My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 480 Make the grassland great again

High-strength wine is an almost perfect product.

A large amount of grain will be condensed into a bottle of wine, and the transportation cost of wine is much lower than that of direct transportation of grain.

High-alcohol alcohol is different from low-alcohol alcohol. High-alcohol alcohol is an addictive product. Once you become addicted to alcohol, you need to buy it for a long time.

Finally, the added value of spirits is very high. When food prices become low, they can be sold at high prices through addiction.

Finally, wine is a product that is very suitable for specialization and sales, and it is easy to control the channels of wine.

After discovering these characteristics, Ming merchants soon discovered that there was a place most suitable for dumping spirits.

That is the Mongolian grassland.

Even Zhang Juzheng discovered this. He specially set up several government-run wineries in Shanxi, and even reduced the transshipment ratio of Shanxi's grain and allowed part of the grain to stay in Shanxi for brewing.

The spirits brewed by the new workshops all flowed into the grasslands through the tribute markets in Datong and Xuanfu, and a large number of war horses and furs were obtained from the Mongols.

Not only the merchants participating in the tribute market discovered that spirits were a very good commodity, but even the Mongolian nobles also loved spirits very much.

During this winter, spirits were used as a drink to ward off the cold and only appeared at the banquets of the Mongolian noble leaders.

After drinking the liquor, your whole body feels warm, and the feeling of being drunk is intoxicating.

Even Anda likes to drink strong liquor, and his young wife Sanniangzi is very worried about this.

The Mongolian aristocratic leaders soon discovered that spirits were a very good commodity.

Only tribute merchants with a license can participate in the tribute market in the Ming Dynasty, and the same is true in Mongolia. Only those with a license issued by Anda can trade in the tribute market.

Spirits, a commodity, soon became a monopolized commodity on the grasslands.

The third lady was worried.

Since the Battle of Wuyuan and the Han rebellion, as well as several defeats against the Ming Dynasty, Anda Khan completely lost his ambitions and began to indulge in beauty and wine, and his body soon collapsed.

After all, An Dahan is already over fifty years old, which is considered a long life on the grassland at this age.

Even for a Mongolian noble, human life is very fragile on the grassland. Just like autumn grass, a sudden disease may kill him at any time.

What Sanniangzi is troubled about is not the fall of Anda Khan, but the current situation of the grassland.

Since the Tibetan monk Sonam Gyatso entered the grassland, Ada Khan promised that he would build Buddhist temples in every tribe to worship the Buddha.

The relatively primitive and backward indigenous beliefs on the grasslands naturally cannot stop Tibetan Buddhism with its complete teachings.

These indigenous beliefs collapsed, and almost all the Mongolian aristocracy converted to Tibetan Buddhism.

After all, the Buddhist country described by Sonam Gyatso is so beautiful, it is simply the place that everyone dreams of.

And all they need to do is to take refuge in the Buddha, and then let their subordinates worship the Buddha. As long as monks pray for them, they can ascend to the Buddha's kingdom and enjoy blessings after death.

This vision is so wonderful.

Moreover, many tribal leaders have also discovered that the introduction of Tibetan Buddhism, which advises people to be patient and to receive blessings in the next life through suffering and piety in this life, can make the tribesmen and slaves in the tribe more docile and obedient to them. The rule of these tribal leaders.

After the beginning of spring, Sanniangzi went to inspect the tribes near Bansheng City. These tribes were filled with an atmosphere of religious fanaticism.

She saw the herdsmen who had nothing, offering all their remaining belongings to the tribal monks, just praying that they would not continue to suffer in the next life.

She saw that these monks and local lords were living a luxurious and luxurious life, and even saw several monks who did not abide by the precepts.

Sanniangzi wanted to punish these monks, but was dissuaded by the people around her, because An Dahan had given all the Yellow Sect monks special privileges. Only An Dahan himself and Suonang Jiacuo could punish these monks, even if they committed confirmed crimes. , and it can only be processed if it is sent to Bansheng City.

The third lady was very angry, but there was nothing she could do.

Nowadays, Anda Khan has become very irritable after drinking. He can only communicate when he is sober. If he violates his prohibition rashly, then Anda Khan will fly into a rage.

In addition to fanatical religion, strong alcohol also makes the grassland increasingly withered.

Sanniangzi saw with her own eyes that the miserable herdsman, despite the cries of his wife and children, wanted to sell the only female animal in the family that was giving birth, just to exchange for a pot of strong liquor.

The third lady also saw with her own eyes that the herdsmen had no intention of grazing, and drank strong alcohol to get drunk in broad daylight.

Sanniangzi also saw drunkards who passed out on the roadside every day from the grasslands and then froze to death in the wilderness.

Alcoholism has caused huge problems on the grasslands. From Anda Khan to ordinary tribal herders, they have been completely anesthetized by alcohol. They drink desperately and spend high prices to buy this drink that can give them temporary happiness. Regardless of anything.

And the herdsmen who are already addicted are thinking about buying alcohol all the time.

Those tribal leaders and businessmen controlled the sales of spirits through monopoly.

Almost every tribe has a tent dedicated to selling wine. Each tribe can only allow one wine merchant to enter, and each pot of strong liquor must be paid a large tax to the tribal leader.

Some tribes have even formed an industry, with a businessman who is the leader of the tribe responsible for keeping accounts and purchasing things pawned by the herdsmen at low prices.

Another businessman was responsible for selling spirits and taking away the money from the herdsmen who had just pawned their property.

Even their tents are open together, and the value of the pawned items has been assessed and can be directly exchanged for corresponding spirits.

The third lady was saddened to see that the archer, who was once a perfect shot, had his hands shaking due to alcoholism, and could not even draw a child's bow.

She saw those warriors who were excellent in riding and shooting, fell off their horses due to alcoholism, died of fractures and infection in the hospital bed, and still begged for strong drinks from the people around them.

The third lady was very worried. The tribes near Bansheng City provided the best riders and archers to the Tumut tribe. These were the elite soldiers of the royal court.

These tribes are also the most elite and have accumulated the most wealth relying on previous conquests.

Now that these tribes have fallen so far, what is the situation like for those tribes further away from Bansheng?

Sanniangzi didn't even dare to think about how far the tribes in those bitter and cold places could sink for the joy of a sip of strong wine and the promise of being promoted to the Buddha's kingdom.

Sanniangzi was very anxious. Over the years, the couple, who were twenty years apart in age, had grown up listening to the stories of An Dahan.

This man, who led the Yumet tribe to drive away the Oara people, once dreamed of restoring the glory of the Golden Family.

An Dahan led the Qumert cavalry south many times, forcing the Ming emperor to sign an alliance under the city, and even asked the Ming Dynasty to open the tribute market.

He built Bansheng City, the greatest city on the grassland, and became the overlord of the grassland.

Sanniangzi has been helping the great Anda Khan handle civil affairs, but seeing Andahan decline as he aged, Sanniangzi was heartbroken.

And the changes in the entire grassland made her determined to change everything.

The third lady returned to Bansheng City. Anda Khan was holding a banquet in his gorgeous palace. The sound of court music and dance could be heard not far from the palace.

The third lady did not enter the palace, but instead headed to a small palace nearby.

The palace was deserted, without any lights, and there were not even a few slaves serving it.

The third lady carefully walked through the palace. She came to a locked courtyard and opened the door of the courtyard.

A thin middle-aged man was sitting on a stool in the center of the palace. He raised his head and saw the third lady with an expression of surprise.

This man is Buyan Taiji, the second son of Anda Khan.

During the last attack on Wuyuan City, Buyan Taiji was captured by the Han people because he underestimated the enemy. Later, Anda Khan redeemed his son with a hundred horses and imprisoned him in this side hall.

An Dahan redeemed his son not for the sake of flesh and blood, but because the captured son was a shame to the Golden Family.

From the moment he redeemed Buyantaiji, Anda Khan hoped that his son would commit suicide to wash away his shame.

But Buyantaiji was very stubborn and refused to commit suicide. This made Anda Khan even more angry and ordered everyone to come to see his son. He would trap the son alive.

Buyan Taiji's eyes shined when he saw Sanniangzi.

Sanniangzi sat down in front of her: "You are right, the times on the grassland have changed."

Buyan Taiji grinned. From the first time Sanniang entered this side hall, he had described the scene of Wuyuan City to her.

During his imprisonment, Yu Dayou did not restrict Fuyan Taiji's freedom too much, but instead encouraged him to wander around.

After witnessing the rapid development and prosperity of Wuyuan City, Buyan Taiji saw the degradation of the grassland tribes on the way to being redeemed by his father.

He is already very pessimistic about the future of the grassland.

The grassland that Ming Taizu failed to completely conquer with artillery and swords and guns quickly collapsed under the influence of monks and alcohol. Order has disintegrated on the grassland. If this continues, there will be no army capable of fighting in the entire grassland.

Sanniangzi looked at Buyan Taiji and asked: "Have you thought about it? If you do this, you will not be able to inherit the throne, and you will even be cast aside by future generations. Do you really want to do this?"

Fuyantaiji said: "Of course, this is the only way to save the grassland."

"When I kill my father and the demon monk, I will commit suicide in the palace. Sanniang, will you assist my brother and make the grassland glorious again?"

The third lady nodded.

Buyan Taiji smiled miserably and said: "Then I will watch you in heaven."

On that day, Anda Khan's second son Buyantaiji sneaked into the main hall from the side hall where he was imprisoned, killed his father Anda Khan with a poisoned dagger, and stabbed Suonang Jiacuo, who was preaching on the grassland.

Fuyandaiji then committed suicide with the dagger.

An Dahan's wife Sanniangzi supported Huang Taiji to ascend the throne of Khan.

After Huang Taiji succeeded as Khan, his first order was to issue a ban on alcohol.

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