My Italy

Chapter 180 National Bank of Italy

Although the secret review of Tanellogia continues, the former president of the Bank of Rome has no room for resistance. Because an individual cannot fight against state power unless he is a madman or an anarchist.

But then again, how could he be in such a powerful position as the president of the Bank of Rome?

Therefore, in order to protect himself, Taneroja had to issue a statement claiming that he was suffering from an illness and had to step down from his responsibilities as president and go home to recuperate.

Then he spit out the money he had embezzled, got the government's decision to let him go, and was ready to go home and spend the rest of his life in peace. As for finding a new job, it is simply too difficult for Tanelloggia, who has served as president of a large bank. Don’t think about it for banks in Italy. As for banks in other countries, who would want a sick person? to hold such a prestigious position as president.

So he had no other option but to go home.

As for the government, after the smooth disposal of Taneroja, the danger of landmine explosions has been temporarily eliminated.

Of course, the lessons learned this time are too profound. In order to prevent this situation, an inspection of the banking and financial industry is also essential. Subsequently, the government sent various supervisory teams and began to conduct inspections of various banks. Both state-owned banks and private banks were within the scope of supervision.

These supervision teams include capable financial insiders, astute financial reviewers, and experienced supervisors. That's right, in order to prevent the supervision team from colluding with the bank's internal affairs, each team has a varying number of supervisors.

Faced with such a large-scale attack by the government, the banking industry suddenly burst into mourning, and the large number of supervisors made banking practitioners howl.

Under the rummaging through of these supervisory teams, various banks had a lot of problems. You simply don’t know if you don’t check it, and you will be shocked if you check it.

From minor problems such as illegal lending, to self-stealing, and even money and power transactions, beauty transactions, etc., all show how unscrupulous banks lack supervision.

The government also provides various solutions to the problems that arise in these banks. Issues that may cause bank turmoil are handled with caution. For those problems that do not cause these situations, it is necessary to deal with them with heavy hands.

Although this seems a bit like someone who dares to swat a fly but dare not swat a tiger. But in the current situation, this is the only thing the government can do.

Of course, those violators who were found to have problems were all kicked out of the bank and would not be able to work in the bank for the rest of their lives.

While the government was rectifying the banking industry, Carlo, as the monarch, was not idle either. Although the government is currently taking a strong crackdown, he knows that this only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. After a while, the bugs inside the bank will reappear. This is the same as catching corruption, it is a long-term task.

And he planned to use the most powerful tool for regulating banks in later generations, and put a shackles on these banks, lest they think they could show off their power again after avoiding the limelight.

"Your Majesty, did you prepare this?"

In Carlo's office, Tejela, the finance minister, asked in surprise. Because of this summons, he did not expect that the king would suddenly come up with a plan to supervise banks. In fact, not only him, but also the prime minister on the side did not expect it.

"No, it doesn't matter. This is the method I prepared after consulting with several experts in the financial and banking industry."

When asked by the Minister of Finance, Carlo did not dare to take credit. He was self-aware. How could he make such a plan with his little financial knowledge. And he was right. He really found several experts from famous financial banks to do it. He just proposed the method and the expert team was responsible for improving it.

What the Chancellor of Finance sees in his hands is the final customized product. The reason why the Finance Minister should read it first, rather than the Prime Minister, is that this plan will take away a lot of power from the Ministry of Finance.

Although this newly established department will also be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, it is still separated by one layer. Yes, what Carlo prepared was a central bank. There are also central banks in Europe, such as the Bank of England, the Deutsche Reichsbank, etc. However, these central banks are gradually being transformed into central banks.

And Carlo plans to skip the crude central banks of various countries and directly use the Chinese central bank, which has the strongest control in future generations, as a template. Of course, he knew there weren't that many, but weren't they experts? Just ask them for professional knowledge.

So in Carlo's plan, the central bank is not just a bank within a bank, but a financial department with administrative responsibilities. From formulating financial policies and development strategic plans, to drafting relevant laws and administrative regulations, improving relevant operating rules and systems of financial institutions, formulating and implementing monetary policies, and even managing the treasury, etc., they can be regarded as functional departments in charge of finance.

Most of these responsibilities were previously handled by the Ministry of Finance, so in the face of Carlo's plan, Tejela, as the finance minister, definitely has something to say.

"Your Majesty, it may not be appropriate to put so many functions in one bank."

Don't blame the Chancellor for making a fuss about this, because it is unprecedented for a bank to be in charge of a country's finances.

Facing the words of the Finance Minister, Carlo smiled and said. "Your Excellency Tejela, you have also seen that this is not just a bank, but a department. However, this department has some characteristics of a bank, so I think it should still be called a bank. Of course, if you don't like it, Then we can change its name."

Although Carlo was using a questioning tone, who was serious and who was the fool at that time. And Tejela was certainly not a fool. He could still understand the firm meaning of the king's words.

Of course, it was not easy for him to be the finance minister during this period, because the mess in the banking industry had greatly reduced his prestige within the government.

He would not do that to stand up to the king for those worm-infested banks. Although there are many powers to be separated, the main responsibilities of the Ministry of Finance remain.

So under Carlo's majesty, the finance minister was quickly defeated.

As for the Prime Minister, he will not object to the emergence of this department to supervise banks. The only thing that makes me a little unhappy is that this method was actually proposed by the king and not by the government itself. This makes him feel that he has been neglecting his duties recently. If this continues, what will be the prestige of the government? It will become the king's yes man.

Since everyone had no objections, the proposal to form a central bank was decided jointly by the government and the king under such circumstances.

This newly formed bank will mainly supervise banks in Italy, whether they are foreign-owned, private or state-owned, they will all be under its supervision. In addition, the right to print money is also owned by the bank. Except for this bank, other banks are not allowed to issue currency. Whether it is metal coins or banknotes, they can only be responsible for printing.

Of course, there are other functions, such as managing the treasury, formulating policies, etc., which I will not describe one by one.

The newly formed bank was named the National Bank of Italy by Carlo. Although this was a government-owned bank, that was the name Carlo wanted to call it.

Of course, establishing the bank will not happen overnight, but before that, the government can still deter these banks.

Chapter one today.

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