My Italy

Chapter 419 US-Spain Peace Talks in Paris

The battle off San Diego ended in a disastrous defeat for the United States. When the news came out, countries around the world were in an uproar. All countries are paying unusual attention to this decisive battle between the navies of the United States and Spain.

Newspapers from various countries have commented on the outcome of this decisive naval battle between the United States and Spain.

The French newspaper Le Figaro commented: The emerging US government was too eager to show its maritime interests and rushed into action before it was ready, so it was knocked unconscious by the aging Spain. Perhaps the U.S. government needs to reflect on whether its urgent foreign expansion is reasonable.

For this reason, Le Figaro newspaper also drew a cartoon. President McKinley, wearing an American flag uniform and holding a model of a battleship in his hand, was knocked to the ground by Prime Minister Castillo, who was wearing a Spanish big-brimmed hat. The irony of the picture is self-evident.

France's cynicism towards the United States is of course motivated by interests. The United States has been trying to seize its canal digging rights in Panama from the French in recent years. Various methods were used for this purpose, such as using the Panama Railway in hand, charging high prices for transporting materials for the construction of the canal, and even suspending operations for various reasons.

France knows this very well, but because of its lack of strength in the Americas, it can only endure it silently. How can you laugh unhappily when you finally see Americans being deflated?

In addition to France, the British Empire, which was extremely concerned about the United States, also reported on it. The Times commented just after publishing the news of the United States' defeat. The failure of this naval battle by the United States was a huge blow. However, the most important thing for the United States at the moment is to quickly negotiate a peace with Spain, because if the Spanish fleet recovers, a second bombardment of New York is very likely.

Don't think that The Times is concerned about the United States. In essence, it is just trying to prevent Americans from stepping down. Because the Times proposal is the best option for America. If the United States chooses to do this, then there will be something to say. Look at the smart Americans who have fully accepted the Times' suggestions. This will also improve the quality and sales of the newspaper.

Of course, other countries also reported on this naval battle, but in general, the defeat of the United States by all parties was unexpected.

Of course, other countries can view this naval battle as a lively event, but for the two countries involved, this is a matter of interests.

So when the attack fleet was defeated and the news of Rear Admiral Samplin's death reached the United States, an impassioned denunciation immediately began. The expensive warships returned with a disastrous defeat. The American people were not satisfied with this, and neither were American capital. Since he was not satisfied, someone needed to come forward and give an explanation, and no one was more suitable than Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt.

There was nothing to say. Faced with the unanimous call from all over the country for Roosevelt to resign, the U.S. government had no choice but to comply. So on the third day after the defeat in the naval battle, Theodore Roosevelt announced his resignation as Secretary of the Navy.

However, some people can become great people and must have their own unique strengths. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt is one of them.

On the occasion of his resignation speech, Theodore Roosevelt released a big revelation. According to him, the failure of the United States in the naval war was due to the secret help of Spain by a country with malicious intentions. When the reporter present at the time thought that this person was going to talk about Italy selling warships, this person directly said that it was the British who caused trouble.

It was the British who secretly provided the Bermuda Islands for the Spanish fleet to use, and also provided various supplies and coal. For this reason, the British warships also prevented American warships from patrolling the surrounding area. They also provided defense maps and hydrographic maps about our country (a crooked copy), to The Spanish fleet provided advice and more.

Anyway, according to Theodore Roosevelt, the Spanish fleet was able to appear on the east coast because the British were hiding behind it.

Theodore Roosevelt's revelations not only satisfied reporters, but also made the American people angry. They surrounded the British Embassy before the British ambassador came out to defend himself, and threw eggs, vegetables and other items at him. Some radical people even wanted to rush into the embassy. Fortunately, the U.S. government was still sensible and sent military and police to protect its embassy.

Theodore Roosevelt's move was very brilliant, and the anger of the Americans was transferred from him to the British. Anyway, this is not an injustice to the British. Did he know that the Spanish fleet could go to the east coast to attack, but it was transited through the Bermuda Islands.

Well, the Americans' dislike of the British can be deepened yet again.

The defeated Americans passionately denounced the British Empire, while the victorious Spanish sang and danced happily. Major newspapers in Spain have extensively reported on this Spanish naval victory. In particular, Lieutenant General Cedella, who commanded this naval battle, has been described as the Alvaro de Bazán of the new era (the commander of the Armada and also the history of Spain). The most capable naval admiral in the world, died before the expedition to England), and he led the Spanish Armada in the new century.

Of course, regarding the mercenaries from Italy in the fleet, the newspaper still mentioned it in passing, thanking the sailors hired from Italy.

Well, the Spanish self-pleasure thankfully does not include high-level government officials. Because the Madrid government knows that this war has allowed the Spanish treasury to run away with mice again.

Yes, Spain has no money, so after hearing the news of the victory, Prime Minister Castillo was so happy that he burst into tears.

Well, Spain didn’t have to wait long before news came that the United States wanted peace talks.

That's right, since this naval battle has been lost, the hope of seizing Cuba is gone. Why not negotiate for peace and wait for the Spanish fleet to plunder the east coast again?

Well, at least at this time the U.S. government has no psychological baggage about victory or defeat, and can afford to let it go. In fact, there is nothing that can be done about it. After the failure of the naval war, American capitalists have been demanding peace talks. Because of the impact of the failure of the naval war, the American maritime transportation industry has fallen into the Great Depression. No one is willing to go to sea at this time, no matter how much money they have.

Therefore, after recognizing the facts and urging domestic capitalists, the United States made a request for peace talks.

Faced with the United States' request for peace talks, Spain naturally wanted it, and chose to agree without much restraint.

Immediately, the two parties chose to conduct peace negotiations in Paris. European countries were very concerned about the peace talks between the United States and Spain. They tried to participate, but they were directly rejected by the two countries.

Regarding the peace talks between the United States and Spain, when other countries wanted to get involved, Italy, which was qualified, walked away. Because Italy has completed its mission, there is no need to show itself at this time.

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