[And just a simple attempt was the beginning of the entire fall. 】

【Your cuisine is unforgettable for anyone who has tasted it even once. 】

[On the one hand, they scold you in their hearts for setting such high prices and being so evil, but on the other hand, they willingly take their money out of their pockets to pay for it. 】

['Li KeLiKe' has gradually become famous in the surrounding area, and business has become booming. 】

[This sudden change shocked the employees of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ who had no confidence before. 】

[They who are too young obviously can't imagine that there are so many people who are willing to pay the price you set with such a black heart... 】

[The idea that Chef Nango might be a culinary devil began to spread among several employees at ‘Riko Rico’. 】

[At the same time, the booming business has made them work hard, and the rising turnover has made them more motivated. 】

[When the turnover is settled at the end of the month, everyone except you will be shocked by the amount in front of you. 】

[This month’s sales of ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ have increased ten times that of previous months. 】

[Taking into account the necessary expenses for operating the orphanage and the daily operation of 'Li KeLiKe', the amount of money is even quite considerable. 】

[What makes them even more frightened is that even if they have set up outdoor tables in the courtyard, they cannot resist the surging enthusiasm of the guests. 】

[Sometimes when it rains, some customers are even willing to hold an umbrella outside and wait for a seat to become available in 'Riko Rico'. 】

[And the plates recovered from the guest tables are always clean, with almost no leftovers. 】

[Such a symptom similar to drug addiction makes Nishiki Chishu unable to help but come to you and quietly ask you if you have added anything else to the food. 】

[You have nothing to say to her who has always been quirky and has unconstrained ideas. 】

[You tell her that you simply cooked the food and the guests liked it. 】

[As for adding things to the dishes, that's just adding some seasonings, other things are just nonsense. 】

[Under your comfort, Jinmu Qianshu felt relieved. 】

[At the same time, every night, she will make time to massage your shoulders and waist after working too long. 】

[Every time she sees you twisting your neck and shoulders uncomfortably because of working for too long, there is only tenderness and distress in her eyes. 】

[The terrifying customer flow, high profits, and high rate of return have made ‘Riko Rico’ gradually become the focus of Tokyo’s food circle. 】

【More and more people want to come to ‘Liquelice’ to taste delicious food. 】

[But the condescending occupancy rate made it impossible for them to start. 】

【In order to taste the ‘happy cuisine’, people began to line up outside ‘Riko Rico’ in the early hours of the morning. 】


Feeling the memory of the long queue in front of the 'Riko Rico' in the simulation, even Nanxiang Shi was a little surprised.

Start queuing up early in the morning?

Just for a bite to eat?

Why are all the people in Tokyo so idle?

Chapter 79. Kiss? (4000 words)

Are all the people in Tokyo sitting around with nothing to do?

This idea came to Nanxiang Shi's mind, but was quickly rejected.

He felt that he might have underestimated the value of LV4's culinary expertise.

LV4 is considered the pinnacle of professionalism in the system, and the food he cooks can make people feel happy.

Only with the blessing of the two phases can such a powerful effect be achieved.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiangshi stopped dwelling on this issue.

After all, according to the current development, there is a high probability that my choice is not wrong.

The operational difficulties of ‘Liquelice’ have been resolved, and the orphanage has regained funding. It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

The problems that have been plaguing Nishiki Chishu and her partner Inoue Takina have all been solved.

After solving this problem, Nanxiang Shi had to cheer up for the next problem.

"Why did Nishiki Chishu leave without saying goodbye, and the reason why she is not willing to be my girlfriend now."

Nanxiang Shi reached out and tapped his head, reorienting his perspective.

Last week, he was concerned about Nishiki Chishu breaking the contract and leaving without saying goodbye.

Similarly, the fact that Zhoumu Nishiki Chishu has not agreed to his confession also caught Nanxiang Shi's attention.

According to his own observation, the relationship between Nishiki Chishu and himself this week has completely surpassed the relationship between ordinary friends.

She would massage herself when she was tired, and secretly put a cup of coffee on her desk when she stayed up late.

When he noticed her little moves, he would huddle behind the door and giggle.

There were times when she would sit on his lap like she was asserting her sovereignty over other women.

She makes no secret of her love for herself.

But every time in her simulated memory, when she mentioned her boyfriend and girlfriend, she would always hesitate for a while, and then find a topic to talk about with a hearty smile.

After two weeks of simulation, Nanxiang Shi knew it clearly.

Nishikiki Chisuke is the kind of person who just likes someone.

She will never care about anyone's eyes, she is cheerful and confident, and she will always spend every day happily.

Would such a person deliberately hide his emotions?

Nanxiang focused all his attention on the simulation.

The following simulation may be able to reveal all these hidden mysteries.

[While you were taking care of the 'Riko Rico' business, you also did not forget to send out various confession tests to Nishikiki Chishu. 】

[But what disappoints you is that in the face of your temptation, she will always hesitate a little and eventually find a reason to get over it. 】

[Your relationship is just like in the previous dream full of regrets, stagnating above the level of friends. 】

[If we continue like this, we may make the same mistake again as in the regretful dream. 】

[The business of 'Li KeLiKe' has gradually stabilized, and it can earn a considerable amount of income every day. As long as you are in charge, the revenue of the orphanage and Li KeLiKe will definitely not be a problem. 】

[Your handsome appearance and outstanding cooking skills beyond your age have also attracted the attention of many women. 】

[There is no shortage of women with small assets in Tokyo. Although the price of 'Riko Rico's' food is high, it is not difficult for them to accept. 】

[In order to have a close relationship, these wealthy women often come in early and queue up. After entering the store, they order food and watch you busy while sitting down. Sometimes, they can even sit for a whole day. 】

[Although you choose to ignore their frequent flirtations, there are still a few courageous women who come to you during business hours and make hints to you overtly or covertly. 】

[Their hints are frequent and full of temptations. An ordinary young person would probably have agreed long ago, but you are different from ordinary young people in Tokyo. You have always had goals you want to pursue. 】

[But right now, you should probably take some decisions. 】

[1. Compared to a little girl like Nishiki Chisuke who hides her attitude, a mature older sister who doesn’t let me continue my efforts is better! I should decisively change the target! 】

[2. Stick to your heart, reject them all, and have thousands of bundles of brocade and wood in your warehouse, without wavering at all! 】

[3. Maybe you should change your thinking and accept some ambiguity to observe her reaction. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

Options pop up.

This time Nan Xiang did not hesitate much.

Although he does like mature older sisters, this does not change the fact that death is an option.

As for the second option.

Nishiki Chishu actually liked him enough, but she kept avoiding him for some reason.

Therefore, even if he chooses to stick to his true intentions here without wavering, the process will probably remain the same as before, and there will not be much change.

Then there are three options [Maybe you should change your thinking and accept a little ambiguity to observe her reaction. 】

Although Nanxiang felt that this way of deliberately testing other people's feelings was very bad.

But we can no longer hesitate here.

If you continue to hesitate and hesitate, there is a high probability that the final outcome will still lead to regret.

He had to figure out the reason why Nishiki Chishu escaped.

Nanxiang Shi raised his hand and directly selected the three options.

The simulation continues below.

[These big sisters who are too entangled with you are actually just trying to have fun and are not really emotionally involved. 】

[With keen observation, you quickly noticed this and decided to use them in turn to test Nishiki Chishu's reaction. 】

[You still take your work as ‘Li Ke Li Ke’ seriously. 】

[But every time she comes up with a smile, wanting to give you some surprises, or preparing some jokes to share with you. 】

[You have always been willing to listen to her words, but for the first time you smiled and waved your hand to refuse. 】

[At the same time, the time you spend at the 'Lico Rico' cafe after get off work is also reduced. You basically leave right after get off work, which makes her eager to find you in vain. 】

[You must know that this is completely different from usual. 】

[Obviously every time you get off work, you will set aside part of the time to stay in 'Li KeLiKe' to chat with her and spend some time together before leaving. 】

【But lately you always leave me without saying goodbye. 】

[Standing in the 'Lico Rico' cafe, she no longer had the same cheerful enthusiasm as before, and she began to feel panic from the bottom of her heart]

[She senses that she has been neglected by you and feels that what she has always cherished is about to be taken away. 】

[When she thought that something like that might happen, her breathing began to become erratic. 】

[After that, she has been looking for an opportunity to communicate with you alone. 】

[But the busyness at work and your deliberate ignorance always make her confused and at a loss. 】

[Finally, one day, when you were off work, she made a decision after repeated efforts to no avail - she wanted to follow you. 】

"Are you doing this too?"

In the memory of his mind, there was a scene of a sneaky blond-haired girl stalking him, which made Nanxiang feel speechless.

Should I say that she is worthy of being a woman that I admire?

Nishiki Chishu's sudden thoughts were exactly the same as his.

Nanxiang was speechless and choked, and continued to look down.

[The girl's talent for tailgating is obviously better than yours. She doesn't need to study systematically at all, she can easily blend into the crowd and quietly keep up with you in an extremely harmless manner. 】

[While walking, she discovered that you were actually chatting with a very mature-looking white-collar lady after get off work. 】

[And judging from your appearance, this communication process seems to be very enjoyable, and the woman even gave you a gift. 】

[Is it possible that you actually prefer older sisters? At this moment, she couldn't help but think wildly. 】

[She watched you leave after finishing the exchange with the white-collar elder sister, and she followed you without hesitation. 】

[However, when you reached an uninhabited alley, you suddenly stopped, turned around, and picked her out casually. 】

[This sudden development made her feel incredible and her mind was filled with questions. 】

[She has obviously been hidden so perfectly, but you still found it easily. She can't understand what method you used. 】

[She doesn’t know that in order to create a ‘chance encounter’ with her, you don’t know how many times you have practiced this level of stalking skills - she is just trying to master the class. 】

[At this time, it was already half past seven in the evening. She who is caught by you is more like a little white rabbit trapped in a trap——]

When Nanxiang, his entire consciousness sank into the simulation.

During the simulation, the originally vague memories became clear with the light of the street lights in the deserted alley.

Under the light, the blonde-haired girl looked at Nan Xiang in panic.

"Why, why do you know?"

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