This place is more than a hundred kilometers away from Tokyo, where the other party is located.

How did the other party find him?

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but start thinking in his mind.

Although he has been eating half-price lunch boxes for a long time, his thinking ability has not deteriorated at all. With just a little thought, he understands how the other party found him.

In the early years, in order to help the newly debuted band "The End", he secretly transferred money anonymously, and the amounts were not small.

As long as someone is willing to investigate a little, they can understand where it is sent from.

Nanxiang sighed and looked at Gotou Ichiri in front of him.

It's different from Kazuri Goto in high school.

Her figure was already beginning to take shape at that time, and now her body is plump and mature.

The fair and beautiful face has completely grown, but the childishness of the original student no longer remains, and it looks delicate and beautiful.

Those pair of faint blue eyes were looking at him.

Among them, there were tears.

Nan Xiangshi's movements paused. He stood there, feeling as if he had been caught and raped by his wife, and seemed a little at a loss.

Not knowing how to describe his relationship with the other party, he stood there, waiting for Goto Kazuri to accuse him.

"Is this what you want for dinner?"

The expected accusations did not come.

Nanxiang watched as Ichiri Goto took the half-price lunch box away from his hand.

Looking at the shabby dinner in the plastic bag, she held his hand without saying a word.

In the memory of Nanxiang, this was the first time that Goto Kazuri was so strong towards him.

"where are we going?"

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but ask.

"Go to your house, I'll cook for you."

Nanxiang Shi just wanted to speak.

But he felt the strength of Goto Issato's palm getting stronger.

"Ah Shi, I've lost weight."

The choking in her voice made Nanxiang Shi give up the idea of ​​speaking any more.

In front of him, she is not the queen who conquers everyone with her skillful skills on the screen, but the childish Yili who cries easily.

There is no grand reunion, no continuous monologue of love words.

The two just walked forward on the road.

From all around, there were piercing glances from fans who recognized Goto Kazuri as the Queen of National Rock.

Feeling the gazes from all around, Nanxiang's hand, which was held by Goto Ichiri, relaxed slightly.

But soon, he felt it.

Every time he loosens up, Gotou's hand becomes stronger.


She was going to hold on tight.

Never let go again——

[Goto Ichiri moved into your home. It was very small, not even as good as the equipment room where she now stacks musical instruments, but she didn't care. She just used unskilled knives to prepare ingredients for you. 】

[You saw your former girlfriend’s embarrassment, took the initiative to take the knife, and said you were helping, but actually made a sumptuous meal. Gotou Ichisato felt a little embarrassed and gently hit your chest with his fist. 】

[We haven’t seen each other for several years, but the relationship between you two is not at all unfamiliar. On the contrary, it has become even closer because of this long separation. 】

[Ichisato Goto moved in, and after a few years, you spent the whole night discussing guitar and playing with her again. After years of accumulation, Goto Ichiri's enthusiasm once made you unable to resist. 】

[Leaning on the back of the bed, you gently stroked Goto Isato's long hair, your smooth back, and answered her questions word by word. 】

[Goto doesn’t complain at all about your leaving without saying goodbye. She has become the national guitar queen, but she is still the timid girlfriend in front of you who lets you control her. 】

[In this regard, you expressed your concerns. Just today, what she was having trouble with herself might be published in the paparazzi papers tomorrow. Although the rock band may not care about it, you don't want to let Goto Kazuri's reputation be damaged in the slightest. 】

[Compared to your worries, Goto Kazuri is very open-minded. She has long thought of retiring, and after several years of band activities, she has already accumulated a huge sum of money. This huge sum of money It's enough for you and her to last until you die...even if it's left in the bank to earn interest, it will be enough for future generations. As for her money, it's actually your money. 】

[Looking at Goto Kazuri, whose eyes were serious and showed no intention of retreating, this time, you did not continue to be stubborn and respected her decision. 】

[The next day, Ichiri Goto took you to the press conference. At the press conference, she clearly stated her intention to retire and marry you. 】

[This sudden news caused a huge sensation throughout Japan. 】

[But Ichiri Goto didn't care. She introduced you to the members of the 'End' band. Regarding Ichiri Goto's sudden and somewhat irresponsible withdrawal, many members did not complain at all, only reluctantly. But in the end, they still expressed their blessings to you and her. 】

[Your wedding to Ichiri Goto was not grand. You didn’t have many friends when you were a student. The only people who could attend the wedding were a few colleagues you knew and your own family. The situation with Ichiri Goto was similar. She devoted herself to the guitar and the band, and no one came to the wedding except her family and band members]

[But none of this is important. You and her only have each other in their eyes. You held a wedding. 】

[You and Ichiri Goto became husband and wife. 】

Finally got to this point.

Temporarily suspending his recollection, Nanxiang breathed out a heavy breath and at the same time glanced at the class that had already started for half a day.

As the number one in his grade, he naturally enjoys privileges that ordinary students do not have. Even if he loses focus in class, the teacher does not blame him at all.

The content of this class was not too difficult, it was just something Nanxiang Shi could do casually, and he no longer planned to listen to it.

Because compared to the content of the course, Nanxiang was more concerned about Gotou Kazuri in the real world.

The girl who is feeling sorry for herself and is timid and scared.

How are you living today?

He thought about it for a moment, then gave up.

After simply adjusting his mentality, Nanxiang Shi re-entered the simulation.

[You and your wife have a happy married life. As she said, the huge amount of money she has is enough for you to live a comfortable life even if you do nothing. You love your wife deeply, just as she loves you deeply. 】

The description of the simulator is simple - married life is very happy.

But since he is so happy, why hasn’t the simulation ended yet?

Nanxiang Shi vaguely sensed something was wrong and continued to look down.

[You have decided to have a child to continue your current happiness. 】

[Everything seems to be moving in a good direction. 】

There it is again.

The word ‘seems’ is very subtle when used here.

Nan Xiangshi frowned and continued to look down.

[But neither you nor your wife, who are immersed in happiness, noticed the foreshadowing left long ago. 】

A turning point occurred.

Chapter 10. So, the mountains were filled with red

A turning point happened.

[My wife suddenly fell ill. But you don't understand why your wife, who looks so healthy in front of you, suddenly changes like this. Under your questioning, the doctor told the truth. 】

[The reason why my wife was able to become the queen of guitar rock music is closely related to her practicing day and night and forgetting food and sleep over the years. 】

[The pressure of the band's break-in period, the expectations of the audience, and constant practice, all kinds of high pressure are borne by the wife alone. For the sake of the band, the wife actually often secretly takes some psychostimulant comfort drugs to endure it, but endurance does not mean disappearing. not see. The fragile human body simply cannot withstand years of high-intensity stress. 】

[My wife’s character is secretly strong. She has never told you these things, but her strong spirit cannot support her fragile physique. 】

[The time spent with you is very peaceful. The nerves that have temporarily calmed down can no longer support the shaky body that has been ravaged by drugs for a long time]

[Her constitution is too weak due to over-medication, and you can only watch her lose weight day after day, and her face becomes paler. 】

[The originally abundant savings were spent like water, but this did not restore the wife's health. You wanted to be by your wife's side during this period, but you had to run around for your wife's medical expenses. 】

[Fortunately, members of Ichiri Goto's band period have reached out to help at this time. For them, Ichiri Goto is a companion and an irreplaceable best friend.]

[You met Ryo Yamada, Hikaru Itachi, and Ikuyo Kita. 】

[My wife's condition is getting worse day by day. 】

[The band members often come to see Goto Ichiri's condition. You always take time to entertain them. Busy work, mental pressure, and your wife's illness have not overwhelmed you. You always believe in yourself and your wife. can overcome this difficulty. 】

[Your self-discipline and strength make the members of the band that ended sincerely admire you. They finally understand why Ichiri Goto would rather retire at the peak of his career than marry you. 】

[But your careful care and high medical expenses have not had much effect. Goto Ichiri is weakening faster day by day. 】

[In a season when the maple leaves turned red, her life burned to the end along with the red leaves. 】

【At the last moment of life. She tells you that although it was short-lived, she lived a happy life. You didn't speak, just gently touched your wife's forehead. You have always been the sun in her depressed and lonely life, giving her meticulous comfort in the days when she endured the darkness alone. 】

"I have no regrets."

His wife raised her hand and stroked Nan Xiangshi's face.

Nan Xiangshi put his hand on her palm. Her hand was small and thin.

The red leaves outside the window burned silently.

Nanxiang Shi looked out the window for a long time, then gently stood up and closed the curtains for his wife.

Then he touched her forehead and her fair but haggard face.

"One mile."

Nanxiang Shi wanted to say something, but he looked at his wife's weak face.

He was silent when he could talk about novel ideas in front of his bosses and clients.

Life is short, but a moment is long.

He didn't say anything in the end, he just held her hand tightly and spent the last period of time with her quietly.

[Your wife accidentally stepped out of time. Once she left time, she was fixed, while you continued to move forward under the influence of time]

[The faucet at home stopped, the glass became quiet, and the floor stopped creaking. You won't be able to get over this deep scar for a long time. During those days, in addition to the comfort of my parents and father-in-law, members of the band also came to visit frequently. 】

[Perhaps due to your previous devotion and devotion to your wife, you attracted the attention of Yamada Ryo without your knowledge after communicating with the band. 】

【Ryo Yamada comes to visit more often. 】

Ryo Yamada?

Nanxiang, who was feeling a little depressed, received feedback from his memory.

Judging from the memories in my mind, that should be the bassist who ended the band.

The other person has crisp, short hair, and under the blue hair that covers his eyes, he has a mature, delicate and neutral face that hides emotions all year round and rarely has emotional fluctuations.

But this look... why does it look familiar?

Nanxiang Shi frowned and recalled for a while.

But he soon gave up and continued to look down.

[You are in a state of decadence, and you are already a little unable to take care of yourself. During those days, it was Yamada Ryo who took out the band's free time to bring meals, visit people, ask people to help clean up, and also use that neutral, beautiful and delicate face. Kong, tell some bad jokes that are not funny to make you laugh. 】

【Your relationship with Ryo Yamada has gotten better. 】

Ryo Yamada, what are you doing?

Nanxiang Shi really wanted to ask.

[One winter day, leaning on the edge of the handrail of the park’s observation deck, Yamada Ryo confessed to you. You didn't understand why the other person was so obsessed with you, so you asked Yamada Ryo. 】

[She told you that when the band just debuted, they encountered a lot of difficulties. At that time, it was your secret remittances and constant envelopes of encouragement that supported her. 】

[You have seen Ryo Yamada's silent dedication for a long time, but you have spent all your thoughts on your deceased wife. If you agree to Ryo Yamada casually and perfunctorily, you would be extremely irresponsible to her. 】

[You rejected Yamada Ryo’s confession, but her confession also made you understand what you really need. 】

[In a season where maple leaves can be seen, you left a suicide note and walked slowly into the center of the lake with firm steps. A cold feeling swept through your body, but you felt so at ease. In the suffocation of the gradual lack of oxygen, it seems that you can see your timid wife in high school a long time ago. In the deepest part of the cold lake, she smiled like a flower. 】

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