My life skills in Daming Liver

Chapter 679 General Rain

June has now entered the rainy season in the Jianghuai River Basin. The continuous rain has slightly cooled down the fighting on the front line, and the muddy land has caused enough trouble for both sides.

Su Ze received the latest battle report. The confrontation on the Xuzhou front line was still ongoing. This rainy season caused greater trouble to the southeast. Objectively speaking, this "General Rain" also helped Li Chengliang temporarily hold the defense line.

Because of the plum rains, the gunpowder on the front line was seriously affected by moisture. Although scholars and engineers in the southeast tried many methods, long-distance transportation would still cause moisture problems. In addition, the muddy land was not suitable for offensive operations, so the front line offensive could only be slowed down.

The plum rain season was originally a foreseeable problem in the southeastern combat plan, but this year's plum rain season was particularly long and the moisture problem was particularly serious. This was something that the staff did not consider when formulating the combat plan.

War is like this. After all, staff officers are also human beings. They can calculate the factors that affect the war as much as possible, but there will always be some omissions, because war is the most unpredictable thing, and the outcome is unknown until the last moment.

Because of the war, the Constitutional Convention was temporarily postponed. If the war was victorious, the Constitutional Convention after the completion of the unification would be the first Constitutional Convention after the founding of the country, and the issues discussed would be the fundamental issues of the founding of the country.

These representatives who were elected to the Constituent Assembly were also very excited. Everyone knew that the Grand Governor really valued the Constituent Assembly, which meant that they might participate in the construction of the framework of a new empire and determine the initial political structure of an empire.

All delegates to the Constitutional Convention are constantly learning and trying to put forward practical and reliable proposals in their own fields. There is nothing more exciting than participating in the construction of a country.

In addition to various political framework issues, maps of Nanjing are also out of stock.

In addition to domestic maps, global maps are also out of stock. Now everyone knows that closing the country will definitely not work. Southeast's aggressive foreign policy has also made the representatives of the Constitutional Convention pay more attention to overseas countries, and they must also take into account those overseas interests.

A very high-precision world map hangs in Su Ze's study.

But at this time, he didn't look at the map, but looked out the window along with the sound of rain.

Su Ze looked through the window and thought of distant South Asia.

The rainy season in South Asia is more terrifying than the plum rains in the south. It is said that once the rainy season comes, the city-states will be cut off from each other. The rivers will overflow and traffic will be washed away. Everyone can only wait quietly for the rainy season to leave.

Su Ze picked up the pen. This seems to be the reason why South Asian countries such as Tianzhu formed the mandala system.

When the rainy season arrives, the most powerful kingdoms will lose control of their borders and will naturally be unable to establish a unified empire like the Central Plains.

The city-states in these rainforests surrendered to the surrounding powerful city-states during the dry season. When the rainy season came, they returned to a state of isolation and regained their independence.

Su Ze wrote that under such special political conditions, the method of controlling Tianzhu must be different from that of the Central Plains, and a matching method needs to be established.

Looking at the world map again, in the era before time travel, the Atlantic Ocean was the center of human marine activities. There was even a powerful military organization named after this ocean.

But in this era, the Indian Ocean is the center of the world's oceans.

East-West trade is the most profitable trade in the world. Ships from all over the world can be seen in the Indian Ocean. European and Ottoman ships are heading east, rushing to buy spices and various industrial products.

There are also a large number of city-states with large populations and developed economies along the Indian Ocean. After controlling shipping in Southeast Asia, the Indian Ocean has become the most important sea channel.

Su Ze did not have the idea of ​​​​complete control of the Indian Ocean coast. It is almost impossible to completely control such a remote place in this era.

However, extending influence to the Indian Ocean region is an important task for the future world trade pattern.

Su Ze recorded this idea. These are things that need to be thought about only after the war is over, and the layout cannot be completed in a day or two.

Looking at the map again, in addition to the Indian Ocean, the New World is also coveted by Su Ze.

Today, more than half a century has passed since the launch of the famous Mayflower. Most of North America is still no man's land, and only some Indians live on this fertile continent.

How to reclaim such a piece of land is also an important part of the post-war layout.

We still need to end the war as soon as possible.

Su Ze opened the battle report again. Due to the rainy season, both sides are still continuing to fire artillery fire. However, according to front-line calculations, the frequency of Mingting's artillery fire has obviously begun to decrease.

However, this does not mean that the Ming Dynasty's ammunition was exhausted. At the beginning of the war, the southeast side reduced the frequency of artillery strikes, deliberately released false information about the shortage of artillery shells on the front line, and deliberately lured the Ming Dynasty into charging, annihilating many enemies. .

Now that the frequency of shelling in the Ming Dynasty has dropped, it may be the same strategy, so Lin Liangjun decided to wait for the rainy season to pass before attacking.

Su Ze did not rush Lin Liangjun because he knew very well that when the war reached this scale, most of the time it turned into a boring tug of war.

Some extreme staff officers even suggested that what determines war now is the number of artillery shells, and the competition is who uses up all the artillery shells first.

Su Ze did not completely agree with this extreme idea. After all, fighting still relies on people, and artillery shells will not fly to the enemy's position by themselves.

However, there is still some truth to this statement. When both sides have not exhausted their artillery shells, it is meaningless for the infantry to charge. The competition on the front line is whose artillery is more powerful.

Before it is confirmed that the enemy's artillery shell reserves have not dropped significantly, mutual fire consumption is a favorable choice for the Southeast. After all, the industrial capabilities of the Ming Dynasty are far inferior to those of the Southeast.

However, it cannot be said that the war was not cruel due to artillery fire. The two sides launched a fierce battle around the area between Jeju City and Xuzhou.

Although these days, the interlocking battle lines have remained almost the same as when the war began, but there will be slight differences in the battle lines every day, and these differences are that the two sides are competing for commanding heights and strategic points. The land at these tug-of-war points is full of stains. blood.

These casualties will be turned into numbers on the battle report, but behind each number is a family, they are sons, husbands and fathers.

Su Ze picked up the pen and once again ordered the Ministry of War to count all the fallen soldiers immediately, notify their homes, and have the main officials of the local government personally deliver the news of the death and send condolences.

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