My Iron Suit

Chapter 664: Rainy night tracking!


Here, Meishi Pharmaceuticals is transferring the laboratory, and the other is the Los Angeles-based FBI office.

The pizza called by the call was quickly sent, and the recovery work was completed. With Jarvis's secret help, they really recovered some of the monitoring records.

It is rare to encounter such a smooth situation, no one is willing to stop the work in their hands, everyone is eating pizza while checking the recovered video files.

When David didn't go back to the office, he watched everyone in the public area busy, and instinctively told him that today's good luck will continue!

Sure enough, some people soon discovered that although they were not direct evidence, they also found the stolen drugs. Now they can be sure that the stolen new anti-cancer drugs are in the headquarters of Meishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.!

As long as you conduct a thorough search, you will be able to find out!

Finding stolen drugs at the company headquarters, as long as the arrested personnel are all arrested, and the assault trial will definitely take the crime of real Miller!

David's face could not help but show an excited look. The company was on the outskirts of Los Angeles. David was preparing to greet his hand and bang his head to turn the headquarters of Meishi to the sky. The other man who was not far away suddenly said.

"BOSS, the goal seems to have action, just half an hour ago, the monitoring of the headquarters of the company was suddenly closed, just recovered!"

David heard a change in his face, and compared to the news reports on TV before, David's face became very ugly.

"Damn! They must have received the news, transferring the stolen drugs!"

David raised his head fiercely and shouted at the crowds around him.

"Check the nearby monitoring! Give me the vehicles and personnel who left Meishi within half an hour to find out!"

A group of agents quickly took action, and they did not want the clues they just found to be broken.

David was anxiously watching his hands busy, while his face was gloomy and his heart was burning.

"Damn mouse! Damn reporter!"

Seeing that because the insiders of the Los Angeles police leaked the case, the target quickly responded and transferred the stolen drugs, which made the case alive. David’s heart had already sentenced the police who sold the news to the reporter, and so on. At the end of this case, Laozi personally sent you to jail!

However, it is imperative to find the drug that has been transferred!

"found it!"

Soon, someone found the target.

David quickly walked over and looked at the team on the computer screen that quickly left in the night.

"Five fifteen minutes ago, two off-road vehicles, a large truck and a small passenger car passed through the intersection near Meishi, but the other intersections in front did not have the picture of the team passing through. It can be concluded that this team It is from the inside of the company!"

"Good, keep tracking, give me the chance to find them!"

But soon, a bad news came.

"BOSS, lost! They should have turned off the road, monitoring can't find them!"


David said in a deep voice.

The team quickly transferred the satellite map.

"Where did they last appear?"

"Thirty-five kilometers north of the 17th road, the cameras here took their last image, and the next camera 12 kilometers away did not find their tracks!"

The agent pointed out two locations on the satellite map.

David looked at a conspicuous black road on the satellite map and the surrounding terrain. Obviously, it has already reached the suburbs. Apart from the few monitoring probes on the road, the roads below are mostly rural roads and even dirt roads. camera.

A few unobtrusive khaki lines lingered on the map, intersecting the black road.

Obviously, the team was on a certain road on this road, away from the road, and went deep into the wilderness.

“How many roads are there in the middle of this road?”

David crossed the 12-kilometer section of the map where the team disappeared.


David stared at the last captured team picture on the side of the monitor, but his brow was a wrinkle.

"What weather is outside now?"

They were busy in the office this day, no one noticed the weather outside, and the detectives were strange, but they quickly checked the weather.

"Light rain!"

David heard the words slamming up, patted the table hard, and shouted to the detectives.

"Prepare weapons, equipment and vehicles! Go now!"

Most people are unclear, but they acted quickly according to David’s orders.

Five minutes later, three large black SUVs rushed out of the building where the FBI office was located, and rushed toward the north.

Half an hour later, on the dark road, the lights of the six dazzling car headlights penetrated the pattering rain curtain, illuminating the tarmac that was wet by the rain.


A shrill brake sounded and three SUVs stopped at a fork.

David took the lead and got off the bus, didn't take the umbrella, and let the sparse raindrops hit him.

Before going to the winding road, with the bright lights of several cars, David could clearly see the situation on the winding road leading to the distance.

The sparsely lit leaves are scattered on the ground, wet by the rain, and reflected in the light.

After careful examination for a moment, David turned and returned to the car.

"Go to the next intersection!"

After a while, the three cars stopped at an intersection again, and David got off again and observed it.

At first glance, it is no different from the previous road. is also the dark ground wet with rain and the fallen leaves, but David’s eyes are suddenly bright and go forward. A few steps, he picked up a leaf and looked at it carefully in front of him.

This leaf looks fine, but if you look closely, you will find that compared to other leaves, although it is wet, it still maintains a certain curvature and curvature, not completely attached to the ground, but this leaf seems to be deliberately The same pressure, more flat, careful observation can also find traces of heavy debris crushed on the veins.

Dropping the leaves in his hand, David looked carefully in the direction of the road, and vaguely saw that many of the leaves on the ground in front of him seemed to be crushed, clinging to the ground, under the illumination of the lights, and around. The other leaves have distinct differences.

Obviously, there was a car passing by here not long ago.

At this time, it is the countryside, there will not be too many cars passing by, and there is a great possibility that the team they are looking for.

David returned to the car with excitement.

"Touch!" The door closed.

"Go ahead along this road!"

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