My Italy

Chapter 445 New Century

Amid the din of the Boer War, the nineteenth century was coming to an end. The media in various countries are enthusiastic about the cross-century and have expressed their expectations for the arrival of the new century.

At this time, many newspapers also published their prospects for the new century, among which The Times published the most interesting ones. Because he is looking forward to the life that human beings should have at the end of the next century.

“People in the future will definitely live in high-rise buildings and go out every day to work or play in their own aircraft. In addition, if you don’t want to fly your own aircraft, you can also use public aircraft, which use unmanned aircraft to fly fixedly to several locations. In addition, unmanned tillage machines will also be used in farmland, which only require workers to watch. In life, a variety of automatic instruments will help people live a better life. For example, automatic vegetable cooking machines will What to eat at night? Bring the necessary vegetables, meat and condiments. It only takes ten minutes, and the fragrant food will be delivered directly to you. The same is true for haircuts. The barber profession will be more responsible for watching the machine. To prevent it from malfunctioning..."

The Times's vision of a better life for mankind a hundred years from now also ignites people who are about to enter the new century to look forward to the future.

Of course, the outlook for the future is definitely good, and the same is true for Italy. However, for the Italian government, the summary statistics of 1899, the last year of the late nineteenth century, are equally important.

According to Italian official statistics, at the end of 1899, the total population of Italy reached 36.47 million. Please note that this statistics is based on adding 3.57 million people in Libya and Albania.

Because the two places are rich in mineral resources, and the local replacement policy has long been implemented, it is only a matter of time before they are regarded as local, and this census can be regarded as a precursor. The government is already considering changing the two-region governorship system to a regional system. However, because there were many things to consider, progress had been slow before, but now it is almost time to change to the local area.

In addition to demographics, the Italian government's fiscal revenue this year has also hit new highs. This year, Italy's total fiscal revenue reached 1.947 billion lire, the highest in history. Italy has completely overcome the impact of the drought. You must know that in 1897, Italy's fiscal revenue was only 1.752 billion lire. It was 5.3% lower than in 1896. After two years of recovery, Italy's finances are finally back on track.

Of the total revenue of 1.947 billion lire, 427 million lire comes from tariffs, which are also the largest tax category in Italy.

The second largest category of fiscal revenue is still salt and tobacco monopoly taxes, which amounted to 341 million lire. Followed by consumption tax, property tax, business tax, land-related tax and securities transaction stamp tax, etc.

Italy has set a new high in taxation, but if you compare its expenditures, you will find that it still cannot keep up with the pace of expenditures. In 1899, Italian fiscal expenditures reached 2.013 billion lire. National defense, public security, education and health, science and technology, transportation, social security, debt interest payments, etc. all consume this money.

Among them, defense expenditure was the largest category of expenditure. The navy and army spent a total of 387 million lire in 1899. In addition to military expenditures, education expenditures accounted for the second largest category of expenditures, with 319 million lire paid for education in 1899. Followed by transportation, social security, debt interest payments, public safety, etc.

Of course, the Italian government's expenditures are so huge, naturally because of Italy's rapid development. This year, Italy's total steel production reached 4.18 million tons, setting a record high. The rapid growth of steel in Italy is partly driven by urban construction in Italy. Everyone knows that real estate has promoted various industries. Driven by Italy's previous economic development, many people have achieved financial freedom.

Now that they have money, some people want to have a safe home, and some people are targeting this market, so real estate is also booming against this background.

As soon as real estate boomed, it immediately showed its power. The construction materials industry such as steel bars, cement, glass, and bricks and tiles immediately became prosperous. Engineering machinery, furniture, and even banks were fully developed.

No wonder real estate will become a pillar industry in later generations. However, there are still some difficulties in becoming a pillar industry in Italy. That’s how to mobilize everyone’s enthusiasm for buying a house.

Of course, Italian real estate is still in its infancy and is not yet very mature.

At present, Italy's strongest strengths in the world are its shipbuilding and textile industries. Yes, Italy still needs the textile industry to absorb its huge unemployed population. As for shipyards, they are also labor-intensive technical industries that require a lot of manpower. Italy's dominance in Europe relies on lower construction costs than others. Where the cost comes from, naturally wages account for a large part.

Of course, in addition to the current industry, the petrochemical industry is growing rapidly in Italy. In view of the increasing scale of oil discoveries in Libya, Italian oil companies have received direct capital injections from the Ministry of Finance to develop Italy's petrochemical industry. In addition to the Naples refinery, Italian oil companies are already considering whether to build a refinery in the north.

If the discovery of oil in Libya is a gift from God, it can be considered a reward for resource-poor Italy.

Then the development of the automobile industry is an unexpected gain for Italy. Fiat has become famous all over the world with its cheap Model A cars.

Last year, Fiat sold more than 40,000 Model A cars. 30,000 of them were sold abroad, and more than 8,000 were sold in the United States as far away as North America. Last year, Fiat produced 95% of the world's cars and sold 95% of the cars.

Nowadays, no one who manufactures cars in the world knows the name Fiat.

Of course, Fiat is so famous in the world because countries are still in the workshop production stage and were caught off guard by the sudden large-scale industrialized automobile industry.

Of course, how can all countries let Italy have exclusive access to the automobile market? Capitalists in various countries have taken a fancy to the automobile industry, so they are secretly planning in their own countries to develop their own countries' automobile industries.

Of course, for Fiat's top executives, represented by Giovanni Agnelli, the thought of being prepared for danger in times of peace has always existed. Ever since the Model A became popular, Giovanni Agnelli said that Fiat's Model A was able to sell well only because it had taken the lead before other competitors were aware of it.

No one knows when this advantage will end, so everyone needs to work hard to let Fiat accumulate more technology and be ready to update models at any time.

Of course, the Fiat matter can come to an end. Italy's industrial development also needs to be improved in the new century.

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