My Italy

Chapter 142 Steak BBQ (please subscribe)

Without letting Major General Pascal think too much, the soldiers in the front started to commotion. At the front where he couldn't see, the soldiers were hiding to both sides.

"Fire quickly!"

The order from the officer made the soldiers hiding on both sides pick up their guns and pull the triggers on the charging cattle.

"Bah, bah, bah~"

A burst of gunfire rang out, and several of the charging cattle were killed, but this still did not stop the cattle.

The leading officer saw this situation and shouted anxiously. "Keep firing, keep firing."

As for Major General Pascal, who was in the middle of the team, he did not know what happened in the front until a messenger came to report. "General, there are a large group of mad cows coming towards this direction."

“What, what’s the herd size?”

Faced with Major General Pascal's words, the messenger informed him of what he saw.

"How come there are cattle rushing into the valley? They are..."

Brigadier Zelos on the side was very curious.

"We can't care about this now. We must find a way to stop the cattle to prevent them from causing huge damage to the team."

Major General Pascal, anxious in his heart, interrupted Zelos' words.

"To stop these cattle, we need fences or barriers. Where are we going to find these now."

An officer next to him spoke up about his current concerns, but someone else immediately spoke up. "You can shoot with a gun."

"The power of the gun is too weak. It needs to hit the vital part of the cow, and it is very difficult to hit the vital part."

An officer whose family owned a farm spoke up about the shortcomings of this approach.

"so what should I do now?"

Seeing the officers facing this situation, some couldn't think of a good way. As the commander, Major General Pascal looked at the machine gun carriage disguised as a grain and grass cart, thought for a while and then gave up.

Wait, carriage?

With inspiration in his head, he immediately ordered, "Pull out the carriage and block the valley."

Seeing the obviously stunned expressions of the officers, Pascal roared angrily. "Quick, why are you standing there? In addition to artillery carts and ammunition carts, there are also grain and grass carts like this. All other vehicles should be pulled over."

Pascal was referring to machine-gun carriages disguised as forage.

Following his order, the officers and soldiers now found the backbone and immediately followed his order and dragged all kinds of carriages over. This is also thanks to the fact that this march took into account various factors and carried a large number of various charged vehicles. After a while, a large number of vehicles piled up and blocked the valley tightly.

Of course, being able to give them so much time had a lot to do with the uneven terrain in the valley and the constant shooting of the soldiers in front.

The uneven terrain prevented the cattle from running fast, and the soldiers on both sides shot at them, causing the cattle to suffer constant losses. These fallen cattle became obstacles.

However, there is still a lack of sufficient means to stop the herd, and the shooting of the soldiers in front can only continuously reduce the size of the herd.

When the cattle appeared in front of Pascal and others, the charge of three to four hundred cattle was still very impressive.


This time, under the command of Pascal himself, the soldiers kept shooting the crazy cattle because their tails were burned through the obstacles created by the carriages.

Facing the obstacle in front, the cattle went crazy with pain and ran into it.


A carriage carrying tents was knocked away by a mad cow. However, the mad cow that hit the carriage also slowed down.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

A series of collisions knocked the set carriage into pieces, but this also caused the forward of the herd to stop.

However, although the forward stopped because of the obstruction of the vehicle, the cow behind, who was in pain and lost his mind, did not stop. Then there was another collision, but this time it was the chaotic collision of the cattle themselves. This collision caused the cattle to stop.

The Italian officers and soldiers took advantage of this opportunity and kept firing at the huddled cattle with their rifles. There are not many opportunities like this. You must know that the cattle used to be mobile, which was very difficult to shoot. But now they are crowded together, and shooting fixed targets is much more efficient than moving targets.

But even though shooting like this is great, there are still some mad cows running around.

"Get out of the way!"

an officer yelled at the soldiers who were actually firing at the cattle.

The soldier didn't know what was going on, but he immediately felt his body vacate, and then a black cow with red eyes appeared in front of him.


At this time, a scream came out of his mouth, but then he couldn't scream anymore. After falling heavily to the ground, he passed out.

After seeing his comrade being hit by a mad bull without making any sound, the angry soldier immediately aimed his rifle at the perpetrator.

"Bah, bah, bah~"

After a burst of fire, the black cow was shot dead at the scene.

Of course, situations like this happen from time to time at the scene, but after all, they are animals, how can they be the opponents of humans? In less than twenty minutes, all the cattle were killed.

It was only then that Major General Pascal issued the order again. "Treat the wounded immediately, count the losses, and send two more battalions to reinforce us. We must ensure our safety."

As Major General Pascal issued orders one after another, Italian officers and soldiers began to clean up the mess.

"General, what should we do with these cows?"

At this time, an officer came and asked.

Seeing these dead cows that made a mess of his army, Pascal spat and said. "Skin all these cows, and we'll prepare steaks for the barbecue tonight."

At this time, Major General Pascal felt a little scared. If the enemy took advantage of the chaos caused by the cattle to attack his team, he would be in danger.

Of course, the attack he was talking about required tens of thousands of people. As for the attack of thousands of people, he was not afraid at all.

It was a pity that Duke Harar only had a few thousand harassing cavalry on hand. Because he was blocked from the valley, he only heard the sound of gunfire and had no idea what was going on inside. Of course, it was not that he had no idea of ​​sending someone in to take a look, but the two battalions of Italian troops on the mountain made him give up the idea.

There is no use if there are too few people, but if there are too many people, it is doomed to be surrounded. Only a fool would go into the valley to take a look.

Well, the Duke of Harar missed his best chance.

After the gunfire subsided, he left here with his troops. As for the result, there is no need to look at it. I believe that this cattle attack delayed the Italians for a long time.

In the valley, Major General Pascal breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the casualty figures in front of him. In this cattle attack, not many people died directly, only fifty-seven people, but more than three hundred people were injured.

In addition, due to blocking the cattle, some supplies were also lost, but fortunately, the loss was not significant.

By the time the troops were ready again, the sun was already setting in the west.

So shortly after leaving the valley, Major General Pascal could only order the troops to rest. Although after a battle with a mad cow. But in the evening everyone was laughing and laughing, and the aroma of beef wafted over the entire camp.

However, as the commander, Major General Pascal had not rested yet. He was looking at the map.

"Our progress was too slow today, but considering the current situation, we need to speed up the pace next."

Next to Major General Pascal, Colonel Zelos was also looking at the map. "The terrain we need to pass next will be more difficult. Should we send troops to hold on first?"

"This won't work. Anything less will lead to death, and anything more will distract our strength. But even in this situation, we must go on and try to get to Alem Village tomorrow, so that we are close enough to Mara."

Two chapters updated, please vote and subscribe. Now the subscriptions for each chapter are less than 400, which is too miserable.

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