My Iron Suit

Chapter 460: The Rothschild family!

As long as the Civil War broke out, no matter who won the war in the end, the huge government debt caused by the huge war expenses will force the US federal government to borrow money and eventually embark on the road they planned.

According to the accurate information obtained by Chen Mo, it is now the richest man in Europe and the biggest banker in the world behind the Rothschild family.

They provided loans and trafficking of major materials to the nobility of the belligerent countries through wartime, and handled international remittances and currency exchanges between European countries. After the war, they were involved in government securities, insurance and corporate stocks, and also carried out railways, coal, steel, etc. Investment, firmly grasp the lifeline of the country economically.

After spreading the power across Europe, the Rothschild family set their sights on the United States.

In the autumn of 1859, European banker Solomon Rothschild came to the south of the United States. At that time, the United States was full of agents of British financiers. Solomon skillfully used these agents to artificially accentuate the strengthening of the North and the South on slavery. The conflict of economic interests has successfully catalyzed the issue of slavery into an irreconcilable contradiction between the North and the South.

In a meeting with local people, Solomon Rothschild publicly stated that he would strongly support the South in economics and would help the South after independence to gain recognition from European powers.

At the same time, there is also a strong supporter in the north. He is the Jewish banker Auguste Belmont, who is known as the king of Fifth Avenue in New York.

Auguste came to New York in 1837. Since he bought a large amount of government bonds, he quickly became a leader in the financial world of New York. Auguste also repeatedly stated in public that he represents the British Ross. Childer Bank is willing to support the North in finance.

In fact, the two bankers August and Solomon, who support the North and the South respectively, belong to the Rothschild family.

Auguste Belmont is the agent of Rothschild Bank in the United States and the main supporter of Henry Clay and the Whig Party. He has only worked hard in the United States for more than 20 years, but he has never Great progress, the Rothschild family sent a core family member to deal with the American issue.

Solomon Rothschild is the second son of the Rothschild family's founder, Meyer Rothschild, one of the "Roche Five Tigers."

Meyer Rothschild sent his five sons, Roche Five Tigers, to London, Paris, Austria, Vienna, Frankfurt, Germany, Naples, Italy, and other famous European cities to open banks and control European finance. After the defeat of the agent of the United States, Auguste Belmont, Solomon Rothschild personally came to the United States.

In fact, the outbreak of the Civil War was a matter of time. If it weren’t for Zachary Taylor, who had resisted slavery and had a strong attitude, the Civil War might have already erupted, and after years of brewing and continuous fermentation. The contradictions between the North and the South have become more and more acute. At this time, their intervention and help have only caused this long-awaited war to break out in advance.

Under their full force, the American Civil War broke out as expected by these bankers. In the early days of the war, the military attack in the south was victorious. Because the treasury of the Lincoln government in the north was empty, the army was losing ground. If there is no money, the war will end soon, and the victory will be the South.

At this time, it was the turn of the “good-hearted” bankers who came out on the scene. They proposed a financing plan to Lincoln and set the conditions: bond interest is 24% to 36%!

At this time, Lincoln knew that the bankers were playing a game that would make the US government completely bankrupt.

Bankers have succeeded in getting Lincoln into a dilemma. Without money, they can only wait for the horn of the victory in the South; and if they accept the rules of the game of the bankers, then if the war is won, the government will be controlled. At the banker.

Lincoln once again visited Chen Mo for this purpose, hoping that Chen Mo could provide financial support to the Northern Confederacy, but Chen Mo refused him again.

Now is not the time for private central banks to emerge. I have not experienced several financial crises. I have experienced the potential threat of laissez-faire free financial policy and the enormous damage to the economy. Even if he succeeded in creating the central bank in this war, he would Like the first US bank and the US Second Bank, which had been short-lived before, the government passed the crisis after the war and was closed after the license expired.

However, Chen Mo did not let it go, but suggested that Lincoln let the government issue its own currency!

This practice is tantamount to a blue sky for European bankers. The London Times, on behalf of the bankers, immediately issued a statement:

"If this disgusting new currency policy (Lincoln Green Coin) from the United States is perpetuated then the government can issue its own currency without cost. It will be able to repay all debts and No longer in debt, it will get all the necessary money to develop business, this country must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy in the world!"

Lincoln has made the bankers who have been providing huge financial support to the South suffer a lot, and even shattered the family's conspiracy, they can be willing to give up!

With the penetration of Congress in these years, they clearly grasped Lincoln's whereabouts and chose John Booth as their "gunner"!

Under a careful planning and arrangement, a series of coincidences allowed Abraham Lincoln to die in such a blindness.

After Lincoln’s death, under the control of international financial forces, the US Congress announced the abolition of Lincoln’s new currency policy, stipulating that the issue of Lincoln’s new currency will not exceed $400 million.

For these things, Chen Mo did not intervene. These influential historical events Chen Mo did not intend to change, because it is likely to change the direction of future history. Lincoln’s “death” did not weaken his control over the Republican Party and Congress, including the new currency. The abolition of the policy was also carried out under the acquiescence of Chen Mo.

European bankers thought they were in control of everything, but they didn't know that their every move was seen in Chen Mo's eyes. It involved a major historical event like "Lincoln assassination". Chen Mo did not want to intervene to change, but several small financial families Chen Mo Still can be disposed of at will.

In the First World War, under the influence of an invisible force, the famous European financial family, such as the Rothschild family, suffered a catastrophe in the war. Most of the industries were seized and confiscated, and family members were killed and wounded. These huge forces that once secretly controlled the European economy have been devastated.

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