My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 176 The Strategies of the Clouds

Zhao Wenhua's "Seven Stories of Shangping Wo" was able to impress Emperor Jiajing, mainly because of two of them.

The first one is offering sacrifices to sea gods, offering sacrifices to many sea gods along the coast, including Mazu, the third prince Nezha, and the Dragon King, to pray for peace in the sea.

The second is to pursue the taxes owed by the people, especially the large households in the south of the Yangtze River who owed as much as one million taels of gold, flowers and silver.

These two items, the first one is in response to Emperor Jiajing's feudal superstition. In recent years, Jiajing has become more and more obsessed with cultivating Taoism, and the Sea God of Zhaijiao is just in line with his wishes.

Su Ze also agrees with the last point, the grievance against Japanese pirates is actually mainly an economic issue.

The guards were short of soldiers, and Zhejiang had already begun to recruit soldiers, but recruiting soldiers required payment, and without money, nothing could be done.

At the beginning of this year, Ida in the north violated the border again. The Ming Dynasty faced two threats, one from the south and one from the north.

Even Jiajing had no choice but to suspend the construction of the temple, and urgently transferred the Bibian silver from the user department to the north to defend Ida.

In this case, where to get the money to fight against the Japanese is the biggest problem for the court.

The last time Yan Maoqing plundered a large amount of money from Fujian, although most of it fell into the pockets of him and Yan Dang, it also eased the financial pressure of the Anti-Japanese War to a certain extent.

But now that Zhang Jing is training soldiers to fight against the Japanese in Zhejiang, the daily consumption of silver is astronomical, and the court can no longer support it.

So from the end of the new year, the imperial court’s orders to Zhang Jing became more and more strict. Nie Bao, the minister of the Ministry of War who advocated "slow peace" in the imperial court, was kicked out of the Ministry of War and went home to retire. Yang Bo, who had a more radical policy towards Japanese, took over Nie Bao , Served as Minister of the Ministry of War.

The Jinghai policy written by Su Ze is naturally not about the current situation, but the issue of Jinghai in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Su Ze wrote down the first policy - fasting and offering sacrifices to the Sea God, and then put down his pen for the time being.

If Fang Zhifu adopts this strategy, I am afraid that the reputation of "lucky progress" will not be able to escape.

Although Xu Jie's Qing Ci is also well written, but he just "begs for perfection"!

You, a magistrate, persuaded the emperor to worship the sea god, then you are a proper traitor!

Su Ze thought for a while before picking up the pen. Anyway, his own Jinghai strategy is written on the paper, so it's up to you whether you use it or not.

After finishing the eloquent paragraph, Su Ze put down his pen for the next paragraph.

If according to Zhao Wenhua's "Seven Stories of Shangping Wo" and asked the court to recover the taxes owed in the south of the Yangtze River, then Fang Zhifu would not be a "lucky" minister, but a proper and strict party.

Although the current Qingliu Party is not the Donglin Party of later generations, its base is still scholars from wealthy southern provinces such as Nanzhili.

It is the "political correctness" of the Ming Dynasty to lightly corvee and pay less taxes. The reason why the collection of outstanding arrears cannot be carried out is because Qingliu always uses the name of "harming the people" to wave the flag, and all the officials of the Ministry of Households pay taxes owed to Jiangnan. You can only open one eye and close one eye.

Jiangnan was the cultural center of the Ming Dynasty, and those influential scholars were from big families. As long as anyone in Jiangnan pursued the outstanding debts, he would be labeled as a cruel official.

It is true that Yan Song's party is corrupt and political speculation is serious. It has to be said that Yan Song is indeed a "financial expert" in the Jiajing Dynasty, which is why Emperor Jiajing has always refused to change Yan Song.

If Fang Zhifu really took this strategy, he would be the enemy of Qingliu, even if he was not Yan Song's disciple, he would be attacked as a strict party.

In an extreme political environment, once you step into the center of the stage, there is no double-dealing, only choosing sides.

Yan Song was ordered to retire from office in the 41st year of Jiajing, and now it is the 34th year of Jiajing. Once Fang Zhifu is labeled as a strict party, it can be regarded as entering the national army in 1949.

Anyone who takes action against the earth basically has a bad reputation in Ming history.

Even Zhang Juzheng, the "Ming Shezong" who was born in Qingliu and was also the leader of Qingliu, was liquidated after his death because of a whip.

You must know that during Zhang Juzheng's tenure, the Emperor Shangzuo exempted Jiangnan from the accumulated debts over the years, but even so, he was still scolded as a cruel official who "competed with the people for profit".

I don't know how these tax-resistant landlords can be regarded as "small people", and which small people dare to default on taxes to the court.

Su Ze thought for a while, and crossed out the one about recovering outstanding debts in Jiangnan. He thought about it, and replaced it with another one.


This system is always considered to be an invention of the Manchus, but it actually existed in the Song Dynasty.

In fact, the commodity economy of the Ming Dynasty is quite developed now, and the Ming Dynasty also has commercial taxes.

The banknote tariff of the Ming merchant tax was similar in nature to the lijin, and a lot of it was collected. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was already the third largest tax after the land tax and salt tax.

The financial problem of Ming Dynasty is not that there is no business tax, but that the business tax collection is insufficient, or the corruption problem caused by the high cost of commercial tax collection.

The commercial tax of the Ming Dynasty is mainly divided into two parts: the overtax and the residential tax.

Excess tax is a toll tax, which is a tax on the circulation of goods, the biggest head of which is the banknote tariff.

The residence tax is a tax on exclusive products such as shops, land transactions, wine and vinegar.

For example, Su Ze collected taxes from the government for the shops and tea gardens transferred from the Cai family, and each shop also had to pay shop taxes regularly.

The problem with commercial taxation is that under the corrupt system of Ming Dynasty, commercial taxation is not in the hands of the imperial court.

The reason is also very simple. Land is dead. No matter how you hide the land, the land in a region cannot suddenly disappear without a trace. If the total amount of land in a region decreases sharply, it will also affect the examination results of local officials.

The land of the Ming Dynasty was decreasing, but it also decreased slowly over many generations, not all at once.

But business taxes are different.

How many ship caravans have passed by, how much city gate tax has been paid when entering the city, these superiors have no way to check.

It is certainly impossible for the household department in the capital to know how much city gate tax has been paid at the city gate of Nanping.

For example, in the Jiangnan area, merchants queued up to enter the city, but the city gate tax paid was similar to that of Fujian.

The second method proposed by Su Ze is to collect banknotes in the Japanese-infested areas, levy customs duties on banknotes, and use the money to fight the Japanese.

However, the original banknote tariff of the Ming Dynasty was quite rough. It did not tax the goods, but taxed the ships that transported the goods.

So it is not so much a goods turnover tax as a vehicle and vessel tax.

As he wrote on the manuscript paper, Su Ze's thoughts became clearer.

The first is to set up more customs checks, and change the tax on the size of the transport vessel to the tax on the value of the commodity.

The bill tariffs levied on a shipment of silk must be higher than that of a shipment of sand.

The next step is how the court controls the tax.

Yanpingwei has done this kind of thing before setting up Kana donations. If it is just to add money gates, the result will be an increase in the burden on the people, and the court still cannot receive money.

Su Ze has a good understanding of the lower limit of officials in the Ming Dynasty, that is, there is no lower limit.

As long as there is a place to make money, they will never let it go.

Su Ze continued to write urgently, and the best way was to "deduct".

Su Ze's method is complicated to say, but in fact the principle is very simple. It is to form a deductible chain of banknote tariffs, so that the court can find out how much banknote tariffs have been collected by each tax office.

A ship passes through Jiachaoguan, and after paying the tax, it can get the tax quotation certificate of Jiachaoguan.

With this certificate, the ship's goods will no longer have to pay taxes after passing through the rest of the customs.

And when the goods are transported to the city, when entering the city to pay the city gate tax or go to the market to sell and pay the city tax, you can take the voucher of the banknote to deduct the tax.

In this way, the tax quotations issued by A banknote customs can be returned to the government through the method of "tax credit".

Because there is no direct relationship between banknotes and localities, it is difficult to form a chain of interests.

Governments in various places can also "deduct tax" and hand over the recovered "tax deduction" tax reference certificates to the household department, so that the household department can roughly know how much tax reference has been issued and how much tax has been collected.

As long as there is deterrence, the customs will not dare to recklessly collect taxes, knowing that they will not be as greedy as before and withhold most of the taxes.

Su Ze felt that something was wrong after finishing writing the banknote customs law. Isn't this extending Daming's life?

But soon Su Ze was relieved. No matter whether Su Ze wants to rebel or not, Pingwa is always right. If he can really contribute to the situation in Zhejiang, it would be good to make the people of Zhejiang suffer less.

The law is of course a good law, but with the pissing nature of the Ming Dynasty, no matter how good the law is, someone will find loopholes, and in the end it will turn from good governance to evil governance.

There is no good law that is not easy for all ages!

Any policy must be continuously adjusted, re-divided interests, and cracked down on corrupt groups in the policy chain in order to maintain it for a long time.

This is why it is said that reform is always on the way.

But the bloated and rusty machine of the Ming Dynasty has lost the ability to self-regulate.

Any policy with good intentions will be sung in the end.

The lijin system in the Qing Dynasty can be said to have continued the life of the Qing court, but the same lijin system also led to the rise of local powerful factions, and only then did the situation of mutual protection in the southeast.

Besides, this is just a policy theory in the government examination.

Su Ze continued to write.

The rest is the old topic, win over the trade faction among the Japanese pirates, and provoke the Japanese pirates to fight the Japanese pirates.

Thoroughly investigate corruption and smuggling in the coastal guards, and recruit new troops to fight against the Japanese.

Su Ze collected the seven articles with ease, corrected the typos, and copied them into the examination paper.

When he raised his head, he saw that Fang Zhifu was already standing beside him, seriously reading his exam paper.

Su Ze was startled, but he didn't make a sound. No noise is allowed in the examination room.

At this time, Fang Zhifu was already insane.

In fact, Fang Zhifu didn't have much hope at first. Those science and dao officials were all Jinshi who came out of the imperial examination papers, and they were all high-ranking Jinshi. Their methods couldn't satisfy the emperor. None of this group of scholars What can Tongsheng do?

Fang Zhifu asked them to write a policy theory, and he just wanted to inspire his own ideas for writing memorials.

On the way to inspect the examination room, Fang Zhifu read many candidates' papers.

What are these things!

Some proposed to completely ban the sea, relocate all coastal people to inland provinces, and "starve" Japanese pirates to death.

This is a good idea, should we also give up Nanzhili to the Japanese pirates?

There are also those who want to recruit local bravery from all over the country and offer rewards to kill Japanese. The imperial court can't even support the soldiers. Who will pay for this?

Fang Zhifu took a look around and found that anyone who could speak a few words was pretty good, and he was also out of his mind, and believed that these children could find a good way.

Originally, Fang Zhifu had given up hope, but seeing Su Ze's policy theory, Fang Zhifu was completely stupid!

Fasting and worshiping the Sea God, this is considered to be favored by the emperor, and this is nothing, as a wise official has long written a letter like this.

But the next article of money customs law made Fang Zhifu stupid!

Fang Zhifu has been a magistrate and a magistrate, of course he knows the reason why business taxes are difficult to collect.

However, the Chaoguan law is different. The two systems of Chaoguan and the local government can avoid collusion between Chaoguan and the government.

Banknote customs collect taxes and open tax quotations, local governments deduct tax collection tax quotations, and finally tax quotations are collected at the Ministry of Households, and the two can be compared to calculate the amount of banknote customs duties for a year.

No matter how courageous the local banknote customs are, they dare not be as greedy as before to withhold business taxes!

This method really works!

This set of methods not only puts forward suggestions, but also proposes a whole set of methods to solve problems. What's more valuable is that this set of methods is executable and supervised.

Fang Zhifu became suspicious again, even if he was a member of the cabinet, he might not be able to come up with such a specific and effective solution.

Since ancient times, the talents of governing the country have been quite rare.

Are there really talented people?

Fang Zhifu's love for Su Ze's talents is even greater, and he will be recruited as his son-in-law no matter what!

After all the candidates have finished the exam, the postgraduate entrance examination lights up and the intense marking work begins.

Su Ze's policy was naturally affirmed by all the examiners, and was recommended to Fang Zhifu.

Fang Zhifu hesitated for a moment, but still ordered Su Ze's paper as the first case.

Chen Chaoyuan's luck was also good. Although his theory of Jinghai strategy didn't have any substantive content, it still had something to say, and he even passed the government examination.

After completing the work of grading papers and releasing the rankings, some people naturally congratulated Su Ze without mentioning it.

Fang Zhifu returned home, but his mood was not so happy.

Mrs. Li rarely came back from the Quyi Club, and when she saw Fang Zhifu like this, she asked:

"Master, what's bothering you?"

The husband and wife have naturally had a tacit understanding for many years. Fang Zhifu talked about Su Ze's strategy for entering the examination room, and then talked about his daughter's marriage.

Mrs. Li did not speak, and asked after Fang Zhifu finished speaking:

"Master is worried because Su Ze has been pointed at the head of the case by you. If he is recruited as his son-in-law in the future, I'm afraid it will cause criticism?"

Fang Zhifu nodded.

Mrs. Li said: "I don't understand the imperial court's affairs, so I just talk about Su Ze's policy theory. If other examiners read it, will they point to his case?"

Fang Zhifu nodded heavily and said: "That's natural! This strategy is Qingyun's strategy, if it is played in the imperial court, it will definitely get an important position!"

Mrs. Li sneered and said, "Since that's the case, then Su Ze should be the chief of the case. Master, you are not guilty. This is why Su Ze can become the chief of the case. Why should you be afraid of others' words?"

Fang Zhifu sighed and said: "People's words are terrifying."

Mrs. Li said: "My parents died early, and my younger brother was brought up to grow up. Naturally, I know that people's words are scary. Because I am afraid of people's words, let Su Ze not be the head of the case, can the master feel at ease?"

Fang Zhifu shook his head.

Mrs. Li said again: "Or do you want to give up such a good son-in-law for the sake of people's words?"

Fang Zhifu shook his head and said, "That's not okay, my daughter."

Mrs. Li interrupted and said: "That's fine, I don't know the truth. But when we play horses, if we want to win cards, we have to go forward and focus on the planned cards. If we are uncertain, it will be To lose."

Fang Zhifu only felt that he was suddenly enlightened, and saluted Madam Li: "Thank you Madam!"

Mrs. Li said again: "You used Su Ze's strategy of Qingyun to invite him to your home and talk about it, so that you will avoid embarrassment in the future."

Fang Zhifu quickly said: "It's natural! If this strategy is used, Su Ze must agree. If he refuses, I will definitely not play."

Mrs. Li shook her head and said, "I don't care about your men's affairs. Your father and daughter must settle accounts for keeping this matter from me! I want to see this Su Ze."

Mrs. Li said again: "My daughter is going to marry a Jinshi. After passing the provincial examination, she will be engaged and engaged. After winning the Jinshi, she will get married!"

After saying this, Fang Zhifu smiled wryly and shook his head, and then ordered the book boy to bring Su Ze to the government office.

This chapter was so difficult to write, but it was finally written!

Fat Bird doesn't think this plot is old-fashioned, does it? But I have thought about it for a long time!

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