Su Ze naturally didn't know about the sensation his books had caused in Europe, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

He was looking at the report from Shaanxi. Guo Pu died and Chen Lin quickly put down the Ming army's rebellion, but some of them fled to Lanzhou.

Most of the Ming army was eventually captured, and those who participated in plunder and rebellion were tried by military judges in the southeast. The guilty were immediately executed, and those who participated were ordered to reform.

It happened that due to the Guanzhong earthquake, many water conservancy facilities in Guanzhong were destroyed. After hearing about it, Hu Zongxian immediately set off for Guanzhong to preside over the repair of Guanzhong's irrigation project.

These prisoners of the Ming Dynasty served as construction workers on the project and had to serve in Guanzhong for five years before they could be released.

In a sense, Su Ze was grateful for this rebellion. Five years later, the world would be peaceful, and there would be no trouble if these soldiers were released by then.

It was also an unconditional surrender. The cabinet skillfully sent new officials to take over Shaanxi. This time, they did not want to use the method of luring the snake out of its hole in Henan. The officials in Shaanxi obediently handed over the power of governance and cooperated with the officials in the southeast to complete the takeover work.

Su Ze looked at the map. The dawn of world unification had appeared. Except for Shaanxi, Gyeonggi, Shandong, and Liaodong, most of the Central Plains had been occupied by the southeast.

Is it time to think of a new country name? After clearly occupying such a large land, is it inappropriate to call it Southeast?

The thought crossed Su Ze's mind that this kind of matter should be left to the Constitutional Convention next March to deal with.

There are also two letters on Su Ze's desk.

One of them was written by Xiong Kuang. The content of Xiong Kuang's letter was very simple, which was to ask for a fight.

Xiong Kuang requested permission from the Ministry of War to continue marching westward and lead the Seventh Brigade to attack Lanzhou.

Xiong Kuang's reason is also very simple. Lanzhou is an important town leading to the Western Regions. By capturing Lanzhou, he can gain access to the Western Regions, get in touch with Wuyuan City on the grassland, and complete the siege offensive of the entire western region of the Ming Dynasty.

Another letter on Su Ze's desk was from Gao Wuguan.

Gao Wuguan set out from Wuyuan City to try to inquire about the situation in the Western Regions. His first stop was Lanzhou.

However, Gao Wuguan did not stay in Lanzhou for long. He carefully inspected the geographical terrain of Lanzhou, wrote this proposal to the Governor's Office, and then continued to move westward.

Gaowu Guan has a very high evaluation of Lanzhou's geographical status and believes that Lanzhou is "the center of the world".

Su Ze also deeply agrees with this point.

Going west from Xi'an, you can reach Lanzhou via Baoji, Tianshui and Dingxi. This is a very lively trade route in the western region and is still very prosperous today.

It was with this idea in mind that Guo Pu prepared to withdraw his troops to Lanzhou.

Gao Wuguan said in the letter that Lanzhou is one of the four gateways.

First of all, it is the gateway to the Western Regions. Going northwest from Lanzhou is the Hexi Corridor. The Hexi Corridor is an important passage through the Western Regions. It is called the corridor because on the south side of this narrow passage are the Qilian Mountains and on the north side there are naturally preserved mountains such as Longshou Mountain. After this road, if you want to pass through the Western Regions, you need to pass through the Hexi Corridor.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established Wuwei, Zhangye and other counties in Hexi. By controlling the Hexi Corridor, he also controlled the access to the Western Regions, thereby gaining influence to control the Western Regions.

Nowadays, Wuwei, Zhangye and other counties are gradually becoming desertified. Lanzhou, which is on the edge of the Hexi Corridor, has become a big city with prosperous commerce and trade, and has become the gateway to the Hexi Corridor.

The second gateway is the gateway to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Since ancient times, there have been two entrances to Tibet.

One is the Sichuan area in the west. The terrain entering and exiting Tibet from here is relatively steep, and there will be relatively strong altitude sickness.

The other one is from Lanzhou, taking the ancient Han-Tibetan road through Xining to enter Tibet. During the Tang Dynasty, the powerful Tibetans attacked the Tang Dynasty many times, starting from the direction of Lanzhou.

Now Tibetan envoys have to go through Lanzhou to get in touch with the Central Plains. Therefore, if they want to continue to influence Tibet in the future, they also need to control Lanzhou.

The third one is the gateway to Guanzhong. Needless to say, Lanzhou has been an important military town guarding Guanzhong since the middle and late Tang Dynasty.

The fourth is the gateway to the grassland. The Yellow River flows through the edge of Lanzhou City. To the northeast is the Hetao area, which is also an important passage into the grassland.

Gao Wuguan wrote in the letter that if Lanzhou is captured, the southeast can get in touch with Wuyuan City on the grassland and transport weapons and supplies to Wuyuan City.

The Western Regions and Tibet were areas that must be controlled in Su Ze's heart. Lanzhou was indeed of high importance in Su Ze's heart.

Su Ze handed these two letters to the Ministry of War and asked Lin Liangjun to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the 7th Brigade and determine whether to attack Lanzhou based on the intelligence obtained by Gao Wuguan.

The Ministry of War's reply was also very quick. In fact, the Ministry of War had already wanted to attack Lanzhou.

However, the cabinet has different opinions.

King Su established industry and commerce in Lanzhou and was one of the few enlightened princes in the Ming Dynasty.

Xu Wei believes that Lanzhou is not the kind of mediocre king who takes advantage of the people. Instead, it has been relying on its own prestige to maintain the influence of the Central Plains in the Western Regions even when the Ming Dynasty abandoned the Western Regions.

Xu Wei thought that Zhu Huaye, the commander of the Second Brigade in Huguang, could be sent to Lanzhou to persuade King Su to surrender.

Zhu Huaye was the son of Zhu Congjin, the first righteous man in Fengyang at that time.

Zhu Congjin turned out to be a Shaanxi guru. He was exiled to Fengyang because he wrote to Jiajing, asking the emperor to lift the guru's imprisonment and allow the guru who could not survive to no longer receive Lumi, but to live freely.

Later, when Su Ze attacked Fengyang, Zhu Congjin, a clan member of the Ming Dynasty, opened the door for the Fengyang uprising to welcome Master Wang, and was later appointed governor of Fengyang by Su Ze.

Zhu Congzhen did really well when he was the governor of Fengyang. He received many awards for impartiality and law enforcement.

Later, after the reform of the southeastern official system, Zhu Congjin was transferred to the prefect of Nanjing and was responsible for the public security of the capital. He also did a very good job.

Now the Ministry of Civil Affairs has decided to recommend him as the governor of Guizhou, fully responsible for the military and civil affairs of Guizhou. Zhu Congjin is also the highest-ranking Ming clan member in the southeastern official system.

And his son Zhu Huaye captured King Jing alive and made great contributions in the southern and northern wars, and was promoted to the commander of the second brigade.

Su Ze also felt that Xu Wei's suggestion was good. He could let Zhu Huaye negotiate with King Su first. If King Su was willing to surrender unconditionally, he could compensate King Su in other places in the future. After all, during these years of guarding the Western Region, King Su's lineage and Yunnan Just like the Mu family, Duke of Guizhou, they all made contributions.

Zhu Huaye, who was in Huguang, received the order, immediately took off his military uniform and headed north, rushing to Lanzhou non-stop.

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