My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 410 Li Shizhen Medical College

"Did you make it?"

Lin An asked quickly as he watched his greasy friend debugging the machine.

At the beginning, Lin An felt that Ren Fu's idea was just a wishful thinking, building a machine that could stably provide power?

Lin An felt that it was more reliable to believe that people could fly into the sky than to believe that such a machine could be built.

But today's "Warning World News" published news about the Dagu hot-air balloon experiment. At the Dagu Bastion, three officers really flew into the sky in a hot-air balloon.

Lin An was numb.

Immediately afterwards, Lin An received an invitation to come to Ren Fu's workshop, and then he built a prototype steam engine.

When he saw the steam pushing the cylinder, the cylinder pulling the connecting rod, and pushing a turntable to rotate, Lin An finally got excited!

As an engineer who understands technology, Lin An understands what this means.

This is a change, as profound as Suiren's drilling wood to make fire!

But Ren Fu's expression was not satisfied. He shook his head and said, "No, the efficiency is too low."

"The efficiency is so low that it can't even drive a mule engine. No one will use such a steam engine."

Lin An also noticed that the turntable pulled by the connecting rod was very light and the rotation speed was not fast. Compared with the burning boiler, the efficiency of this steam engine was too low.

"Still not working?"

Ren Fu nodded and said: "The efficiency is too low. This steam engine is just a bigger toy."

Lin An also became disappointed.

It has to be said that Lin An was amazed by the money-burning ability of Ren Fu's workshop.

In the past month, half of the five thousand taels of silver given by Yu Zongyuan had been used up, and the only result was this prototype machine, which Ren Fu called a toy.

Lin An is now also a qualified businessman. He knows that regardless of the cost and benefit ratio of any technology, it is pure fraud.

If steam engines cost more than water-powered mills, why not continue to use water power?

What's more, steam engines are heated, high-temperature and high-pressure, and require specialized mechanics to maintain them. The hidden cost is also higher than that of hydraulic power.

"Tear it down."


Lin An really couldn't understand that this prototype machine was built with Ren Fu's hard work for so many years, but it was dismantled as soon as it was built.

Ren Fu turned away and said:

"If you can't use it commercially, just dismantle it. The parts here can still be used after being dismantled, and you can save some money."

Lin An looked at his friend in surprise. Ren Fu had a paranoid personality and never calculated the cost.

Unexpectedly, Ren Fu said: "After accepting Mr. Yu's investment, we can't let Mr. Yu spend his money in vain. We must save what we can."

Ren Fu took one last look at the work that he had devoted so many years of effort to, and said: "It is said in the play that a scholar will die for his confidant. Mr. Yu believed in me, a lunatic, and gave me a huge sum of money that I would never earn in my life for research and development. I You must repay him."

"I will definitely be able to build a steam engine! Let Mr. Yu not regret this investment!"

Lin An thought of Yu Zongyuan's help to him, and he also said: "What a great ambition! Lao Ren, if you need anything, just ask! As long as it can be made, our match factory will be the first to order it!"

"Go, go, there are so many textile factories in Hangzhou, where is your match factory's turn!"

Yu Zongyuan, who was watching the show, sneezed and raised his head blankly. Could it be that someone was cursing him again?

Suzhou, Li Shizhen Medical College.

Lorenzo, who was tired of his travels, finally arrived in Suzhou.

He looked anxiously at this huge city filled with the sound of spinning machines, and felt shocked again.

Venice is a water city with a criss-crossing water network, and a small boat called a gondola is used to travel around the city.

Suzhou is also a water city, with small boats sailing on the dense water network and rivers, and these boats are filled with well-woven silk.

Compared with the huge and prosperous city of Suzhou, Venice is just a rural place, nothing more than Venice, a water city, and little Suzhou in the west.

Taking Cao Wang's recommendation letter, Lorenzo found Li Shizhen Medical College located on the outskirts of the city.

This is a huge university, so huge that even Lorenzo felt like he would get lost in the academy.

In Europe today, there are also colleges, but most of these colleges are seminaries. Universities that impart knowledge have also appeared, such as the navigation schools in Italy. However, these universities are often small in scale and do not offer many courses.

With Cao Wang's recommendation letter in hand, Luo Lanzuo finally found the principal's office and went to learn from Li Shizhen's assistant that Li Shizhen was teaching.

Lorenzo followed the assistant to the teaching building of the medical school and looked at the huge lecture hall. An old man wearing a scarf stood on the podium, and next to him was a terrifying skeleton.

Lorenzo was startled when he saw the old man gesturing at the structure of the skeleton frame, and then accurately drawing the arm bones on the blackboard.

"It's the bony structure of the arm."

"The skeleton is the frame of the human body. On top of the frame, there are blood vessels throughout the body, nerves that control muscles, plus the muscles covering the bones, and finally the skin that protects the muscles, which together form the complex machine of the human body."

Li Shizhen picked up the red chalk and quickly drew the blood vessels in her arm.

He then used yellow chalk to draw the nerves, and finally used pink chalk to draw the muscles of the arm. A human arm full of healthy beauty appeared on the blackboard.


In order to pursue his wife, Lorenzo was once a literary young man.

He had seen many paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and also seen his hand-drawn diagrams of human anatomy.

But Da Vinci only paid attention to the muscle lines of the human body. Lorenzo had never seen anyone like Li Shizhen who could draw the human body structure completely.

Listening to Li Shizhen's explanation, Lorenzo could clearly understand how the precise machine of the human body worked and how each muscle worked.

When Li Shizhen finished explaining, Lorenzo was amazed. Compared with Eastern medicine, Venetian medicine was as backward as witch doctors.

Lorenzo's thoughts suddenly dispersed, and he suddenly thought of the contract between his friend Anthony and his father-in-law, Shylock, the Venetian merchant.

If Antony cannot repay Shylock, he must use a pound of flesh to repay the debt.

If Li Shizhen, the miracle doctor in front of him, cuts the meat, Anthony will definitely not feel the pain, right?

The melodious bell rang, signaling the end of get out of class.

Li Shizhen stopped explaining the new knowledge, looked around and said:

"Q\u0026A time begins now."

A young student raised his hand and asked:

"Principal, may I ask where you are angry?"

Everyone looked at Li Shizhen. Lorenzo had also acquired a lot of oriental medical knowledge along the way and had read many ancient oriental medicine books. He knew that "qi" is a magical concept in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is a kind of medicine that acts on people. The special energy of the whole body, many theories of traditional Chinese medicine are explained around "qi".

Cao Wang's vision is indeed good, and Lorenzo is very talented in studying medicine.

Lorenzo was able to independently learn and understand the medical knowledge on new hairstyles in the Southeast.

But only the theory of ancient Chinese medicine was completely incomprehensible to Lorenzo.

Li Shizhen put down the chalk and asked the student to sit down. He pointed to the anatomy diagram of the arm and said:

"This is a good question. We did not observe the presence of Qi in the autopsied remains of voluntary donations."

"In cases where the military treated fractures, there was no evidence of chi either."

Li Shizhen changed the subject and said: "Although it has not been found, it does not mean that Qi does not exist."

"Our understanding of the mysteries of the human body is still too shallow."

"How is pain generated? What is the role of blood vessels throughout the body? How do muscles work?"

"How do wounds heal? Why do some wounds suppurate and others not?"

"Besides Qi, there are still many things we don't understand, and every direction is worth a lifetime of research."

New medical directions make most students’ eyes shine. After the development of new medicine, new research results appear every day, and new sub-disciplines appear every month.

Amid such a wave, medical students have the arrogant idea that the mysteries of the human body are in front of their eyes, as if all the secrets in the world can be discovered and humans can master the power of the Creator.

More and more young students are beginning to oppose the theories of ancient Chinese medicine. Some students even have conflicts with professors who teach ancient Chinese medicine and refuse to study courses in this area.

The debate over whether "qi" exists is also one of the debates between new medicine and ancient medicine.

Li Shizhen is certainly aware of this great controversy. He has studied ancient medicine for most of his life and is one of the founders of new medicine. He has always maintained a neutral attitude.

He looked at the student and said, "The Governor said that conducting research requires unity while reserving differences."

"We have developed ancient medicine for thousands of years, and it has indeed cured many diseases."

"New medicine also has many unexplained diseases."

"Remaining in awe and staying humble is our attitude as doctors towards diseases and our attitude in studying the mysteries of the human body."

The students looked at Li Shizhen with admiration and applauded.

After Li Shizhen's class ended, Luo Lanzuo took Cao Wang's recommendation letter and found Li Shizhen who was sorting out the lesson plans.

Putting on her reading glasses and carefully reading Cao Wang's letter, Li Shizhen raised her head and looked at Lorenzo and asked:

"Cao Wang admires your talents very much. Do you really plan to study medicine?"

Lorenzo immediately said firmly: "Your Excellency, Great Scholar, I really want to learn medical skills."

Li Shizhen nodded with satisfaction and said: "You can take this letter of recommendation to go through the admission procedures later. Your contribution in Guangzhou can be exempted from study fees."

"Cao Wang is one of my most proud disciples. It's a pity."

Li Shizhen murmured that as Cao Wang was his earliest disciple, Li Shizhen was originally reluctant to let him go to Guangzhou.

However, according to Southeast regulations, doctors who have completed medical school courses must serve Southeast for three years before they can practice freely.

Li Shizhen even reported to the Metropolitan Governor's Office that Cao Wang should be given a teaching position at Suzhou Medical College. However, Cao Wang refused the stable teaching position in Suzhou and went to Guangzhou to serve as a medical officer.

Speaking of Cao Wang, Lorenzo was also a little sad.

Li Shizhen said: "The deceased has passed away. The Governor of Suzhou University has ordered the establishment of a scholarship at Suzhou Medical College, named the 'Cao Wang Award', to specifically reward researchers and students who have made achievements in the field of epidemic diseases."

Lorenzo was a little moved. Although the status of doctors in the West was not low, their status came from the kings and nobles they served.

Scholars all serve the king, nobles and the church, and ordinary people have no chance to become scholars.

At that time, Cao Wang once said that Li Shizhen Medical College already had 500 students, many of whom were students from poor families who had received financial aid.

The Grand Governor is the highest ruler in the entire southeast and the governor of this huge empire. He actually ordered the establishment of an award to commemorate a doctor like Cao Wang.

Lorenzo secretly made up his mind that he must study hard and get this "Cao Wang Award".

As Li Shizhen's assistant came out, the young assistant Zhu said gently:

"Senior Brother Cao has helped me a lot. Can you tell me about him?"

Lorrazzo told him the last thing that happened on Langbaiao Island. Assistant Professor Zhu listened carefully and said to him: "Thank you."

Lorrazzo immediately saluted him, and Assistant Professor Zhu said:

"Now our medical school has several subjects. You can take general courses for a while and then choose the subject you like."

"You can also choose a direction now and spend less time on general courses."

Lorenzo immediately said: "Can you ask the teaching assistant to explain it to me?"


Assistant Professor Zhu said: “The hottest thing in medical school now is trauma medicine, which involves wound treatment, bruises, and fracture suturing.”

"The reason why this subject is so popular is because there is a huge shortage of medical officers in the army today. As long as you can successfully graduate, you can join the Southeast New Army."

Lorenzo understood immediately. He had been in the Southeast for a while and knew that the New Army in the Southeast was different from the European army. The army had a high status and a good reputation. The army also had high benefits, and there were good placements for disabled veterans and their jobs. .

In contrast, the threshold for joining the military is also very high.

Becoming a doctor first and then joining the army has also become a popular option.

Moreover, bruises and injuries themselves are also a good medical research direction.

However, Lorenzo was not interested in this and continued to ask: "Is there any more?"

"Comprehensive internal medicine is also a good direction. It mainly treats common internal diseases such as colds and colds. However, there are more students of ancient medicine now, and you, a foreigner, are not suitable."

Lorenzo immediately shook his head. He could not understand ancient Chinese medical books.

"Obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics are mainly studied by women. It is not convenient for a man to deliver babies."

"There is also epidemiology, which is the direction that Senior Brother Cao studied back then. This subject also has the smallest number of people."

Lorenzo immediately said: "I will learn this!"

Assistant Professor Zhu did not expect him to be so determined, and said with admiration: "It seems that Senior Brother Cao has a great influence on you. I hope you can inherit his mantle."

"Come on, let's go find accommodation."

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