My Italy

Chapter 552 Leopard’s Leap

Morocco's life has not been good at all in recent years. Due to weather conditions, its agriculture has suffered from drought, resulting in farmers' harvest failure. In addition, due to the corruption of officials and the short-sightedness of the government, there was no means of disaster relief. Instead, taxes were collected as usual, making farmers and herdsmen extremely dissatisfied, and anti-tax riots continued one after another.

The tentacles of France are increasingly tightening, and products from France are impacting Morocco's economy. The country's handicraftsmen have gone bankrupt one after another, which has also led to dissatisfaction with the government in the city.

Under this situation, the Moroccan people could not sit still, and a larger uprising broke out in early 1911. People who were dissatisfied with the government and the Sudan rose up against the Sudan under the banner of overthrowing the government. The rebels attacked one after another. The capture of Rabat, Meknes and other cities made the rebel army more powerful, and a large number of bankrupt peasants and craftsmen who could not survive joined them.

France, which considers itself the protector of Morocco, cannot sit still when it sees that the Moroccan uprising is getting bigger and bigger.

Sent troops into Morocco with the intention of helping Morocco suppress the rebellion and completely control Morocco. Facing the French military operations, the Moroccan government had no resistance at all. As for the rebel army, it was no match for it, and Rabat was quickly occupied by them.

What the French did made European countries unable to sit still. Because it violated the Treaty of Algeciras signed by various countries a few years ago, various countries have expressed their dissatisfaction with the French's actions in Morocco.

However, the French ignored the attitudes of various countries and instead continued to send troops to intervene in Morocco. In the following month, they occupied the capital Fes, Rabat, Meknes and other places.

Some people couldn't sit still about what the French were doing. This person was Kaiser Wilhelm II. At this time, Kaiser Wilhelm II was in London. He asked the British government whether France's behavior violated the Treaty of Algeciras.

Not only did the British fail to uphold "justice" for him, but they told William II: This treaty is just a formality, so why should everyone take it seriously?

Unable to get the desired results from the British population, the Kaiser did not give up, but instead stepped up preparations.

As for Germany, in response to France's "provocation", the entire German society is filled with calls for a declaration of war against France.

At this time, Germany had considerable interests in Morocco, and its interests were second only to France and Spain.

However, although there were calls for a declaration of war against France in the country, as the German Prime Minister, in response to France's "provocation", the entire German society was filled with calls for a declaration of war against France.

German Chancellor Holweg believes that Germany does not need to use force against France for Morocco.

He believed that Germany could recognize France's complete occupation of Morocco, but France must allocate a considerable area to Germany as a colony. In addition, France must make considerable compensation to Germany in Central Africa, West Africa, East Africa and other colonies.

Holweg had such an idea because he was worried that the use of force against France would probably lead to Britain declaring war on Germany - the alliance between France and Britain was already too strong.

In addition, once the war breaks out, how to end it will also become a problem.

For this reason, after the Kaiser returned to Berlin, the Prime Minister immediately stated his views to the Kaiser.

"You're saying that if we take military action against France, there's a good chance Britain will enter the war?"

Faced with the Kaiser's question, Holweg immediately answered. "Actually, it's not just the UK. Based on the current relationship between France and Russia and the treaty signed between them, I think if we declare war on France, then Britain and Russia will never sit idly by. The two countries may take military measures. , let our country stop the war with France."

Holweg's words made William think deeply. If it were France alone, William would not be afraid of it. Germany was not afraid of France in terms of population, national power or military strength. But if you add Britain and Russia, Germany will be at a disadvantage.

William's recent visit to London had already made him wary enough. But it is not his character to back down, and the anger in the country must be released, otherwise this anger will be turned on the government and himself.

"Holweg, do you have any ideas?"

At this moment, the Kaiser turned his attention to the Prime Minister. Since the other party found him, I believe he must have an idea.

Facing the emperor's inquiry, Prime Minister Holweg, who had already had an idea, spoke. "Your Majesty, we need to make two preparations at this time. First, we must contact our allies, inform them of our plight, and seek their help. The Austrians can help us guard the Russians, and the Italians can help us share the burdens of Britain and France. Second, we cannot show any hesitation at this time. We must let the French know that if we want to take Morocco, we must ask for our thoughts and then let France provide compensation from other places. The colonies in Africa that are adjacent to us must be given a portion to us.”

Facing the Prime Minister's idea, William's eyes lit up. "It's a good idea to rely on the help of our allies. We have been in the Three Kingdoms Alliance for more than 20 years. I think if we make requests to them now, they will not refuse us. As for expressing our attitude to the French, what do you think should be done? Do you want to mass the army towards the French border?"

William II's words shocked Prime Minister Holweg. How could the army be touched at this time? Isn't this arousing France's nervous nerves?

"Your Majesty, there is no need to dispatch the army. The army is the foundation of our country and should not be used. I think it is best to dispatch the navy. Sending a small warship to Morocco is enough for the French to know our attitude, and it is enough to explain to the country."

Although William is not very satisfied with Prime Minister Holweg's suggestion, it is still a good choice if there is no better way.

"Then I'll do what you want. I'll call Tirpitz and ask him to send a small warship to Morocco."

"Your Majesty, it's best to ask the navy to send nearby warships so that we can show our determination." At this time, Prime Minister Holweg gave another suggestion.

"Okay, I know."

With that said, Kaiser Wilhelm picked up the phone. "Pick me to Tirpitz's office and tell me I'm looking for him."

After receiving the instructions from the Kaiser, Marshal Tirpitz immediately called his secretary after putting down the phone.

"Give me information about the warship closest to Morocco. It must be less than 2,000 tons."

"As you command, Marshal."

After a while, the secretary found the news about the small warship closest to Morocco.

"Marshal, the closest small warship to Morocco is the Leopard destroyer, which is currently in the waters close to Spain."

"Immediately send a telegram to Leopard and ask him to go to Morocco to protect the safety of our nationals there."

"As commanded by the marshal."

Soon the officers and soldiers on the Leopard received an order from the Admiralty. Faced with the order personally issued by Tirpitz, the officers and men on the Leopard did not hesitate to turn the bow and rush to Morocco.

The ship is the sixth gunboat of the "Chicken" class (1897). It was launched in 1901. It has a displacement of 1,193 tons, a maximum speed of 13.5 knots, and an endurance of 3,400 nautical miles. The ship's weapons include two 105mm guns and six 37mm guns.

The "Leopard" was extremely active in Germany's overseas military activities. In 1902, when the ship had just entered service, it bombarded a Haitian rebel ship that hijacked the German ship "Macomania" in Haiti, causing a sensation in the Americas. Just a few months later, the "Leopard" participated in the intervention in the Venezuelan crisis, and together with British and Italian warships, blockaded and shelled Venezuelan ports.

In 1905, the "Leopard" captured a German artilleryman in Brazil without the authorization of the local government, which triggered a serious diplomatic incident between Brazil and Germany, known as the "Leopard Incident" in history.

This time, the little Leopard was at the front again.

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