My Iron Suit

Chapter 554: Reinforcement!

.., my steel shirt

The phantom's teleportation ability is similar to that of the night walker. It is not necessary to look at the destination to be able to teleport. As long as it is possible to determine the security of the place to be teleported, it is no problem to directly control the direction and distance of the teleport for teleportation. of.

The slightest teleport back to the sofa, Chen Mo once again sat back on the sofa and took out the third x-gen serum from the space.

For those who are pursuing powerful abilities, the ability to seek a powerful variety that is not available is easy to obtain in Chen Mo’s here. It is easy for those who are trying to improve their strengths. Will you be blinded by blood, but there are some things that you can’t envy. Today, Chen Mo seems to be able to get the variety he wants, but all this is the power he has accumulated over the past 100 years. In exchange for the planning and efforts, now Chen Mo is only picking after the fruit is ripe.

Chen Mo’s third x-gen serum is Anne’s dying serum!

The serum is injected into the body, and Chen silently waits for the serum to function.

Another burst of numbness and sensation spread throughout the body, Chen Mo knows that his gene is adding a new powerful ability!

At the same time, Chen Mo can feel that new changes are brewing in the brain.

A few minutes passed quickly, the feeling of numbness in the body gradually disappeared, the genetic modification was completed, and the new ability factor was already embedded in the gene of Chen Mo, and the change in Chen Mo’s mind was just beginning!

After the intensification of the teleportation ability, Chen Mo's mental strength has become more solid than before. In Chen Mo's mind, it seems that the original misty, sinister mist has turned into a thick fog of white.

With the completion of the genetic enhancement of the power of the mind, the change of the spiritual level also began. The white mist that had completely enveloped Chen’s mind began to gradually gather in the middle. As the occupied space was compressed, the spirit of the white mist The color of the force is getting thicker and thicker, and later it becomes as pure white as milk. However, if the mental power at this time is still foggy, the white color is still white, but it is more concentrated.

But the change has not stopped, compression continues!

The volume has been reduced by a few dozen times from the beginning, and the spiritual power of the cloud has gradually increased. As the spiritual cloud continues to compress, the glittering spot is getting more and more There are many, but the color of the cloud has gradually become shallower. In the end, when the compression of mental power is completely over, it is suspended in the middle of Chen Mo’s mind. It is a group of spirits that are as clear and transparent as springs, but seem invisible and inferior. sea!

Chen Mo feels that his thinking has never been as clear and thorough as it is now. It seems that the clouds in his mind are all swept away, and the refreshing and unspeakable!

Trying to control the mental power in my mind again, Chen Mo found that the mental power after the change was easier and smoother to control, such as the arm and the fingers, the mind immediately began to rise, the mental power quickly responded.

The change of mental power made Chen Moxin happy, but he did not rush to test the newly gained mind, but once again used the more solid spirit after the change to launch the teleport again.

Compared with the last time the teleportation, the foggy mental power spread to the whole body spent a little bit of zero and a few seconds. This time, almost between the thoughts, the mental power instantly enveloped the whole of Chen Mo. The body, if the speed of expansion of the previous fog-like mental power is like the speed of sound, then the more solid spirit is now comparable to the speed of light, the sensation is reached, Chen Mo feels, this is the effect that true spiritual power should have.

Although the time spent by the former compared to the devil's space jump is still negligible, but the top-ranking strongman with strong reaction ability is still likely to be caught, while the latter is basically not possible. .

Chen Mo also tried to extend the mental strength around the body. This time, the mental power was beyond the original one meter and reached a distance of ten meters. However, Chen Mo could feel that after the mental strength exceeded the one meter range, The feeling that the space is completely mastered disappears, that is, beyond the space range in which Chen Mo can bind with himself.

It seems that the mental enhancement brought by the mind is only changing the performance of the mental power, improving the speed, control and flexibility in an all-round way, but there is no strengthening effect on the spatial properties of the teleporting ability itself, but this is also in Chen Mo’s Expected.

After all, according to the previous mutant intensive test, the x gene serum replicates only a special variety ability, and does not directly increase the strength level of the mutant. The ability to enhance the speed of the teleport has made Chen Mo feel that it is unexpectedly harvested. .

The mindfulness x gene serum actually only strengthens Chen Mo's mental power attribute, making it more concise, can be fully controlled and flexible, but Chen Mo's own mental power has not increased, but the quality has improved, which may be the ability of teleportation. There is no reason for the increase in transmission space.

The tractor with a load of 10 tons and the heavy truck with a load of 10 tons, although the speed difference is huge, the load is the same.

As Chen Mo’s mind issued a teleport Chen Mo’s body instantly disappeared from the sofa and appeared in the chair behind the desk.

Sure enough, as Chen Mo inferred, there was no other change in the teleportation process, which was no different from the previous one.

Then Chen Mo no longer tried teleportation, but officially experimented with the power of mind!

The control is best verified. Chen Mo directly extends the mental power to the maximum, which is the distance of 10 meters previously tested. In this range, Chen Mo can clearly know all the situations inside.

Don't look at it, through the solid solid wood, Chen Mo can know what is placed in the desk drawer. The book placed on the shelf can directly view the text printed on each page. Outside the room, the x-team members who are guarded by God, Each of their looks, equipment, heartbeat breathing, and even the flow of blood in the blood vessels can be clearly sensed, more clearly, accurately and in detail than he had previously felt with a keen sense of hearing.

Within the scope of spiritual power, Chen Mo is like a 3D panoramic scan. Every detail can be clearly perceived by him. It is really like opening a God's perspective. There is a feeling of being omniscient and in control.


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