My Italy

Chapter 538 Resettlement Plan

Bulgaria requested peace talks, and several other warring countries naturally agreed.

After all, they have not thought about destroying Bulgaria. Not to mention that they don't want to, the major countries behind it will not agree.

Since peace talks are needed, a location for peace talks is needed, and after some wrangling, Bucharest, the capital of Romania, became the location for peace talks in this war.

Of course, it is inevitable that in addition to the participating countries, the major powers of all countries will attend the peace talks.

Of course, Italy also needs to send a special envoy to supervise the peace talks throughout the process.

"Have you chosen the candidate for the special envoy to Bucharest?"

"Your Majesty, he has already chosen the candidate and is ready to go to Bucharest."

In the palace in Rome, Carlo and Foreign Minister Bacona were talking about sending an envoy.

"I wonder what your Majesty's instructions are on this."

Bacona, who had dealt with the king for many years, knew that the king summoned him to ask this question, and he must have instructions.

This is also true, Carlo said. "When sending a special envoy to observe the peace talks this time, we must pay attention to one issue. In this peace talks, we need to ensure that Bulgaria will not be too weakened."

Carlo also has his own ideas about this peace negotiation. Although Italy was not involved in the war against Bulgaria, this did not mean that Carlo wanted to see Bulgaria devastated because of this defeat.

Yes, the Balkan countries are too strong and need to be weakened, but they cannot be weakened too much. Moreover, in Carlo's mind, there is nothing wrong with Bulgaria appropriately causing pain and dissatisfaction in this defeat, because he needs to plan for the next step.

In the turbulent times ahead, Italy needs a Balkan ally to share the pressure, and there is no one more suitable than Bulgaria, which is thinking about revenge.

And if the Bulgarians want Italy to be a reliable ally, then when they are defeated, Italy who runs for them will definitely be more convincing.

That's right, Carlo has already considered deploying in the Balkans to prepare for the next great war.

As for whether Carlo's intentions can be accepted by the Bulgarians, don't worry about that. Just look at who Bulgaria values ​​most when it is at a disadvantage in this war.

Bacona left with Carlo's instructions, and Carlo picked up another document and read it.

Although Carlo values ​​Bulgaria very much, Italy itself deserves Carlo's attention more.

What deserves Carlo's greatest attention right now is the post-disaster reconstruction and resettlement work in Messina.

You know, the death toll from this earthquake alone exceeded 100,000, and more than 100,000 were injured. In addition, don’t forget that the earthquake also left 600,000 homeless.

That's right, in addition to completing personnel rescue, the most important thing in Italy at present is to resettle the 600,000 homeless people.

The 600,000 homeless people caused by the earthquake are also a huge headache for the Italian government. This is enough to make the cabinet ministers headed by Prime Minister Cruz lose all the hair on their heads.

Fortunately, after some investigation and countless discussions, the government finally came up with a plan to resettle these homeless people.

The plan is currently in Carlo's hands, waiting for his approval.

Carlo attached great importance to the plan and read it at the first opportunity. As for my thoughts after seeing it, how can I put it, the placement plan is very European and American style.

First of all, the plan gives priority to encouraging those who have lost their homes to live in cities, and major newspapers and media should also vigorously publicize the benefits of cities over rural areas. In fact, this propaganda is not very useful. When comparing cities and rural areas, unless you are farming your own land, the countryside will definitely not be as comfortable as the city.

First of all, working as a worker in the city provides a relatively stable monthly salary, while farmers rely more on the weather for a living. Changes in local climate have a huge impact on agricultural production. The salary of another worker can basically support a family. This is absolutely impossible in rural areas.

Moreover, many newspapers have compared the current expenditures and incomes in rural and urban areas. These data are the results of local surveys conducted by various parties and are quite fair. In the final comparison, cities are far superior to rural areas. Of course, if you are talking about the situation before 1848, then the reverse may be necessary.

Of course, encouraging people who have lost their homes to move to cities and promote urbanization in Italy is just one part of the plan.

If you don't want to go to a city you're not familiar with, that's easy to do. The government encourages people who have lost their homes in disasters to seek refuge with relatives and friends. As long as you are willing to go to relatives and friends, the government can help you contact them. In addition, the government will also find ways to help you sell your real estate.

Not to mention, many people whose houses collapsed and lost their homes and livelihoods survived the most difficult stage by selling land that was hidden under the rubble.

Some people may say, I have neither relatives nor friends, and I don’t want to go to an unfamiliar city, so what should I do?

Don't worry, the government still has other preparations for you, that is, going abroad.

Although Libya has a desert arid climate and difficult conditions, there have always been many job opportunities in Libya. The mining and transportation of minerals and oil require a large number of workers in Libya. However, due to the harsh conditions, fewer people are willing to come to Libya to endure hardships. As a result, jobs in Libya are generally 20-30% higher than those in the mainland.

If Libya doesn't like it, there are East African colonies. Although there aren't many opportunities to make a fortune here, it's still possible to become a master.

If you still don’t like it, then the Borneo Colony definitely meets your criteria. Many lucky people who have made a fortune return to Italy every year, and apart from the heat, the conditions here are much better than the above two places. As long as you have courage and luck, it is easy to make a fortune.

If you don't want to go to any of the above places, then go to Argentina. You can get land there, and the government is willing to provide loans to help newly arrived immigrant families.

If you don't want to do any of the above and just want to work in your hometown, there's nothing you can do about it. It just so happens that various infrastructure needs to be built in your hometown, and the government is just about to build a batch of resettlement houses. If you use your work salary as collateral, you can A set is allocated in advance, which is enough for a family to live on.

Of course, you must remember to repay the loan every month, otherwise the bank that borrowed the loan has the right to take away your home and drive your family out onto the street.

Yes, these are the responses that the Italian government has come up with. It is totally unreasonable for you to think that a familiar government will help you build or repair your house for free. This is not in line with European political philosophy at all.

For European countries, the kind of big government that manages everything is simply not in line with the political systems of each country. The sky-high official expenditures can directly cause the finances of various countries to explode. Small government is what all countries pursue. Why do we need so many officials?

It is also the difference in philosophy, so even though Carlo said to try to help those affected by the disaster, the government still uses a familiar formula, at most giving a few more options. What are you thinking about if you want the government to spend money for the people affected by the disaster? I wonder if labor is the most glorious thing.

Although the plan proposed by the government did not meet Carlo's expectations, after careful consideration, Carlo still signed his name to express his agreement.

The reason is very simple, that is, the money in Italy simply does not dare to be spent.

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