My Italy

Chapter 447 News from the Far East

Carlo certainly has his own plans for investing in airships.

To be fair, in the first decade of the 20th century, people were more optimistic about the role of airships. Because of their load-carrying capabilities and navigability, airships had unrivaled advantages over early aircraft in both military and civilian fields.

Of course, for Carlo, there are many benefits to showing Zeppelin to the whole world earlier. Airships can be used as transportation tools. Although they are expensive to build, they allow countries to research them. After all, the airship is a behemoth in the sky, and anyone who sees it will feel tremendous pressure.

Italy's research on airships is actually very convenient.

First of all, in terms of power, the Milan Power Laboratory in Italy can be said to be the best internal combustion engine research institution in the world. After more than ten years of continuous investment, in the field of internal combustion engines, it can be said that the Milan laboratory is the leader, and the power problem of the Zeppelin airship has been solved.

In addition, in terms of helium collection, relying on the advantages of Libyan oil and natural gas, collecting helium should not be too simple for Italy. Of course, the price cannot be as cheap as hydrogen.

And when Italy has more than a dozen airships, it will use them every day. In addition, it can also develop an airship that can conduct intercontinental navigation. I don't believe that other countries will not make the trip.

As long as other countries compete with me to develop airships, the high cost of airships will be enough to make them realize what a pain it is.

Of course, this is just one of Carlo's plans, which requires the cooperation of Zeppelin, an outstanding talent. But I believe the problem is not big. Who can refuse that his invention has caused a sensation in the world, and no one would want to gain both fame and fortune.

Of course, the airship issue is not urgent, it requires continued efforts from Mr. Zeppelin.

For Carlo now, there are other situations to worry about, such as protests from the British Empire. They protested against Italy's sale of Maxim heavy machine guns to the Boers.

Yes, after being equipped with a large number of heavy machine guns, the Boers' attacks on the British Empire army became more deadly. Nowadays, when the Boers attack the British army, they prefer to use a small force of more than ten people, armed with a Maxim and bullets, to ambush in front of the British army. They suddenly shoot through two or three bullet chains, mount their horses and carry them with them. The weapon ran away, giving the British army no chance to counterattack.

Moreover, the Boers were basically herders and owned a lot of horses. They basically had two or three horses per man, and the British army could not catch up with them. The Boers' guerrilla tactics using heavy machine guns gave the British Empire a huge headache. When the Naboers had no choice, the Beretta Arms Company, which produced heavy machine guns, became a place for the British to vent their evil fire.

The British Ambassador, Mr. Mandyson, has protested to the Italian government several times against the Beretta Arms Company for selling inhumane weapons such as Maxim heavy machine guns to the Boer rebels.

Of course, protest alone was not enough. The British Empire purchased 1,000 Maxim machine guns in one go, which was bound to prevent the Beretta Arms Company from selling this inhumane weapon to the Boers.

Of course, where these purchased machine guns will be deployed is a matter of opinion. At least many war reporters have discovered that this inhumane weapon can be seen in various British military strongholds in South Africa.

Of course, the dilemma of the British Empire at war with the Boers made many countries happy. At least none of the major powers were unhappy.

Of course, just look at the fun of the British Empire. No one dares to make trouble for the British Empire on the Boer issue, at least not openly. I didn’t see that even Kaiser Wilhelm II did not dare to make remarks casually. The consequences of saying the wrong thing last time were too serious. No one would suffer a loss and not learn a lesson.

Sorry, this sentence seems wrong, because in the Far East, there are people who suffer losses and do not learn a lesson.

"Your Majesty, this is information sent from the Far East. The empress dowager is going crazy."

Foreign Minister Bacona hurried in with a telegram.

Regarding the unpredictable diplomatic situation in the Far East, Foreign Minister Bacona must admit that his many years of diplomatic experience have been in vain. The empress dowager still refused to give in despite the unanimous diplomatic pressure from various countries. What on earth did she rely on to be so confident in resisting the pressure from various countries?

Facing the furious Bacona, Carlo was much calmer. He picked up the telegram and looked at it. It was a telegram from Jia Liwen, the Far East Minister. It stated that there was currently a group of civil organizations in the Far East that opposed various countries. These ignorant people who called themselves boxers shouted slogans to eliminate foreigners and swarmed around them. Coming to Tianjin and Beijing.

The Qing government's attitude was very ambiguous. It didn't care about these ignorant people. Instead, it was prepared to adopt a tacit attitude so that ministers from various countries could feel the Qing government's malicious intentions.

At the end of the telegram, Minister Jia Liwen believed that the colonial army in Borneo needed to be prepared because a war was very likely to break out.

How could Carlo not be familiar with this telegram? Isn't this the famous Gengzi Revolution in history? This ridiculous war, which cost the Qing Dynasty 450 million taels of silver in compensation, is absolutely ridiculous. The main reason turned out to be to replace the puppet emperor, which caused the Qing Dynasty to pull out its pants.

Of course, no one knows yet. Next, the Qing government will use these magic boxing practitioners to test whether the guns of various countries are good at it?

In a sense, the Far East would have been carved up long ago if it had not been far away from the major powers. This is the 20th century, and there are still such religious civil groups. "Magic techniques" such as drawing talismans, chanting incantations, and asking gods to possess them are used to mobilize the people, and "holding talisman, chanting incantations, and being possessed by gods" is widely publicized to boost fighting spirit.

There was nothing Carlo could do about this matter. No one could stop a person from seeking death. Just like Zaiyi, the Prince of Duan County who loved his son very much, he was criticized as a young man who did not study, was self-willed, stupid and unlearned, and extremely arrogant. This was not wrong at all. If he hadn't wanted his son to occupy the throne, how could he have ended up being sent to Xinjiang.

Of course, regarding this matter, although Carlo sympathized with the suffering of the people in the Far East, he was the king of Italy and would not stop taking action just because of sympathy. He would do whatever he had to do.

"Order the troops to be stationed in Borneo, reorganize their armaments, and be ready for expedition at any time, waiting for my orders."

Carlo called an attendant to issue orders.

As the most important Italian colony, Borneo has a colonial garrison of fifteen thousand. When the situation in the Far East changes, it will not be easy to recruit 10,000 people.

As for why Carlo is so active, it's not that 450 million taels of silver is too tempting. This battle is like an outing. As long as enough troops are sent, Italy can definitely win a big piece of this big cake.

Sometimes, things are just so fucked up.

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