My Magic Has No Attack Power

Chapter 49: : Adventurer, Walter

The two got up and went straight downstairs.

The trap totem upgraded to full level showed extraordinary power, and the sound of wood bursting was a little louder.

Because I wasn't sure whether the thing triggering the trap was a human or a ghost, I didn't open the door rashly, but looked out from the window on the first floor.

Most of the windows in towns are made of glass. In this magical world, many modern products can be made using magic. Transparent glass is not an expensive commodity.

The house where the two lived was also carefully selected, with a large area and gorgeous decoration. It should have been the residence of a businessman.

Frost covered the windows, reducing visibility.

Xiang En covered the glass with his palm, controlled the overflow of magic power, and the pure white light immediately penetrated through the glass, illuminating the outside.

It wasn't snowing outside. Andrea squinted to see that the imagined scene of being surrounded by ghouls did not appear. She only saw a man lying on his side in the snow. The other party seemed to be still struggling to get up.

Xiang En naturally also saw the man on the snow. After struggling for four or five seconds, he couldn't get up from the snow, so he kept watching.

Xiang En didn't speak, and Andrea didn't make any assertions, just watched the man lay in the snow and slowly lose his struggle.

After half a minute, Xiang En said, "Go and see who he is."

Zombies or ghouls cannot be controlled by trap totems, and being able to hit the shock of trap totems should mean that it is at least a living thing.

It is in the form of a person, something that is still alive.

Andrea went to open the door, took a knife and patted the person lying on the body several times, and after seeing that the other person's hand was shaking slightly, she turned her head to face En and said, "It's still alive, it seems to be a man ."

Shine the light of both hands on the face of the lying corpse, it is indeed the face of a bearded man full of purple and purple, you don't need to add "like".

The light of Xiang En's hands shone on the man lying on the ground. The man's lips were still trembling, and the purple color was frozen. He is in a very bad state now.

Dispersing the light from his hands, Xiang En personally dragged him into the house, and then slapped the animal skin cloak covering the sleigh on him, and he was done.

Andrea behind her closed the door, then walked to the controller of a magic lamp beside the wall, stretched out her hand and injected a little magic power.

The crystal lamps on the ceiling came on, illuminating the room as bright as day.

Magic lights are a feature of this world. They only need to be injected with magic power to be charged and activated. The average wealthy person will install a lot of them at home, and this house is no exception.

The light fell, and the bearded man on the ground narrowed his eyes slightly, opened his mouth slightly, and made a uh uh strange sound.

Xiang En squatted down and gave him a little magic power.

Carrying the magic power of spiritual power into the bearded man's body, he checked the general condition of his body and determined that the mana contained in his body was not much, and his physical fitness was not as good as Andrea's. Only then did he find water from the sled. bag, and gave him some drinks in the air.

The sweet finger dew fell into the bearded man's mouth, making his blue and purple complexion quickly improve, his weak breathing became stronger and stronger, his throat rolled a few times, and the tightly wrinkled facial features slowly relaxed, revealing a comfortable expression.

Finally, he opened his eyes, but immediately narrowed them again. Under the blazing white light from the ceiling, he could only see two dark figures looking at him.

"Awake? Who are you?"

To be honest, Xiang En was actually quite happy to meet a living person so soon, but the necessary vigilance prevented him from helping him right away.

Andrea was also curious about this man who suddenly appeared.

The man squinted his eyes, felt his body recover a little, and propped up his upper body from the ground.

Xiang En stood up and stepped back behind Andrea.

"My name is Walter, thank you for the water, if you can, I'd like some food, I haven't eaten for several days..."

After the bearded man, Walter, propped up his body, he was not at all embarrassed to ask for food. He covered his head with his left hand, showing a little bit of pain, obviously being blown up by the trap totem.

Xiang En didn't care, nodded, turned around and walked to the sled covered by the animal skin, lifted the sled's animal skin, made sure that Walter couldn't see it, and kneaded a piece of bread.

After kneading, he started to knead it into irregular lumps, and then he turned back with satisfaction, and handed the shapeless bread to Walter, who was still covering his head.

Seeing the bread that was kneaded into a weird shape, Walter didn't dislike it at all. After receiving it, he couldn't wait to put it in his mouth.

When the sweet malt flavor melted in his mouth, his squinted eyes widened to the maximum, looking at Xiang En with an incredible look, he even forgot the chewing motion and opened his mouth wide.


What's with that **** sweetness in your mouth!

Is this the top white bread that only nobles can enjoy? !

Where did these two people get the bread?

After the shock, Walter seemed to have turned into a mad dog. His chewing movements became rude and savage. He opened and closed his teeth quickly, but he never swallowed the bread into his stomach.

The last time I ate bread of this quality was nearly a year ago...

Andrea looked at Walter eating, and felt sympathy in her heart. At the same time, she was also a little fortunate that she could meet Xiang En so that she would not become the most miserable group of people in the doomsday.

Bright eyes narrowed, and Andrea bent a glance at En, thinking that she should switch to passive defense for the next hand-to-hand fight.

Hey hey!

Xiang En, who was missed, didn't notice the thoughts of the people around him. He was still waiting for Walter to finish his bread and ask some questions.

After pondering the taste in his mouth for a long time, under the urging of the unbearable restraint in his abdomen, Walter said that the bread swallowed into his stomach, and a warm current entered his abdomen, recovering his physical strength and injury.

Walter, who had been hungry for a long time, naturally couldn't have a piece of bread. He fell to his knees on the ground, and his sunken eye sockets shone with hope.

He looked up at Xiang En, with an extremely humble attitude, begging: "Can you give me some more As long as you give me some more bread, I can do anything for you! Only Three...five! Five loaves!"

Walter's dignified appearance made Xiang En take a step sideways with some displeasure, avoiding the other's kneeling salute.

He is a good young man in the new era, but he is not used to being treated like this to him.

When Andrea saw it, she also took a step to the side, and she lifted her neck proudly after she was done.

After regaining a little physical strength, Walter's eyes were naturally attracted to Andrea, and immediately froze when he saw Andrea's face.

When he was not full just now, his consciousness was chaotic, but he actually discovered just now that there was a beautiful lady here...

"Hey! Do you still want bread?" Xiang En's tone was a little rushed, not very happy because it was obvious.

"Think!" As soon as he heard there was bread, Walter felt that the attractiveness of women had disappeared. He was still very hungry, very hungry!

I can't wait to eat a cow!

"As long as you can give me bread, my life is yours!"

"I'm not interested in your life."

A few words of dialogue had already made Xiang En have a guess about Walter's identity. In order to make sure that his guess was correct, he asked, "Are you an adventurer or a mercenary?"

The town has been slaughtered, and the only ones who can survive the first round of manual cleaning are the wandering adventurers.

Coupled with the way Walter speaks and the way he likes to talk about his life, it is not difficult to guess that his identity is actually an adventurer or a mercenary.

as predicted.

Walter kept nodding and said flatteringly: "Yes, I am an adventurer, a bronze high-ranking warrior! With just a few pieces of bread, I can work for you!"

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