My Italy

Chapter 589 The passionate young man Princip

The news that Austria-Hungary was going to conduct military exercises in Bosnia and Herzegovina was soon announced. For Austria-Hungary, this is just a routine announcement, but for some Serbs, this is undoubtedly a provocation.

They planned to fight back against the provocative Austro-Hungarian Empire in their own way.

"Chabrinovich, how about we assassinate the visiting Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince?"

"This is absolutely fine, let the Austrians know how powerful we are."

In a house in Belgrade, two young men were carrying out a conspiracy.

One of these two young men is named Chabrinović and the other is Princip. One is 17 years old and the other is 18 years old. And they are all peripheral members of the Mafia. Their plot was to kill Archduke Ferdinand, the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, who was visiting Sarajevo.

I'm worthy of being a middle school student, even my ideas are so middle school. Do they know the location of the crown prince, do they know how to avoid the guards along the way, do they know how to get close to the crown prince? They don't know anything, they just plan to do it based on a passion, no wonder they are so good.

However, regarding the idea of ​​assassination, they did not think that they could not accomplish it. The two began to plan how to assassinate him.

"Oops, broken we don't have weapons."

At this time Chabrinović slapped his head and wanted to have a very serious problem. They had no weapons in their hands.

Faced with this question posed by Chabrinović, the two people who were still very enthusiastic at the beginning were like eggplants beaten by frost, and they were castrated.

After a while, Princip suddenly thought of a way. "Why don't you find someone to figure it out? I know he has weapons."


Faced with Princip's words, Chabrinović perked up.

"It's Major Tankosvich, my former instructor in the Black Hand. He has weapons. We can definitely find a solution to him."

"I know him and he has trained me before. I can definitely ask him for help."

The Major Tankosvich whom Princip mentioned was also known to Chabrinović.

Now that they had an idea, the two went ahead and immediately headed to Major's home in the suburbs of Tankoswich.

"Major, this is our plan. So I want you to find us two pistols to use in the assassination of the Austrian-Hungarian Crown Prince. We want to let them know that Serbia will never accept insults by assassinating the Crown Prince."

In front of their former instructor, Major Tankosvich, the two told him all about their plans.

Faced with the naive ideas of the two passionate young men, Major Tankosovich had no intention of damaging their self-confidence. "Very good. You two are true patriots. I will lend you weapons. However, this plan still needs a little more completeness. Let me perfect it for you first, so that it can increase the success rate of your assassination. You are the heroes of Serbia and the kingdom will be proud of you. You wait for me at home for two days and I will come to you in two days."

After patting the two men on the shoulders, Major Tankosovich personally sent them out the door.

After the two of them walked away, Major Tankosovich took their plans and prepared to set off. He needs to make their naive plan more reliable, and this requires help from others.

Over the next two days, this naive plan was continuously improved, and the plan was also sent to the man behind the Black Hand, Colonel Lagutin, the head of Serbian intelligence.

"This plan is okay. Let our people cooperate with the two hot-blooded heroes."

With Colonel Lagutin's decision, preparations accelerated. First of all, the two passionate young men need to be trained in shooting so that they can hit people at a sufficient distance. Major Tankosovich is responsible for this matter.

Secondly, the crown prince's itinerary needs to be determined so that these two men have the opportunity to carry out the assassination. In addition, how to send the two people to Sarajevo is also a problem. So many problems require the assistance of many people, so the Black Hand Club spent a lot of energy on this assassination mission. Of course, the two passionate young men did not know all this.

The shooting training went very quickly. Within a week, the three passionate young men had completed the training. They could definitely hit the target when using guns at close range.

Wait a minute, isn't it two? Why did it become three?

This is because, during the training, a young man named Grabez heard about the two men's feats and strongly requested to join them. In the spirit of getting more people done, the two decided to let him join.

So now there were three people standing in front of Major Tankosvich.

"Three of you, you have the most precious spirit of Serbia, which is the indomitable spirit. After this training, you will embark on a journey to Sarajevo to complete a major event that will shock the world. Here I wish you success in advance. "

As he spoke, Major Tankosvich took out his wine glass and poured a glass of red wine for the three of them.

"For Serbia."

Then the three of them drank it all.

After seeing the three drink, Major Tankosovich took out a bag. Put everything out of the bag. The contents inside made the three people's eyes light up, because they saw pistols and grenades.

"Here are 4 Browning pistols and 60 rounds of ammunition. I found them for you. In addition, these 6 grenades are my own private collection and are given to you. In addition, there are 150 dinars here. Your cash is your fare on the road."

At this point, he paused, picked up 6 white crystalline powders packed in glass and said. "These are 6 potassium cyanide pills. Use them when you complete or fail to complete the assassination, or when you are caught by the enemy. This can prevent you from suffering inhuman treatment."

At this time, Major Tankosvich looked at the three Taoists in front of him with pity. "It's too late for you to quit now. No one will blame you. Now I give you one last chance. Does anyone choose to quit?"

Facing the major's questions, the three made their choice with practical actions. Each of them took two potassium cyanide pills and put them into their pockets.

"Now that you have made your choice, I will arrange for someone to send you to Sarajevo. Everyone, go back and prepare, and say goodbye to your family."

In the following days, the three of them said goodbye to their families, but they did not state their whereabouts. They simply said that they were going on a trip. Then, under the arrangement of the major, they headed to the border town of Shakaba, where someone would take them across the border.

On September 26, the three arrived in the small town of Shakba, and then they obtained forged documents from Army Major Popovich. The trio then crossed the Drina River near Lejesnica, armed with the help of a Serbian customs official.

Afterwards in Tuzla, they arrived in Sarajevo with the help of Ivanovic, a local Serb businessman. And this businessman named Ivanovich also provided them with a place to rest.

Now the three of them just need to recharge their batteries and wait until Archduke Ferdinand arrives.

Three chapters, Mantou fulfilled his promise and finished writing three chapters. Where is the monthly ticket?

The additional updates for Steamed Buns are almost finished, so everyone has to work hard so that Steamed Buns can’t catch up.

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