crawl, a young man in his twenties jumped up beside him to greet him.

"Huh?" Fang Ze didn't know who this person was, so he responded vaguely.

"Brother, make a friend, my name is Ji Lin, how about you?"

"Fang Ze."

"Brother, you are a novice, right? There is something wrong with your movements. Rock climbing like this is easy to get tired." After exchanging names, Ji Lin and Fang Ze acted like a familiar chatterbox.

"I just learned it not long ago." Fang Ze didn't know what this guy wanted to do, so he just dealt with it casually. ..

"Do you want me to teach you, it's free."

"No need." Fang Ze replied, and then he thought he guessed that this man might be a rock climbing instructor who wanted to solicit customers, so he asked, "Are you a coach?"

"No. I'm also a lover." To Fang Ze's surprise, Ji Lin denied the guess, and then said to Fang Ze, "I just want to see my brother has a good relationship, so I came here to make friends. Don't think too much , I am a person who will not cheat money if I cheat anything."

As enthusiastic as you are, can I not think too much? Fang Ze complained silently in his heart, and then said to Ji Lin, "It's good for me to explore by myself, I don't need others to teach me."

"But you are so easy to get hurt." Ji Lin suddenly raised a hand and pointed to a small rock in front of Fang Ze's left, "Don't grab that one, it will fall right away."

Although Ji Lin spoke very fast, Fang Ze had already grasped the rock when he spoke.

Then, Fang Ze kicked his legs smoothly and climbed to a higher place with the help of this rock.

This is not scientific!

Ji Lin who was following Fang Ze was stunned.

It was absolutely impossible for him to get it wrong, not to mention that a small rock could be climbed by a person, even if he stretched out his hand and pulled it, it would fall down. How did Fang Ze grab this rock and climb up.

Ji Lin, who didn't believe in evil, crossed his position, and then reached out to hold the rock.

As a result, the rock was immediately grabbed by Ji Lin, and the pieces rolled down along the rock wall one by one. If Ji Lin hadn't been a veteran rock climber, he would have lost his footing and fell.

Fuck, it was about to fall, but the guy just now was lucky, he was still a little firm when he grabbed it, and he couldn't do it when it was his turn.

Ji Lin guessed why Fang Ze hadn't caught this rock just now, and then quickly caught up with Fang Ze.

How could he have imagined that when Fang Ze grabbed the rock just now, the rock was about to fall.

But Fang Ze, who wanted to lose face and refused to listen to other people's persuasion, insisted on using the force to push the rock back.

Then pretend that you are holding onto this rock.

"Brother, you are so lucky." Ji Lin chased Fang Ze and said, "I also tried that rock just now. If I didn't react quickly, I almost fell and hit the rock wall."

"Oh." Fang Ze responded, and then said to Ji Lin, "Brother, if you have something to say, just say it, you make me very uncomfortable."

"What can I say." Ji Lin said with a smile, "I just prefer to teach beginners how to climb rocks."

"That's no need, I think I can learn things faster by myself."

"Since we don't want to learn, let's chat." Ji Lin still didn't give up the idea of ​​pestering Fang Ze, and he continued, "Brother, did you come alone or with others."

"Someone else came together."

"Oh." Ji Lin listened to Fang Ze's answer, and then hurriedly asked, "I saw you talking to a woman just now, is that your girlfriend?"

"No, she is one of my sisters." Fang Ze replied.

"Then I'm committed to you as a friend." Ji Lin revealed his purpose, then chased Fang Ze and continued, "Brother, the first time I saw you, I thought you were destined for me, why don't we just face this one?" How about asking the rock wall for help. By then, you and I will be brothers."

"You're crazy." Fang Ze was dumbfounded by Ji Lin. He looked at Chen Huahua, who was climbing rocks in front of him, with breasts and butt, even after giving birth to a child, Chen Huahua, whose figure made ninety-nine percent of women jealous, turned his head back to look at Ji Lin, and said, " Will you ask me to introduce my sister to you after the two of us have done our obeisance?"

"Isn't that what it should be?" Ji Lin said with a smile, "I will also introduce some friends to you at that time, let's play together."

"No need." Fang Ze said, "I met your eyes, you are not the right person."

"It's okay if you don't ask for help." Ji Lin knew that his attempt to get to know that beautiful and hot beauty through Fang Ze was seen by the other party.

But he didn't give up easily, and chased after Fang Ze to harass him. "I have a lot of experience in rock climbing. If you want to learn, I will leave all my kung fu to you. Let me tell you, my ancestors are from a family of martial arts practitioners. I have practiced the lightness kung fu handed down by my family since I was a child. If you If you are willing to match up, I will reluctantly teach you the lightness kung fu that is passed down from male to female in my family."

"Lightness?" Fang Ze turned his head to look at Ji Lin and said, "Does the lightness handed down from your family allow you to run from the bottom to the top with just one pair of legs without using your hands?"

"Brother, lightness kung fu is about training people's flexibility, it's not as fantasy as in novels." Ji Lin said to Fang Ze, "Don't be misled by martial arts movies and novels."

"But I've seen others use lightness skills to go up the mountain." Fang Ze pretended to be stupid and continued.

"That must be a steel wire hanging from his back." Ji Lin said without thinking.

My pretentious heart started to burn again.

Fang Ze really wanted to perform a light work for Ji Lin right now, but it was a pity that with an acquaintance like Chen Huahua around, it was hard for Fang Ze to explain what happened.

It only makes sense to pretend to be a stranger. Comparing among acquaintances has always been.

While listening to Ji Lin's chatter, he speeded up his climb. After a while, Fang Ze climbed to the rest area on the top of the rock wall.

"It's pretty fast." Chen Huahua was wiping the sweat off her face with a towel when she saw Fang Ze climb up.

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