My Italian

Chapter 351: Newly installed patrol plan (Part 1)

In view of the large number of warships that need to be tendered this time, this tender will take a long time, about a week.

The first day was the highlight, the tender for three cruise ships. In accordance with the practice for many years, the tender will start from the weak.

"Representative of Boloni Shipyard."

Following the navy's roll call, the sweaty head of Boloni Shipyard glanced at the designer who was bowing his head with a complex expression. "Our Boloni shipyard abstained from the installation and patrol plan."

As soon as he finished speaking, the person in charge hurriedly sat down, ignoring the gazes of others.

With the Boloni shipyard taking the lead, the other shipyards who were named next also abstained.

The successive abstentions made some high-ranking officials in the Admiralty look unsightly, but considering what Admiral Yagier had just said, they could only hold back.

As the party involved, Admiral Yagier did not change his expression at all in the face of the repeated abstentions, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Some people may have guessed the general's thoughts, or they may not have guessed it, but no matter what, this does not affect the bidding will continue.

And with the sound of abstentions one after another, there are fewer and fewer shipyards that have not been called.

At this time, some people couldn't help but think, is there only two shipyards left to compete?

However, their concerns were soon dissipated, and when called to the Fincantieri shipyard, the person in charge who stood up finally said something different.

"Our Fincantieri shipyard has made design drawings that are in line with the Navy. Let the chief designer of our factory, Mr. Budel, explain it to you."

So, in the eyes of everyone gathered, Alessandro Budel stood up.

On the side of the Admiralty, the officers in the roll call crossed out the name of the Fincantieri shipyard, and the names of the shipyards that had previously abstained were all there.

Facing the gazes gathered by the crowd, Budel opened the carefully designed drawings.

"Everyone, this is the design drawing of the patrol patrol prepared by our factory. According to the requirements of the Ministry of the Navy for the new patrol patrol, after unremitting efforts, we finally met the requirements of the Ministry of the Navy."

After a brief opening remarks, Boudelle talks about his masterpiece. "My new patrol plan, the ship has a total length of 151 meters and a width of 23.1 meters. The bow adopts a vertical bow, and I use a long bow building for this model. Three two-mounted first-class main guns are carried out in the front, 2, and 1 in the rear. Arrangement. In addition, on the secondary main guns, I think the 152mm guns commonly used by the Chinese Navy can no longer adapt to the current form, so I think 8 203mm double-mounted 45 times secondary main guns can greatly enhance the firepower of warships ."

With Budel's explanation, his ideas and overall picture were presented in front of everyone. The entire warship looks very slender, with two main battery turrets occupying the front deck and one occupying the rear deck. As for the 8 double-mounted 203mm secondary main guns, they are staggered on both sides of the midship. In addition, Buddle also arranged 10 127mm single-mounted guns, 6 76mm single-mounted guns, and 4 47mm single-mounted guns. The firepower must not be weak, and it is basically a model of firepower supremacy.

In addition to firepower, Buddle continued to explain other aspects. In terms of protection, Buddle fulfilled the requirements of 115mm-190mm armor on the side of the ship and 3.7 meters in armor height required by the Ministry of the Navy. In addition, the thickness of the armor on the turret also reached 140-190 mm, of course, this is only the treatment of the two-level main gun. In addition, the thickness of the deck armor is also 51 mm, and the armor of the conning tower is 60-190 mm.

In terms of power, the main engine chooses two vertical four-cylinder three-expansion reciprocating steam engines, and the boiler also chooses 24 Belleville boilers with a power of 22,000 horsepower, which can propel the warship to a maximum speed of 22 knots.

In addition, in terms of tonnage, Budel did not exceed the standard, with a standard displacement of 10,900 tons and a full-load displacement of 12,700 tons. It can carry 1,600 tons of coal and travel 8,000 nautical miles at a speed of 10 knots.

"I'll introduce the battleship here. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. Thank you for listening to my explanation. Thank you."

After introducing the various features of the battleship one by one, Boudell bowed slightly to the people present.

There was immediate applause from the scene.

Admiral Yagier, who was the Minister of the Navy, was the first to applaud, and it seemed that he was very satisfied with Budel's explanation.

The performance of Admiral Yagier also made the head of Fincantieri shipyard feel proud. In any case, their Fincantieri shipyard is finally impressive. If he remembered correctly, there were not many shipyards behind.

Sure enough, after the Fincantieri shipyard, the Navy went ahead with the roll call. The rest of the shipyards are really sitting on pins and needles. If everyone can't come up with them, it's excusable. After all, it is understandable that the technology is not enough. And now that they're out of the Fincantieri shipyard in front of them, it's really hard to be behind them. Because everyone knows that this is named according to the level of strength.

But no matter what they think, what should be theirs is still here, and they can only respond by abstaining from being forced to do so. In particular, the designers of these houses are even more ashamed and wish to have a hole in the ground.

But soon no one pays attention to them, because it has been read to the end.

"Representative of Andoshar Shipyard."

As they read the two shipyards, many eyes looked directly at them.

This time, it was Brin who stood up directly, worthy of the name of the shadow man of the tree. As soon as he stood up, everyone looked at him with anticipation.

"Andoshar Shipyard has made a plan, and I will explain it to you next."

As soon as Brin finished speaking, he immediately hung up his drawings without waiting for other people to react.

"This is my plan. The new patrol is 161 meters long and 22.7 meters wide."

As soon as Brin opened his mouth, everyone looked at a warship that was more slender than the Fincantieri Brin immediately began to explain. "My plan is to use a long forecastle ship with 4 boiler cabins in the hull, equipped with 28 Belleville boilers, and 2 vertical three-stage expansion engines with 2 axes. The output power is 25,000 horsepower. It can propel the warship to run out of 23.5 knots. maximum speed."

Brin's words surprised everyone in the venue. This speed alone makes his plan worth looking forward to.

Sure enough, he continued to speak. "In the new plan, there are 6 double-mounted 254mm 45x main guns. I adopted the layout of two fronts and one rear. In addition, on the secondary guns, I thought that the 152mm secondary guns were enough, so I arranged 16 on the ship. The double-mounted 152mm rapid-fire guns can ensure sufficient firepower output. In addition, the ship is also equipped with 14 76mm single-barrel rapid-fire guns and 12 47mm single-barrel rapid-fire guns.”

Well, although Brin's firepower arrangement is not as fierce as Budell's, it is still not weak, and the amount of ammunition is enough to overwhelm those opponents.

Of course, in addition to firepower and speed, protection is also a must. The armor given by Brin is similar. The main armor belt of 115-190 mm, the armor of the first class is 47 mm, the armor of the commander tower is 40-180 mm, and the armor of the battery is 140-180 mm. mm.

In addition to the tonnage, the standard displacement of 10,500 tons. The full-load displacement is 13,000 tons. It can carry 2,100 tons of coal and run 8,500 nautical miles at 10 knots.

Brin's plan also attracted a burst of applause, and Budell also has its own merits.

"Venice Shipyard."

With the navy's roll call, it's up to Cuniberti to come up with an eye-catching new plan.

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