My Little Spirit Kitty

Chapter 34 - Last day

Sometime I just would like to wake up in the morning without having some cramps on my arms and shoulders or even someone jumping on me. At least today Yumiko or even Linoa didn't did that yet, or maybe it's also because Priscilla was taking almost all the place on the bed for herself while still hugging me, no wonder Jack fall asleep far away from her last night if she always sleep like that with him.

"Ohh, you finally awake?" Said a voice next to us

Turning my head I was then able to see both Yumiko and Linoa looking at me but since both Phoebe and Priscilla was hugging me tightly, they were unable to wake up me and they were just talking to each other, maybe preparing something special…

"Morning! What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast, and maybe some little prank as well… Be careful!" Reply Hikari while climbing on me and starting to purr as same as every morning

"9am! And look like you also made a new friend…!" Say Linoa coldly

"I can say the same for you with Jack." Did I wink at her

"Except that we didn't see him here." Reply Yumiko

"Yes, he went back with his parents as same as Ingrid and Lisa. By the way their parents told me that they will try to come this afternoon-evening to say goodbye to us since we had to leave early morning tomorrow."

"So how about Priscilla?"

"Look like I will come back with them to Dongland, morning Linoa, Yumiko!" Reply Priscilla while starting to wake as well as same as Phoebe, giving me my arms back in the same time

"Woah… I had a nice sleep!"

"I am sure you had!" Did Linoa, Yumiko and I reply in same time while Phoebe was laughing

"What?" Asked Priscilla before seeing that both Phoebe and I only use 20% of the bedside wile she used the left part for herself

"Ahhh true! I did move a few during the night… I didn't tell you that last night?" Did she said while blushing a few

"No!" Did we reply before laughing when we see her embarrassing face

Seeing both Priscilla and Phoebe leaving the bed, I still stay a few longer in the bed, trying to find what Linoa and Yumiko prepare for me. Seeing Priscilla was going to say something, Phoebe take her hand and shook her head before taking her far from here, certainly guessing what may happen, or maybe it's just Natsumi and Solène who also told her as well.

"Hikari, Amélia what did they prepare?"

"Sorry I can't betray my sisters! All I can say it's that I will refresh your mind."

"Yes, Amélia is right! It's kind of something you try to do yesterday…"

"Ohh… I see!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Did I ask Linoa and Yumiko while smiling and taking my wand in same time under the blanket

"Hikari!" Shout both of them, making Phoebe laughing while taking her wand in same time as well while Priscilla was wondering what's happening

Seeing them taking their wand out and suddenly pointing at me, I start to chant my levitation spell, making the blanket flying and covering me before both them create a ball of cold water just up of where I am before falling down on the bed.

"Ohh you wish to give me a cold shower?" Did I suddenly said behind them, making almost everyone startled and turned their head to me that was actually sitting on the sofa-bed before looking back at the bed to see just a small bump exactly where I was just a moment ago.

"Look like it really worked!" Said suddenly Phoebe while Amélia and Solène were looking at me with their mouth making an O and sparkles in their eyes

"How did you…" Asked Priscilla lot shocked but was stop by Phoebe

"So, I would like to say it's my turn… But this last spell needs lot of energy! Specially that if it continue, we will have to do more cleaning… Let say it's a draw for today!"

"Fine!" Reply Linoa and Yumiko while taking back their wands

"Sigh, I suppose I will have to clean now. Yuuki, can I borrow Eldräv to help me?" Asked Sixten

"Sure, and maybe you can also ask Raven and Midori as well to go faster."


While we were waiting a few that they clean the room, we were talking all together with Priscilla.

"Is this happen every morning?"

"Of course not! Most of time Yumiko still sleeping when we are awake!" Did I reply while winking at her

"What do you mean by this?" Did she pout

"No every day, but sometime we like to do some pranks, to increase our spell and reflexes." Reply Phoebe

"Even thought I can't remember how it start…" Did she add

"Certainly due to his fault as often teasing us!" Reply Linoa, Yuuki and Yumiko while pointing at me

"Hey, look like I am the bad guy here in your mouth!" Did I complain

"You are not?" Asked everyone, before start to laugh while they see my sighing

"Anyway… Did Phoebe and Hiroki tell you something special last night?" Ask Linoa, interesting if or not she will join us

"Do you mean about your mystallis set? Yes they both told me about it last night."

"Ohh really? So it mean you are already one of us?" Asked Yumiko

"Haha… Well, I am still thinking about this!"

"Ehh? Why?"

"Come on Yumi, it's not something that she can easy decide, specially when it's only the second time that she met us!" Reply her sister

"Say the one who already tell her about this last night!"

"Well, it's true that I lot appreciate their offer, but I will feel a little alone too in my school without you."

"So what? Let find some friends there to join you too!" Reply simplely Yumiko making both her sister and I looking at her and how simple and straight thinking she is.

"But…" Start Priscilla

"Don't worry Priscilla, to add one or two more person isn't so much big deal to us. But you also have to be sure about this… I can even give you an extra crystal in case or we can just meet them during the next vacation!" Did I tell her

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am sure he is, and we are the same, right sister?"

"Yes, Yumiko is right, there is no problem with us! You just need sure about this and let them decide!"

"Anyway, let's go to eat, I am really hungry now!" Did I say when I see that Sixten and Co finished to clean the bed

The rest of the day be a little more quiet, we lot discuss with Priscilla about her school while we also teach her about some of our magic spell since look like she is lot interesting in learning new things.

We pass our morning to teach her the simple teleportation spell < Apostus > which can be a little convenient in some occasion, specially for make some little prank, but it's also quiet hard to perform it. Among us, only Linoa and Phoebe start to be able to use it in a large medium range to teleport object while Yumiko barely success it, except in a low medium range for the moment but she makes quiet good progress, specially after seeing both Ingrid and Lisa starting to learn it as well with lot motivation. I think she was just a little lazy, a few as same as Yuuki, but for him I suppose that he just likes to play than to study…

Even Takashi has some difficulties to perform this spell successfully, but since he is often not here or busy, I guess he doesn't have lot time to practice it or maybe he lack of something but since my grandfather and even Linoa's grandfather start to also study this as well, they are almost as good as Linoa and Phoebe, but in the same time they also have more knowledge and experience.

"Remember, calm your mind and imagine yourself to be at the center with your magic traveling all around you by wave, undulation or even just flying around you!" Did I remind Priscilla while looking at her sweating

"I see it! I finally see it!" Did she suddenly shout

"Good! Now focus on the object all around you. Use your magic to analyze them one by one!"

After spent lot of time teaching the others, I discover that everyone has different feeling about their surrounding since we mostly focus to our vision than our other senses, some people lost how to use them, specially the touching but also the smelling, which combine with the taste and hearing make us more able to develop our sixth sense, the proprioception, which is quiet important to magician and all living things to avoid some imminent danger.

After that she close her eyes and start to meditate, we mostly put off of the things around her and just keep few at different distance, helping her to figure out and increase few by few her perception.

"I see a glasses on my left, a pen behind me and a banana in front of me!" Did she enumerate one by one the object we left around her

"Good! So now, try to focus on the second object only! And when you feel ready, use the spell by imagining it to come to you as we show you!"

< Apostus! > Say suddenly for suddenly a pen appear in front of her from a bright light before she open her eyes and open her hand to catch it

"Wow, congratulation!" Shout Phoebe while hugging her

"Yes, quiet impressive!" Say Suddenly a voice behind her

It was Ingrid who was here with Lisa as expected to say goodbye to us since we will leave early in morning tomorrow.

"Is she also…?" Ask timidly Lisa

"No, not yet… She want to first think at first and talk with her friend first at school about this!" Did I reply them

"Wow! She is already able to perform this spell in one meter range?"

"It's all thanks to them to teach me about this spell…" Say Priscilla while looking at the pen in her hand

"You lucky, we didn't succeed yet!" Pour Ingrid

"Of course! You just start to learn magic few days ago while Priscilla is already in her fourth year at her magical school."

"And I am sure you already well perform the levitation than she did at he young age, right?" Did I tell them

"Haha, yes for sure since I only awaken when I was seven and half…" Confirm Priscilla while remembering it

"Even though it took me more years to perform the levitation as you did when I met you yesterday!" Did she wink at them

Hearing this remind them that in fact they where quiet lucky since they were able to already use magic in a young age compare to some of their friends and relatives they know. Even their cousins and relatives that they both visit today were surprised by their sudden awaken and even by their control to the levitation spell, specially their parents. At first they didn't believe it, even if Linoa and Yuuki parents already tell them about this. They were just thinking it was mostly due to their family good genes.

"Are you going to eat dinner with us?" Ask Linoa

"No, my parents and I are already invite in my grandparents home tonight, while Lisa has also some relatives to visit as well with her parents."

"We just both be able to visit you for saying goodbye to your cousin and your friends since they will back tomorrow."

"Thanks for coming, it was good to meet you!" Say Phoebe and Yumiko while hugging them

"Don't worry, let see if we can come in summer vacation next time, and you can also come visit us as well too when Linoa and Yuuki come to visit us! You are also welcome!"

"Even though we will certainly need to make an other bedroom since our actual bedroom isn't that bid as here to receive everyone, specially if Priscilla and her friend come as well…" Did I thought

But since actually we only use a small part of our attic, it may be easy to make more space for us, even if our house in Orimaen isn't that big and with the help of the pixies, we can maybe make something nice, with also some accommodations for them too…

While looking at them, I started to plan our future renovation with maybe, finally, my own bedroom even if I am afraid they may try to sneak out in my bed… But well, with Yuuki and even maybe our new friend Kaixin as well, we will also need a place for us too.

Kaixin is a friend that we make past months at our school, but it also appear that he also has a magic core inside him even thought he didn't know anything about this yet since his father suddenly disappear few before he born, and his mother, who is a normal human but know about her husband origin, asked Phoebe and me to didn't tell him anything yet to his origin and let him to awake or not by himself.

"Anyway we will see about this when it will come, I just hope that Kaixin will soon awake since Yumiko start to be interesting in him, even if she don't know yet about his origin since she didn't had a spirit beast at that time to tell her about this, so actually only me and Phoebe know about this."

Right now we were saying goodbye to both Lisa and Ingrid, and also to their parents before going to take our last lunch here and finish to prepare our bags and having our last night as well.

In early morning, we were awake a few earlier by the pixies who were lot excited by their future new home. Both Linoa and Yumiko were still sleepy while Yuuki was even awake yet. Seeing this, Yumiko was a little jealous about this sleepy head and she jumps to him for waking up this lazy boy, making him to groan before we all laugh at him and tell him to hurry up!

After finished to prepare our last bags, the last things we need to take was the big house that the pixies got during Christmas as well and since I was the one with the bigger storage space, I transfer it inside my bracelet like it was nothing, it was the perfect object I always wish to have when I was traveling, since there was always many things I would like to bring with me, and today I was finally able to do it.

We also had the visit of Priscilla's grandmother who bring her granddaughter baggage as well who easily put it on her own bracelet that she has as well with her and can be use as a storage space too, but seeing the black ring on my finger, I suppose that they can easily make this can of items, except if they did buy it, maybe I should ask her about this later since I am lot interesting on how to make this magical object.

If there is one thing I like with magic, well second after using or creating a new spell, it's to create or use magical items. Last time that Linoa visit us, I did try to create a device that can make each others to contact as same as a video call by using a mirror, unfortunately it didn't worked well since of course I was also just start to use magic.

Even today, with the draconic book I did borrow and have with me actually isn't that easy to make, specially with my actual knowledge to such a long distance contact but I did find something else a little more interesting during my reading. Indeed. I find some runes in my books that can make us able to sent some letters to a suppose long distance by just using a mirror.

And with the help of my grandfather who provide me some raw material, I was able to make us a mirror for all of us, I even start to make one for Priscilla yesterday while we were teaching her our spell. And for now, look like it's working for a short distance since we just got a letter this morning from Lisa, wishing us a nice trip, since I was able to give them the mirror last evening when we again met after I finished them.

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