My Italy

Chapter 332 The Impact of Naval Battles

There is still a hint of mist in Shanghai in the early morning, and Huatong Wharf, one of Shanghai's important shipping terminals, is also busy. This wharf built by Swire Pacific carries Shanghai's river and sea transportation, and it is also full of dock workers.

However, today's Huapu Pier was a bit unusual. A foreign speedboat was seen rushing into the pier recklessly. Before the ship could dock securely, a foreigner in military uniform jumped onto the pier.

The dock workers who moved the cargo were also well-informed, and they knew at first glance that it was something serious, so they quickly got out of the way. They could not afford to suffer the consequences of bumping into a foreign officer.

The officer didn't even look at them and ran over in a hurry.

After the foreign officers walked away, a few curious workers started talking.

"This foreigner left in such a hurry, something big must have happened."

"That's for sure. You would know it if you didn't look at the unscrupulous look of this communication speedboat."

"What on earth is that?"

"Who knows this? Why don't you ask."

"Er Gouzi, you can't spit out ivory from your dog's mouth. If you have the ability, go and ask."

Before they could continue chatting, another speed boat appeared at the dock. The same operation and the same momentum caused several people to dodge quickly.

When the newly emerged foreign officers hurriedly left, the few of them could only look at each other and immediately turned into birds and beasts.

But not long after, the sound of firecrackers rang out in Shanghai City, and someone even shouted: Victory, victory.

This shout immediately attracted everyone's attention, making this person the center of the crowd.

The person who was the first to know the news immediately told everyone triumphantly that the foreign soldiers invited by the imperial court had won the battle. The foreign reinforcements annihilated eleven Japanese warships at the cost of three warships with more than 8,000 tons, and achieved the result of sinking more than 40,000 tons.

Although this person did not know the detailed information about the results of the victory and only knew what was said in the script, it still attracted waves of applause.

Then the news of the imperial fleet's victory spread throughout Shanghai. Although it was basically foreigners who were fighting, don't pay attention to these details. After all, the imperial court can invite foreign soldiers, but Japanese little devils cannot.

Different from those who only know how to applaud, people who know a little bit about the dynamics of the imperial court also use this to give guidance.

"From what Yi Nong wants, the imperial court still needs Li Zhongtang to protect it. Without Li Zhongtang, the white jade pillar that supports the sky and the purple golden beam that supports the sea, it will be difficult for the imperial court."

"What are you thinking? The court will be miserable without Li Er, the Duke of Gong. If Li Er, a duplicitous man, had not taken advantage of Duke Hu after Zuo Wenxiang's death, it would be hard to have him. Today’s scenery.”

"Hu Xueyan is asking for trouble. After Zuo Jigao passed away, he should choose the best place for a good bird to roost. If he refused Li Zhongtang's kindness, he would end his own life."

"How do you talk?"

"That's what I said!"

"You see you are looking for death."

"You are looking for death."

"Oh, I'll fight you!"

"Everyone stop it!"

Regardless of these people who pointed the country, as the news of the victory of the Qing fleet came out, Shanghai immediately showed a group of people singing and dancing in the streets. It was bustling and lively.

As for the British Counselor in China, Zhu Erdian, of course, he knew better than others, including his boss, Sir Ogner, the envoy, because the Sir also needed him to forward the news to Beijing.

Japan lost this naval battle completely. In addition to the two 10,000-ton patrol ships Yoshino and Akitsusu, the combined fleet also lost Izumi and Atago (only four of the nine ships in the guerrilla formation escaped). Eight battleships including Shima, Tatehashi, Takachiho, and Yaeyama successfully escaped from the battlefield (as many of the cannon fodder diversionary formations escaped as the guerrilla formations). Together with other supporting garrison warships, the total tonnage of the combined fleet has been reduced to 47,000 tons. And these eight warships, with everyone injured, are the only assets the combined fleet can produce.

According to his opinion, this naval battle has determined the outcome of the war. Now he can only hope that the Japanese will be smart and take advantage of the opportunity before the Italians come over one after another.

But no matter what, this matter has exceeded the scope of his or even Sir Organa's handling, and everything requires decision-making from London.

Of course, I believe that the information about this naval battle will be known to the whole world in less than three days.

In fact, the news spread faster than Counselor Zhu Erdian thought. He underestimated the importance that various countries attached to this naval battle. After all, he is not a soldier, so he does not know about the largest armored ship battle in history and the urgency of the navies of various countries for news.

Influenced by the navies of various countries, newspapers from various countries reported on the naval battle in the evening of that day.

In addition to reporting the news, Germany's Berlin Times also published a commentary.

Comments in the newspaper wrote that this naval battle in the Far East fully demonstrated the importance of a navy of sufficient size if a powerful country wants to show enough influence. It is precisely because Italy has a navy of sufficient size that they still have a terrifying influence thousands of miles away. Italian products also relied on this influence to circulate unimpeded in the local area, earning huge profits for Italy. This naval battle was a perfect demonstration of Italy's efforts to protect and expand its influence.

Therefore, Germany also needs a powerful navy. Only under the protection of the navy can Germany's influence break through the shackles, be displayed in front of the world, and bring its economy to a higher level.

Although I don’t know who wrote this, his call to use the naval battle in Italy to advocate that Germany also develop its navy seems so naked. And this newspaper also appeared on William II's desk.

Compared with Germany, which insists on developing its navy, Russia is doing much better.

The St. Petersburg Kommersant also reported on the naval battle that evening. Its comments said: This battle in the China Sea shows that even if some countries with ulterior motives secretly support it, Japan is not enough to meet its demands. The disastrous defeat of these yellow-skinned monkeys in the naval battle also warned them not only to have a good appetite, but also to have good teeth. Rotten teeth will only hurt themselves.

It is obvious that Russia maintains a gloating mood over the Japanese defeat. Wary of Japan and the figure behind it, the Russians rarely favored Italy.

As for the French report, it was with some mixed feelings. It was strange to be in a good mood because he saw his neighbor next door who had an enmity with him becoming rich and competing with him for the interests of the Far East.

Therefore, the French report was more of a secret mockery of the neighbor next door who started to tremble.

Except for a few major powers, reports from other countries are more objective, but what's the use? The world still needs to rely on strength to speak (even now).

Unlike other major powers that carried their own subjective reports, British newspapers appeared to be more objective. Because British reports are more involved in naval battles, unlike other countries that focus mainly on naval battles.

One of the most popular among newspapers was the discussion about the mysterious wireless communication system of the Italian fleet.

Because the various performances of the Italian fleet in naval battles have exceeded the explanation of existing communication methods. Take a look at the telegram sent to the Admiralty by Major Robinson, who observed the entire naval battle with his own eyes.

"The Italian fleet's performance in the entire naval battle was so amazing, but it had little to do with its commander, and was calculated by the enemy commander. According to my observation, Italian warships must have their own advantages in communications, because they often A warship discovered the enemy and did not see it return to report. It would not take long for other warships to support it. This is extremely unreasonable. There can only be one inference that the enemy has a communication method that can be like a telegraph or equivalent to other Italian warships. The shooting accuracy is astonishingly high, and this amazingly high shooting accuracy comes from its large battleships. The shooting accuracy of its small battleships is extremely unreasonable. Therefore, we can think that the Italians installed equipment on their large battleships to improve it. Accurate auxiliary shooting instrument. In addition, the design of Italian warships can also be seen through this battlefield..."

Major Robinson wrote a eloquent personal analysis of more than 10,000 words, while the British newspaper mainly extracted his speculations on the use of new technologies in Italian warships and then reported them.

Of course, no matter what other countries think about it or how their newspapers report it, it is the participants in the war who ultimately play the decisive role. As one of the participants, what does Japan think of the defeat in this naval battle and what choice does it plan to make?

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