My Master Is a God

Chapter 298 The Ancient Witch Doctor of the Imperial Master’s Dojo

Shenlongjia is adjacent to Wushan County in Chongqing City to the west. After traveling under starry night, at dawn the next day, Yang Yiyun and his group of seven people crossed Shenlongjia and reached a certain peak of the Little Three Gorges in Wushan County.

It is also the destination of their trip, Wushan.

Wushan is actually just a term for a mountain range. It has appeared in various parts of China in history. Now it mainly refers to the continuous peaks in the "south-north" direction at the junction of Hu Province, Chongshan and Hunan in the eastern Bashu Basin.

For various reasons, some people always like to take the word literally and think that "Wushan" refers to the mountain in Wushan County, and "Wu Gorge", one of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, happens to be located in Wushan County of Chongqing City and Badong County of Hubei Province, which leads some people to misunderstand I think "Wushan" refers to Wu Gorge in Wushan County.

In fact, Wu Gorge is just a section of the Three Gorges Rift that runs east-west, while "Wushan" refers to the mountain peaks running "south-north". Even the entire Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is only a part of "Wushan".

The peak of one of the mountains where the Little Three Gorges in Wushan County where Yang Yiyun and his party are now located is also one of the mountains in Wushan.

According to Taoist Priest Chang Ling and several people from Baishan, one must have at least innate strength to go to this mountain peak.

And Yang Yiyun's strength is already comparable to that of ancient warriors who have come and gone. In addition, with Baishan and Xia Lu here, several people plan to buy one for Yang Yiyun.

In fact, the second purpose of this ancient martial arts conference is an expedition organized by the innate experts.

And here in the Xiaoshan Gorge in Wushan County, there is a dangerous place controlled by several ancient sects, and it is also a place of serious opportunity for them.

Anyway, there are advantages.

So Yang Yiyun reluctantly became one of them.

According to a few people from Changling, this was the place where Wu Xian (the imperial physician of Emperor Yao) practiced his monastery in the ancient Tang Dynasty, and Wushan County was named after Wuxian.

Wu Xian is a character in ancient Han legends. He was from the Yao period of the Tang Dynasty. He was famous for making a chimney. He could bless people with good fortune and disease, know people's life and death, and judge people's life and death with time. Emperor Yao respected him as a divine witch and named him a good prime minister.

The oracle bone inscription Wu Xian was written as Xian Wu. He was good at astrology, the founder of divination with a zodiac, and a representative figure of theocratic rule.

The imperial advisor of Emperor Taiwu of the Shang Dynasty and the founder of divination with a zodiac sign was a famous astrologer who was successful in governing the royal family and wrote "Xian Yi".

Wu Xian also invented the star-pulling technique "Wuxian Zhan". Although the book "Wuxian Zhan" was written from the Warring States Period to the early Han Dynasty, it still inherited Wuxian's learning. This ancient astrology book first proposed to refer to this star observation unit. Changshu has Wushan, named after Wuxian, and has Wuxian Temple and Wuxian Tomb.

A shaman is a person who acts as an intermediary between God and the lower emperor. One is Wu Wu, a legendary witch doctor who was a minister of Yao in the Tang Dynasty. He used Hongshu as Yao's medicine. He could bless people with blessings, cure people's diseases, bless trees withered and make birds fall.

According to "Shangshu" records, Wu Xian was a wise minister beside Emperor Taiwu of Shang Dynasty. His son Wu Xian was appointed prime minister after Emperor Taiwu's grandson Zuyi ascended the throne, and was also known as a wise minister. Xianwu is mentioned in the oracle bone inscriptions, so some scholars believe that Wu Xian may be the minister of Shang King Taiwu.

The place we went to this time was not Wuxian's tomb, but the Wuxian Dojo recorded in the classics held by various ancient sects. As an ancient witch doctor, Wuxian was a powerful witchcraft practitioner in the eyes of ancient warriors.

The ancient Chinese witches are not the wizards below. They are a very ancient mysterious inheritance, including witchcraft, witch doctors and so on.

As an ancient imperial master, Wu Xianneng's witchcraft and witch doctors are regarded as treasures in the eyes of several ancient sects. The Wuxian monastery that he went to this time is a place that several ancient sects have recorded together. Really exist.

It's just that you can't get in or find it.

Only innate level ancient warriors can enter that place.

According to Baishan's introduction to Yang Yiyun, Wuxian Dojo is filled with poisonous fog all year round and is difficult to see with the naked eye. It should be protected by formations.

The time when the fog dissipates only happens once every ten years, and this time it happened to be at the right time, so when they came out of the mountain, they heard rumors that there was a Peiyuan Dan appearing in the world, and they came to host the ancient martial arts conference and give it to the sect. Find some talented disciples.

The second is the Wushan Dojo, hoping to try my luck there.

Baishan said that he had never been there. According to an elder from Wudang who had been to the Wushan Dojo, Wuxian was an ancient witch doctor and elixirs were everywhere in the dojo. Elixirs that were hundreds of years old were very common, and there were also elixirs that were thousands of years old. Even more rare are those that are tens of thousands of years old.

It can be said that it is a place full of treasures.

In the real Wuxian Dojo, there is a cave that no one in the ancient martial arts world has been able to enter. It is said that there is a portal to the cave, but they can't get in.

For thousands of years, the ancient martial arts community has not given up exploring the Wuxian dojo in order to enter the real cave portal and obtain the inheritance of Wuxian's ancient witchcraft and witch doctors.

Therefore, the innate experts in the ancient martial arts world go in and explore every ten years and never give up.

Of course, Wuxian Dojo is a treasured place, but it is also a dangerous place. Not to mention the perennial poisonous gas, the key point is that there are ferocious beasts guarding it.

It is said that in every exploration, a lot of innate destiny is thrown into it...

When Yang Yiyun heard these words, his eyes were bright. He asked his master about the ancient witch in his mind. Master Yun Tianxie said that he was actually a type of cultivator, but his inheritance was different.

Among cultivators, there is also the saying of ancient witches. If you are not a cultivator who specializes in cultivating a strong physical body, the witchcraft he masters is also very weak. Ancient witch cultivators were powerful body refiners in ancient times, just like Qi refiners.

So the difference is that one cultivates the body and enters the Tao, and the other cultivates the soul and enters the Tao.

However, according to the priest, ancient witchcraft has also been lost in the world of cultivation.

If the Wuxian Dojo mentioned by Baishan and others is really the dojo of a witch doctor, then there may be something really good about it.

Yang Yiyun is particularly looking forward to this.

Yang Yiyun also read about witchcraft from an ancient book of the Warring States Period.

According to his understanding, witch is the predecessor of Taoism. Its original meaning is a person who can dance to subjugate gods in ancient times. Ancient Chinese doctors are also called witches. Nowadays, they have the meaning of wizard, witch, etc., and also have the surname Wu.

The ancients believed that witches could communicate with ghosts and gods, and could mobilize the power of ghosts and gods to eliminate disasters and make people rich, such as summoning spirits, prophesying, praying for rain, healing diseases, etc. Over time, they became an indispensable profession in ancient social life.

In addition, in witchcraft, the upper horizontal line reaches the sky, the lower horizontal line stands on the earth, and the middle vertical line reaches the sky and the earth. The middle unites people and people, and is truly connected with the sky and the earth.

There is also the legend of the Twelve Ancestral Witches in Chinese mythology. It is said that Pangu obeyed Hongjun's decree and used Pangu flags to split the chaos. He used Tai Chi diagrams to fix the fire and feng shui, distinguish the chaotic universe, open up the prehistoric world, evolve the six paths of reincarnation, and live endlessly. .

Pangu was unable to support the power to create the world and died. The Yuan Shen was divided into the Three Pure Ones (Tai Shang Laojun, Yuan Shi Tianzun, and Tongtian Cult Master) to create the world. Most of the body's essence and blood were transformed into the twelve ancestral witches, and a small part circulated in the six paths of reincarnation. among.

In short, ancient witches occupy a very important position in Chinese myths and legends.

But Wu Xian is a recorded figure in history.

Yang Yiyun never thought that one day he would go to the ancient witch doctor's dojo. Of course, it can be seen from this point that the ancient sect has a very long history and its heritage cannot be underestimated.

Now he comes into contact with ancient warriors who are on the first and second levels of innateness. Who knows if there are masters in their sect who are above the second level of innateness, or even on the ninth level of innateness?

No doubt there should be.

When he thought of this, Yang Yiyun was still very worried. He had unceremoniously confronted Yuan Chenzi and Ding Yang today, although the two of them did not fall out in the end.

But presumably, the reason why Xia Lu and Baishan, two innate second-level masters, got close to him was because of them.

If Xia Lu and Bai Shan were not there, Yang Yiyun estimated that Yuan Chenzi and Ding Yang would not easily bypass him.

I thought in my heart that it seems that I need to be on guard against Yuan Chenzi and Ding Yang to prevent these two from causing trouble behind their backs.

On the other hand, there must be powerful innate ancient warriors behind them. What if they cause trouble for them in the future?

You can't say for sure.

Thinking about the performance at the ancient martial arts conference today and yesterday, the performance was a bit too dazzling. The refining of Peiyuan Dan and the display of innate martial arts, and there were no less than three kinds of them. Will this make others jealous?

And before leaving yesterday, Yang Yiyun sent Lu Xuexi and his disciples back to the ancient capital because he wanted to follow him to Wuxian Dojo. What if there were ancient martial arts forces targeting them?

When he thought of this, Yang Yiyun felt inexplicably irritable.

At this time, the Taoist leader Chang Ling who was walking in front said loudly: "We have arrived. It seems that the fog is about to dissipate and the gate of Wushan will be opened wide."

Taoist Priest Chang Ling spoke, interrupting Yang Yiyun's random thoughts. When he looked up, he found that the group had reached halfway up a mountain peak.

This is a mountain in Xiaoshanxia. It was bright when we were on this mountain. After walking for more than three hours, we detoured halfway up the mountain behind.

What appeared in the field of vision was a thick fog, surrounded by mountains. The milky white fog hundreds of meters away was gathering and billowing, and the wind would not disperse.

This is the Wushan that Taoist Chang Ling talked about, and the real Wu Xian is located deep in the mountain shrouded in thick fog.

Yang Yiyun asked Baishan: "Why did you stop? Can't we just go there?"

"Master, you don't know. Look at the heavy fog in the mountains. It stretches for hundreds of miles and is a primitive dense forest. We won't wait until the fog dissipates. Not to mention that we will get lost when we go in. The poisonous miasma in the fog will be faint. Can't stand it.

Taoist Priest Chang Ling came here ten years ago. He has experience. We can just wait and follow him into the mountain. Moreover, according to a senior who went in Wudang, the fog will automatically recede within a certain period of time. We If you have to enter the mountain in front of you within this time, and then find the entrance, you can enter the Wuxian Dojo. "

After Bai Shan finished speaking, Taoist Priest Chang Ling in front of him said: "There will only be ten minutes until the fog dissipates. We must pass through it as quickly as possible within ten minutes. After the fog clears, there will be a section of the Grotto Road, which is about two kilometers long.

Venomous snakes and venomous ants in the grottoes are poisonous insects that grow in the poisonous miasma all year round. Although the bite is not fatal, it is extremely itchy. Over time, the body will become numb, and when the time comes, the movement will slow down, and more flies will be eaten. poisonous insect attack.

So after a while, when everyone rushes through the two-kilometer rocky area at the fastest speed according to their abilities, all comrades are ready.

In addition, when leaping up, be sure not to exceed three meters. The poisonous miasma will still exist at three meters. Inhaling it will cause confusion and is more dangerous than being bitten by a poisonous insect. "

Changling Dojo looked at the heavy fog in front of him and gave instructions without thinking. He seemed to be calculating the time when the fog would subside.

At a certain moment, I heard Chang Ling say: "The fog has begun to recede, everyone, please go."

With the roar, Chang Ling's body turned into an afterimage and quickly rushed into the fog.

And Yang Yiyun saw that the fog was slowly disappearing, and a green-gray rocky area was revealed in front of him. It was full of stones and not a single weed was visible. It was very strange.

The terrain is a forty-five-degree steep mountain, extending towards another peak hundreds of meters away.

After Taoist Priest Chang Ling took the lead, Ding Yang and Earth Center Patriarch Yuan Chenzi turned into afterimages and followed them.

All of them were running wildly with their feet, not daring to jump at all. They were very afraid of the poisonous miasma three meters above their heads.

Baishan asked Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun rushed forward after saying that he had no problem.

In the end, Yang Yiyun and Xia Lu were left. At this time, Xia Lu did not disguise her voice. Tian Lai, who spoke well, said something to Yang Yiyun that almost caused Yang Yiyun to lose his dignity.

"You lie on my back, and I'll carry you there. I've been on this road before, and it's not easy." Xia Lu thought that Yang Yiyun was still a bit weak, so she could help him.

However, Yang Yiyun had a dark look on his face, and the dignity of the big man's idea burst out in an instant: "It's just a short distance, I am a big man and don't need you and a woman to carry you. If you are going to be raped, I will carry you there. Okay, you Go ahead and don't worry about me, it's just poisonous insects and poisonous miasma, I can get through it with my eyes closed."

Yang Yiyun's bragging was not done in drafts in front of women, but he did not expect that he would be in trouble for the rest of the journey.

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