My Italy

Chapter 516 The Three Emperors’ Talk (Part 1)

Sanssouci Palace is located in Potsdam, southwest of Berlin. It was built by King Frederick II of Prussia to imitate the Palace of Versailles in France. The beautiful environment here made it an ideal vacation place for Frederick the Great.

Today, Sanssouci Palace welcomed new guests, guests from Italy and Austria-Hungary, delegations from the two countries led by King Carlo of Italy and Archduke Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary.

The host Germany also attaches great importance to the arrival of the two delegations. In addition to the Kaiser, the government also has Prime Minister Bülow, Foreign Minister Holstein and others, as well as military representatives such as Moltke Moltke, Schlieffen, and Tirpitz. A huge team of people welcomed the arrival of representatives from the two countries.

There is a reason why Germany attaches so much importance to the delegations of the two countries. Europe has gradually formed two major camps. As the well-deserved big brother of the alliance camp, Germany certainly wants to further strengthen the ties between the three countries, and it is best to form a unified alliance camp with foreign countries.

Therefore, the German side put a lot of thought into inviting delegations from Italy and Austria this time. For example, the families of the monarchs (crown princes) of the two countries were invited, and Germany also offered a lot of benefits to continue to win over the two countries. For example, regarding Italy, Germany plans to use more Italian oil and reduce automobile tariffs between the two countries.

Therefore, as soon as the two delegations arrived in Germany, they could feel the enthusiastic welcome ceremony of the Germans. In just one week, Germany organized several welcome banquets. It gets grander and grander every time, and the intention of having a conspiracy is clearly visible.

As for Germany's intentions, Italy and Austria are not fools, and of course they are aware of its plans. But knowing it, the two countries have no intention of rejecting it, because as the saying goes, everything has a price. If the other party does not agree, it means that your price is not enough. This is a completely true portrayal of the country.

Of course, in addition to interests, sometimes personal feelings can also be exploited.

You see, the good time spent by the three monarchs and their families together is the best opportunity to connect with each other.

In the hunting ground near Sanssouci Palace, the three monarchs (crown princes) held shotguns and stared at the deer in the distance with vigilance. As a royal hunting ground, the animals here are well protected.

Behind the three monarchs (crown princes), several tall guards carried prey for them, including rabbits, foxes and other small and medium-sized animals.

"We were so lucky that we encountered a herd of deer."

As the owner of the hunting ground and a frequent visitor, William II looked at the deer and spoke softly.

"It feels like we can get a little closer."

Archduke Ferdinand, who was also an experienced hunter, loaded a bullet and spoke enthusiastically.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come on."

Although the hunting frequency was less, Carlo, who was intrigued, also set his sights on this herd of deer.

Then the three monarchs quietly approached the deer. When they were a hundred meters away from the deer, the three stopped.

"Carlo, you choose first."

As the master, William II asked Carlo to choose first.

"Then I'll choose that deer."

The Kalo people, who were addicted to food, gave priority to the majestic leader of the deer herd. He watched vigilantly while eating grass, but he did not notice the dangerous humans staring at him at all.

"Then I'll choose the stag on the left."

"I choose the one on the right."

After the three of them assigned the targets, they each raised their shotgun standard targets.

Carlo also put the deer in the sight, and he held his breath and listened to William's report.





"Pah, pah, pah!"

The roar of three shotguns immediately activated the originally peaceful deer herd, and they quickly ran into the distance. In addition to the fleeing herd of deer, two deer fell on the grass mournfully because two bullets hit them.

These two deer were chosen by William II and Archduke Ferdinand. As for the target chosen by Carlo, they were currently fleeing far away with the herd of deer alive.

"Carlo, it looks like you're not very lucky."

William II put down his gun and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, not so lucky."

Carlo handed the gun to the guard behind him and said with a regretful expression that he had bad luck. If you don't see the attendant holding only a quail behind him, then this statement is still somewhat credible.

Archduke Ferdinand, who also handed the shotgun to the guard, sighed with emotion. "The hunting with you two was the happiest day of my life. At least it is much better than the many worries in the country."

"Franz, when you are happy, don't think about troublesome things."

As a good friend, Wilhelm II enlightened the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary. "Franz, don't think too much. If you think it's okay, then you can tell your troubles and we can help you analyze them."

Regarding William II's words, Carlo nodded in acquiescence.

"Well, the problem is about appropriating funds for the navy." At this point, the crown prince glanced at Carlo's reaction and continued after seeing that the other party listened carefully. "Our navy wants to build four dreadnoughts to enhance our country's influence in Europe, but the problem is stuck in parliament. Both parliaments failed to pass funding for the navy's shipbuilding, which makes me embarrassed."

Faced with Ferdinand exposing his shortcomings, William, who had spoken now, spoke after thinking for a while. "On the Austrian side, it may be necessary to dispel the army's worries, so uncle Joseph is the best breakthrough. As for the Hungarian Parliament..."

"In fact, we can tell the Hungarians to protect their status in the navy. I believe the Hungarian Parliament should agree." Carlo suddenly interjected.

Both William and Ferdinand were a little surprised by Carlo's words.

"Hahaha, Carlo's method is worth considering."

William opened his mouth to praise at this time. In fact, he did not seriously consider whether Carlo's suggestion was appropriate. However, considering the complicated relationship between Italy and Austria-Hungary, Carlo's ability to speak means a lot.

As for Ferdinand, he seriously considered the suggestions given.

In fact, Carlo's suggestion is very useful, because if you want the Hungarian Parliament to agree, you must understand the Hungarians. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hungary, despite its crazy oppression of other ethnic minorities, was actually a sign of lack of confidence in its core. Because of the formation of a dual empire with Austria, Hungary suddenly gained the same power as the Austrians.

Although this makes Hungarians happy, but after tasting the sweet taste of power, Hungarians have a kind of anxiety, which is the anxiety of fear of the loss of power.

So in order to keep their power, Hungarians made a lot of strange decisions. For example, on the issue of Bosnia and Herzegovina's integration into the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Hungarian Parliament voted overwhelmingly against it because Hungary was afraid that too many Serbs in the country would turn the empire into a tripartite system.

So Carlo's words also gave Ferdinand an idea.

"This is a good idea. Thank you for your advice."

Archduke Ferdinand, who felt that most of his troubles had been solved by these two, felt much more relaxed now.

"Gentlemen, the time looks about the same. We can't keep the lady waiting at the camp."

The Kaiser, who had just finished reading his pocket watch, opened his mouth to remind him of the time.

"Then let's go back."

"good idea."

The three monarchs reached a decision and immediately rushed to the camp. As for the two deer that were shot, the guards would send them back to the camp.

As soon as he returned to the camp, Carlo heard his wife Maria yelling angrily. "Vittorio, what did you do with Louise?"

Carlo looked intently, and saw that his son Vittorio and the Kaiser's youngest daughter were being disciplined by their two mothers. They were like mud monkeys, their bodies stained with mud, grass juice, and berries.

Faced with this situation, Carlo immediately walked out. "Okay, it's normal for children to be lively by nature. Just ask them to pay more attention next time."

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