My Iron Suit

Chapter 677: 2 choices!

Chen Mo now only needs to consider how to deal with the upcoming Rocky and Qittari army.

These two parties are also not good!

The soldiers of the Qitarui Legion not only have powerful energy weapons, but also the individual combat strength is far above the ordinary human soldiers, and the number is very large.

In addition to the small individual spaceships that are not weaker than the fighters, they also have huge and powerful Leviathan behemoths.

That is the giant beast that Chen Mo saw in the world projection!

This kind of Livitan giant with a length of hundreds of meters is wearing armor. It has strong defense and amazing destructive power. It is loaded with a large number of Qatari fighters like an aircraft carrier, and can be quickly put into the battlefield.

After the opening of the wormhole in New York, the overwhelming Qitailui Corps brought tremendous damage to New York in a short period of time!

The origin of the evil **** Loki is even more extraordinary.

He is the adopted son of King Odin, the younger brother of Thor Thor!

Rocky was originally a descendant of the Frost Giants. He was adopted by Odin when he was a baby. Although his strength and positive combat power are not as good as Sol, it is also difficult to talk about the insidious and cunning of the soul of the brain.

Moreover, as a descendant of the Frost Giant, the same protoss Rocky, although the physical quality is worse than Sol, but compared with the average person is still not a level, especially in the strength of the body, in addition to strong The weapon of the gods, ordinary human weapons do not constitute damage to him.

The pistol bullet hits his head and flies directly. The general injury can be healed quickly. Even the savage attack of the Hulk can't kill him directly. He is physically strong and does not care about his protoss identity.

Soon, Loki will come to Earth through the universe of Rubik's Cube, and find ways to open the space wormhole, picking up the Qitarui army and invading the earth!

However, unlike the original movie, the universe cube at this time is not in the hands of SHIELD, but in the top-notch base of the Hydra in Norway!

Chen Mo now has two choices. One is to abandon the universe's Rubik's Cube, let Loki take it, and open the space wormhole, and take the Qittari army into the earth.

Another option is to continue to keep the Rubik's Cube in his hand, waiting for Loki to pass alone, using the power of Hydra and his own strength to take Rocky to stop his next plan.

But this is hard!

Rocky's strength can't be underestimated. Although he is weaker than the horrible Raytheon and the Hulk, he is a Protoss. Compared to other people in the Avengers, Rocky's strength is still strong. Many, Chen Mo estimates that in the case of not using equipment and mutant ability, whether he can beat Rocky is hard to say, especially his protoss physique, absolutely above Chen Mo.

And Loki is proficient in illusion, often stunned his stupid big brother Raytheon, coupled with his treacherous character, not good to deal with.

Of course, if you add a lot of powerful equipment and variants that Chen Mo has, and you have extremely powerful combat skills, it is hard to say the outcome.

And even if Chen Mo can take Rocky, the "brother who abused me thousands of times, I am waiting for my younger brother to love", the thunder of the brain, the thunder of the brain and the lightning will also jump out.

If Loki Chen Mo is still reluctant to deal with it, he can be able to play against the Hulk and the Hulk, and after holding the powerful artifact, Quake, it is even more capable of exerting more horrific combat power. Ray Moss has no chance of winning at all. Relying on self-healing ability and teleportation can protect yourself.

Although he has the sword of the king, but Raytheon also has the hammer of Quake.

This hammer from the Asgard Divine, forged from the core of the planet, is a true artifact with many magical and powerful abilities.

Quake can recognize the Lord, it is very heavy, no one can take it except Ray Thor, and after being thrown out, no matter how far apart, as long as Raythes stretches out his right hand, it will fly automatically. In the hands of Sol.

And Quake also has the ability to guide lightning, holding the hammer of Thor, Sol can ignite the thunder of the sky, launch a powerful lightning attack, the power can be much stronger than Chen Mo's electromagnetic control.

If Chen Mo sets a trap and grabs Rocky, "Guardian Devil" Sol will definitely hit the door very quickly, and Chen Moke has no confidence to beat him.

The success of Rocky’s sorrowful Sol will soon come back. When Chen Moke has no foresight, he will not know when he will start to the earth again.

As for killing Loki, let's not say if you can, if you really kill him, then you are ready to welcome the anger of Raytheon. Maybe he can directly stimulate the power of Thunder and reach the peak of strength in advance.

There is Raytheon's "guardian demon", and Rocky really can't just kill it.

And in Chen Mo's view Loki is just a rebellious scorpion of the Protoss, the key to the matter, in fact, in the Qitarui people!

The Qithari people are one of the two major corps under the tyrants. They have always had the ambition to occupy the earth. If they directly solve Loki, whether it is to kill or let Sol bring back to Asgard to discipline, Qitar The Legion will not have any loss. If this is not successful, they will think of other ways to continue to invade the Earth, but it will push the time back.

It’s better to use this opportunity to take advantage of Chen Mo’s prophetic advantage and dig a pit to bury them together!

That is to eliminate the big threat of invading the earth, and cut off one arm of the tyrant, weakening the power in his hands.

As for the Rubik's Cube, Chen Mo tried it when he first crossed the "Captain America" ​​period, that is, he couldn't put in space, and he couldn't take it. For him, there was nothing but energy to extract energy to make energy weapons. Great value, and with Tony Stark's Ark reactor, there are more choices in energy, and the meaning of the universe cube is not that important.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not choose to keep the Rubik's Cube, but threw this seductive bait out!


Three days later, when the National Strategic Defence Attack and Logistics Support Bureau performed a secret mission, it unexpectedly discovered a blue cube containing strong energy fluctuations. After consulting a large amount of historical materials and ancient books, they discovered it. The true identity of Odin, hidden in the human treasure, contains the universe of unlimited space energy!

Soon, under the leadership of the Director of the National Strategic Defence Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, Nick Fury, a research project codenamed "Second Phase" was launched in secret.


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