[During this year, many ‘literary geniuses’ also appeared in the literary circle, but compared to the title of ‘Senshō Takina’ back then, they were still much weaker. 】

[But authors who never submit articles will naturally gradually be lost in the crowd. 】

[During this period of time, although the pen name of ‘Senshu Takina’ was still being mentioned, the frequency was becoming less and less. 】

[And your reluctance to submit your article also made some people confirm the fact that you have exhausted your talents, so there have been many more comments about your articles from the outside world. 】

[Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina are very angry about these rumors. 】

[Because they know that you have not exhausted your talents as these people say. On the contrary, your writing skills have improved to a higher level than before. 】

[Even the novel manuscripts written have accumulated into mountains. 】

[The reason why you are unwilling to submit is because you want to refine your slightly impetuous writing style. 】

[After a whole year, the luster in your writing has been washed away. Although the wording is no longer gorgeous and elegant compared to before, it can still give people a sense of purity and beauty. 】

[Another month has passed, looking at the heavy snow outside the window, holding the hands of Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina, you gently kissed Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina, and cuddled with each other in the snowy sky. 】

[You know, it’s time to respond to what they have been waiting for. 】

[Similarly, during this year of accumulation, you have gradually started to look away. 】

[It doesn’t matter to you where the path of being a writer ultimately leads. Your ultimate goal is just to make the two of them happy, nothing more. 】

[It only took a month for Nango Toki, who used the pseudonym "Senshō Takina", to officially publish the novel "Waiting for You on the Other Side". 】

[After a year of silence, you have long been forgotten by many people. 】

[But equally, there are readers who have been waiting for your novel. 】

[They buy without hesitation and then are surprised. 】

[It is no longer the gorgeous rhetoric before, nor is it the sentimentality of so many young people. 】

[It’s like the lead has been washed away, and the words of ‘Thousands of Takina’ give them pure and beautiful enjoyment. 】

[Your outstanding performance once again made everyone speechless. The words that seemed to have washed away the lead made countless people feel pure beauty. They were immersed in it and were mesmerized. 】

[If there can really be only one genius in the world of literature, it must be ‘Senbo Takina’ who stands out as the top one – comments from the editorial board of the Japanese purely literary magazine “New Wave”. 】

[With words of indescribable beauty, people are completely immersed in the world of beauty described in words. "Senbo Takina" can already be called a literary master - evaluation from the famous Japanese literary magazine "Group Portrait". 】

[A year ago, most of them had forgotten the existence of you, a fleeting meteor. 】

[And a year later, you can still conquer them with the pure beauty of words. 】

[This year, Japan’s Naoki Literature Award was nominated, and the pen name of ‘Sensu Takina’ was prominently featured. 】

[This year, you took the initiative to appear on TV Tokyo for the first time. 】

[Due to your long-term immersion in the literary world, your clean, pure and bright eyes, your handsome and elegant appearance, and your age of twenty-one, you quickly gained a large number of fans. 】

[Among them, the proportion of female fans reaches an astonishing 80%. 】

[At the same time, you have also been rated as the national husband by some good magazines and media as ‘87% of young Japanese women are willing to marry him’. 】

[Actually, you are not interested in these miscellaneous things. 】

[Similarly, you rarely attend autograph sessions. For you, the time to attend autograph sessions is too troublesome. 】

[Becoming someone else’s idol has always been a very stupid thing in your opinion. You are more willing to be their role model than your idol. 】

[At the end of the day, you don’t even care who will win the Naoki Literature Prize. 】

[Because you feel that compared to illusory awards and honors, being with Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina is the most important thing for you to do. 】

[You no longer pay attention to the Naoki Award, but besides you, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at the final situation of the Naoki Award. 】

[Soon, under everyone’s attention, the results of this year’s Naoki Literature Award were announced. 】

[The one on the list is "Waiting for You on the Other Side" by 'Senbo Takina', who is known as the number one young writer in Japan today. 】

[Everyone was speechless at this result. 】

['Senbo Takina' has won various awards, large and small, since her debut, and now she has even won the 'Naoki Award', known as the national award for Japanese literature. 】

[Not to mention that the other party is only twenty-one years old. 】

【This year, everyone is crazy about you. 】

[Various publishing requests from publishing houses, various sky-high royalty contracts, and even Ocha High School, which you once attended in high school, have all sent invitations to you, hoping that you can give a speech. 】

[Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina have never seen such a long string of '0's at the end of the contract. They drank several times of water before they managed to calm down. 】

[As for these requests, except for Ocha High School, which you agreed to go to in person, the rest are basically all handled by lawyers and others. 】

[In the same year, you declined the doctorate in literature offered by the University of Tokyo and the invitation to become a professor of literature. 】

[Countless people are envious of this - envy of your talent actually allows you to directly reject the invitation from the University of Tokyo. 】

[And the next month, you announced a piece of news to the outside world. 】

[You will marry Chisuke Nishiki and Takina Inoue at the end of this month. 】

[And the explosive news that these two people are marrying together has directly caused the Japanese literary world, which had calmed down a bit, to explode again! 】

[You are like a nuclear bomb, desperately stirring up the stagnant waters of the Japanese literary world. 】

[Similarly, some people also noticed. 】

[From your first "Cafe No. 3" to your later "Distance and Snow", and now to "Waiting for You on the Other Side". 】

[Your novels are all based on two girls, including your pen name. 】

[The sudden revelation makes it difficult for many people who admire you to accept it. 】

[At the same time, there are also readers who have no opinion on this and think that as long as 'Senshō Takina' is happy, they will come forward with theories. 】

[For a time, as the current national-level litterateur ‘Senbo Takina’, you once again fell into the center of controversy. 】

[Everything seems to be going in a bad direction. 】

Chapter 103. Nango Takina and Nango Chishu (4000 words)

[Everything seems to be going in a bad direction. 】

When he saw this line of words, Nan Xiangshi couldn't help but frown.


This simulation he had done his best.

Is this going to go in a 'bad' direction?

Nanxiang Shi couldn't understand.

But when he read it carefully and focused his mental energy on perception, he showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.


Looking at [everything seems to be developing in a bad direction. 】When "It seems", Nanxiang Shi's originally tense mood relaxed more than half in an instant.

This convulsive simulator just likes to be tricky with words and sentences.

After so many simulations, Nanxiang Shi was almost completely used to it.

In the past, everything seemed to be developing in a good direction. 】

Now I know that this trick is of little use and I can't scare him at all, so I said, 'It seems to be going in a bad direction.'

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but slapped the simulator's simulation page hard, causing the light blue window to shake and the fonts to twitch, and then he retracted his palm with satisfaction.

He then continued to immerse himself mentally in the simulation.

Although it is indeed possible to bluff someone, it cannot be said to be 100% fooling him.

We have to continue reading to see how things develop.

[Everything seems to be going in a bad direction. 】

[But you didn’t pay any attention to these rumors, and you weren’t even interested in explaining them. 】

[As far as you are concerned, as long as you can make Chisuke Nishiki and Takina Inoue happy, mere criticism and accusation will mean nothing. 】

[You are easy-going by nature, and you have this attitude, let alone Nishiki Chishu. She is lively by nature, not to mention that she doesn't care, and she can even look at the accusations against you on the Internet with a smile. 】

[Later, this woman even created a blog on the Internet, posting some intimate photos and tweets with you and Takina every day. 】

[Making fun of Internet trolls has become her favorite thing to do. 】

[As for Inoue Takina, this serious girl only announced an apology and explained her relationship with Chisu. 】

[They also grew up in an orphanage and have been dependent on each other since childhood. Their relationship has already surpassed that of ordinary sisters. 】

[Now that they fall in love with the same person, this will only make them happier. 】

[In the article, she apologizes for having such a big impact on their marriage to you, but even so, she has no intention of giving up marrying you. 】

【She is serious by nature and will never let external criticism affect her judgment. 】

[Both of them expressed their thoughts in different ways. 】

【You are no exception either. 】

[While organizing the wedding, you freed up part of your time to write a collection of short romantic novels, "The World and Me." 】

[In the novel, you wrote the peaceful thoughts in your heart with plain, simple, light and delicate pure words. 】

[You did not deliberately sensationalize. The tone of the entire novel is like refreshing tea, which makes people feel refreshed. 】

[This quiet and comfortable text is just like the words you left on the title page - worldly opinions have nothing to do with me. 】

["The World and Me" was soon published as a book. 】

[Just by publishing, your book is sold out. 】

[Countless people have fallen in love with the free and easy, calm and simple words in "The World and Me". 】

[At the same time, they finally understood. 】

[Your state of mind is just like what is described in "The World and Me". The calmer you are, the more fearless you are, the calmer and calmer you are. 】

[After reading your thoughts in the book, many people who originally had controversy with you finally stopped discussing it. 】

[After all, as the literary giant ‘Senshō Takina’, you are a rare fresh blood in today’s literary world. 】

[You who can write such romantic literary works as "Waiting for You on the Other Side" and "The Distance and Snow" should probably not let their controversies affect your state of creation. 】

[The Japanese’s tolerance for the willfulness of writers is among the highest in the world. 】

[This originally huge controversy gradually subsided amid such tolerance. 】

[Your works "Cafe No. 3", "Distance and Snow", and "Waiting for You on the Other Side" are known as the romantic trilogy of the 21st century. 】

[In this regard, you, Nishiki Chishu, and Inoue Takina no longer care that much. 】

[You told your parents and two sisters about marrying two girls at the same time. 】

[As country people, they are very simple. Although they have some objections to your decision, they finally softened and agreed to your request. 】

[That day, you brought Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina to your hometown. 】

[Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, your hometown in Akita County makes them feel very comfortable and relaxed. 】

[Your parents and sister are very surprised at the amazing beauty of the two of them. 】

[And after seeing the bond between Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina as sisters and their rare qualities of being down-to-earth and capable. 】

[The last trace of opposition in their hearts disappeared after seeing the two of them. 】

[That day, your parents called you aside and specifically told them that they hoped you would make Chishu and Takina happy. 】

[This is the only expectation your family has for you. 】

[To this, you naturally agree. 】

[As for the store manager Mika, he has actually always known about the affairs between you and them. 】

[But he has always turned a blind eye, and even frequently helped your relationship. 】

[When you told him the news of marrying two people at the same time, his attitude was very calm and he just nodded. 】

[Because Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina are like his daughters. 】

[And he naturally knows that the only person who can make them happy is you. 】

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