My Master Keeps on Breaking Through on the Verge of Death

Chapter 503 Who is talking about me again?

In the field of Yinlingmen, a figure fell from the sky.

Wang Xiangchi is a little confused now, how could it have changed so much after one night.

Today, he competed with his father as usual, but he was defeated without three moves.

Wang Xiangchi didn't believe the evil mouth and continued.

This is the third time he has been defeated, except that the BGM "Heaven and Earth, One Sword and Ren Xiaoyao", which he regarded as his trump card in the end, did not sound, and all the rest of the means were moved.

"Last night, under your master's guidance, I had an epiphany." Wang Yulun said lightly, but there were huge waves in his heart.

One hundred and eight Taoist suits, the first function he is familiar with is fully automatic combat, the body is still his body, but it is not him who is fighting.

Wang Xiangchi looked at his father's expression, how could it be his master's strength.

"Master, you didn't become like my father just to help my father find his way back, come and teach me a lesson." Wang Xiangchi said suspiciously, which was very consistent with his master's style sometimes.

"You don't believe the truth, I was really touched by your master." Wang Yulun said with a smile.

He randomly unleashed his son's great sword, Heaven and Earth, and for a while, Wang Xiangchi saw nothing but the dazzling sword light that slashed into the sky.

"You also said that you are not a master. I have not been able to complete this sword for many years. Dad, can you fully understand it in one night?"

I want to eat a face, Master, don't take me for a fool's expression.

"Whatever you think, anyway, your father has an epiphany." Wang Yulun walked out of the dojo with a smile.

Not long after, Xu Fan, who was about to retreat, saw Wang Xiangchi.

"Master, did you just take the appearance of my father and teach me a lesson?" Wang Xiangchi looked hurt.

"I taught you a lesson, but still use the appearance of your father?" Xu Fan asked back.

"The one I had a discussion with yesterday is really my father?"

"It's not who your father is. I didn't expect it. I wanted to give some pointers to your father, but I didn't know what was going on. Your father understood everything and understood everything." Xu Fan said, with a smile in his eyes.

"Is the effect really that good?"

"Master, can you enlighten me." Wang Xiangchi said with a smile.

"When you haven't reached the point of enlightenment, go to practice first, and when the time comes, I will naturally enlighten you." Xu Fan said.

Xu Fan has already thought about the timing of the enlightenment. When your father's happiness is not strong enough to suppress you, it will be time.

"The sword you taught me, yesterday my father didn't know how to use it, but today it has reached the state of wishful perfection. My disciple feels a little unbelievable." Wang Xiangchi's sense of shock has not subsided now.

"The night of your epiphany, your father seemed to have entered the realm of omniscience and omnipotence. As long as he came into contact with magical powers and exercises, almost all of them were fully enlightened."

"This is also your father's chance. You should congratulate your father." Xu Fan waved his hand and said, and drove out Wang Xiangchi, who looked disbelieving.

"Good brother pretended to be a little too much, forget it, just let him go."

Just when Xu Fan was about to issue a retreat notice, a huge amount of merit and aura suddenly descended from the sky, merging with the merit treasure cover behind him.

"Is this the daily limit for buying stocks?" Xu Fan happily watched the huge merits merge with his own merits.

At the same time, in the Jiufeng Continent area.

Feng Changning, wearing the nine-dragon and nine-phoenix robes, and under the escort of a team of puppets, approached the small world where Shizhan was originally.

This small world is being mutilated by the demon clan. When Xu Fan took Yinling Island away, he did not expect that the space would be sealed, so the teleportation array he arranged failed instantly.

And the Jiufeng Island has the strength to set foot in this area until now.

"Your Majesty, the puppet army has been dispatched, and it is expected that in three months, all the demon races in this small world will be cleaned up," said a monk dressed as a general next to him.

"How many people are there in this world?" Feng Changning said, looking at the entrance of the small world.

"It's the same population as my Jiufeng Dynasty," said the cultivator in battle armor.

"Prepare Lingbao, nurture this small world, and select people with spiritual roots to be included in my Jiufeng Dynasty." Feng Changning returned to Jiufeng Continent after speaking.

"As ordered."

On a strangely shaped sea boat, a lot of merit and luck began to be integrated into the merit treasure behind Feng Changning.

"National teacher, the strength of our Jiufeng Dynasty is one point stronger." Feng Changning said with a smile.

"On a journey of ten thousand miles, His Majesty has only taken the first step, and there is still a long way to go," said a handsome young man in a white robe beside Feng Changning.

In the youth's deep eyes, it seems that there are stars and heaven reincarnating.

"The ambition of the national teacher is lofty, and I am not as good." Feng Changning said, looking at the turbulent endless sea.

"Xianting Holy Dynasty is a little too far away from me."

At this moment, a huge wave of 10,000 meters was picked up in the distance, and then slapped heavily on the endless sea.

Not long after, a team of puppets in the fusion stage dragged a huge sea snake to the flank of the sea boat.

"Report to His Highness and capture a deep-sea giant snake that wants to disturb His Highness." During the integration period, the light of wisdom flashed in his eyes, and he said half-kneeling in the void.

"Take it back and make soup for the young army of the Jiufeng Dynasty." Feng Changning said, this kind of thing has become accustomed to.

"As ordered."

Then, the pair of chicken puppets in the fusion stage dragged the deep-sea giant snake and flew towards the Jiufeng Continent.

"His Royal Highness, now six sea boats are gathering spiritual ore resources in the depths of the endless sea."

"Once there are enough spiritual resources, I will form a sky fleet to explore the void of this world." The young national teacher looked up at the sky and said.

In the general Middle Thousand World, the best resources are all in the void.

"It's not even a hundred years, and my Jiufeng Dynasty already has seven sea boats."

"Thinking that the Hidden Spirit Sect, which I regarded as a venerable lord, only had a single sea boat, and I was shocked." Feng Changning couldn't help sighing.

The young national teacher chuckled when he heard Feng Changning's words, and said, "It's a pity that the space is sealed, or else I really want to meet the great elder for a while."

"The two of you should be able to negotiate. The Great Elder is unfathomable in the artifact refining formation."

"The puppet production line left behind really gave me a lot of ideas." Feng Changning sighed.

"There will be opportunities, and we must meet in the future." The young national teacher said with a smile.

But with the little things he left behind, the young man felt that the Great Elder had the qualifications to make him fancy.

But just to see it, can't let him regard it as an opponent, it should be killed or killed.

At this time, Xu Fan, who was closing in the hidden spirit door, shuddered suddenly, then slowly opened his eyes and said, "Who is talking about me again?"

"It seems that this force is not too small?"

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