My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 119: The director rounds the wards, this regular trainee is really tough

My medical skills can add experience points Chapter 119 Director's ward rounds, this regular training is really hard

This matter has to be temporarily abandoned.

But Zhou Can still kept an eye on that man. Patients like this who have just undergone surgery should be closely monitored within 12 hours to prevent accidents.

Sometimes, there are omissions in some operations, or the operation is not successful, the more timely it is found, the greater the chance of saving.

"Everyone put aside the work at hand first, and Director Shen will bring someone over for rounds in no time, and get ready."

The general inpatient doctor notified the doctors in the ward with a loud voice.

The resident doctor in charge of the bed is required to check the room at least twice a day.

The time is morning and evening before get off work.

In fact, responsible junior doctors often check on patients under intensive care every two hours. Even at night, make sure to check it at least every three to four hours.

Although the hospitalized patients are accompanied by their family members, the family members have very limited understanding of medical knowledge.

When a patient is in danger, it is difficult for family members to find out in time.

More effective remedial measures cannot be made.

Mostly rely on doctors and nurses.

When it comes to nurses, the division of labor between them and doctors is actually very different.

They are responsible for injections, changing dressings, and giving professional advice on pre- and post-operative nutrition for patients. Then there is the doctor's order.

Only doctors can really diagnose.

Ward rounds are the most effective way to prevent accidents from happening.

The lower-level doctors are very diligent in rounds, but their skills are limited. Faced with some doubts and hidden dangers of patients, they are often unable to find out in time and have no way to answer them.

This requires doctors at the two levels of attending and director to join the ward round team.

At present, major hospitals implement a three-level ward round system.

The resident doctor makes rounds two to three times a day, the attending doctor makes rounds once a day, and the director makes rounds once or twice a week.

When Dr. He heard that Director Shen was coming, he seemed a little nervous.

"Well, the three of you are all helping to sort out the inspection reports and medical records of ten hospital beds. Then you have to find out the diet, defecation, etc. of some key patients."

According to the requirements, when the attending and director rounds the ward, these little guys have to follow. Introduce the patient's situation in a timely manner, provide relevant inspection reports, medical records, etc.

Dr. He Zhang seems to be very timid.

In a hurry, he quickly sorted out various information of the patient.

Zhou Can smiled secretly.

Isn't it just the director checking the room? There is no need to be so afraid?

"Does Director Shen have many patients? I see many doctors are hurrying to prepare!" Zhou Can asked the two interns.

"Brother, you may just come here, and you don't know how powerful Director Shen is. He is a professor who is proficient in various treatments and researches in the field of orthopedic trauma. Most of the patients in our orthopedic surgery are under his care. The difficulty is slightly higher. Trauma cases are basically checked by him personally."

When the two young interns mentioned Director Shen, their faces were full of admiration.

In the minds of the interns, all the professors leading the group are giants.

It belongs to the existence that only dares to look up.

After preparing all the materials, Dr. He put them on the patient's bedside and explained them to the family and the patient.

At this moment, Director Shen is still missing.

But the doctors in charge of the beds have already stood beside the beds they manage.

Wait quietly.

It must be mentioned here that in such an open bed area, it is a kind of respect to stand by the bed and wait in advance. If it is a ward, you have to stand outside in the corridor and wait.

If the director hasn't arrived yet, and you foolishly run into the ward, people won't think it's a respect for him.

On the contrary, it seemed that he was deliberately stealing the director's limelight.

Especially sometimes the leaders at the hospital level come down to make ward rounds, and the interns are basically not qualified to go in.

Because there are too many people.

Finally, a ward round team consisting of seven or eight people appeared in sight.

Walking in the front, in the middle is a male doctor in his sixties. The aura is extremely strong, and when walking, he has the demeanor of a king.

This must be Director Shen.

Next to him should be the attending physician and head nurse of the department.

The doctor Yang who is in charge of regulating Pearson can only be in the back.

Zhou Can noticed that there was a female doctor with particularly fair skin and wavy hair who followed closely behind Director Shen.

With a confident but proud smile on his face.

Her aura is also very strong.

The doctors around her are also very respectful to her.

Just by looking at the positions of these people, one can tell who has a high status and who has a low status.

"Who is that woman behind Director Shen? She looks quite young, but she seems to have a high status!"

Zhou Can whispered to Dr. He in front of him.

It was only then that he realized that Dr. He's expression was still tense, and a fine layer of sweat even appeared on his forehead.

The hand holding the document, tightly grasping the edge of the document, trembled slightly.

"That is Dr. Shan, the youngest attending doctor in orthopedic surgery. He is only 31 years old this year. He is very capable in surgery, known for his precision, and has a high degree of education. A paper he published was published in the Lancet Medical Journal. It's the famous British medical journal, you know?"

"I know. One of the core medical journals!"

When Zhou Can wrote his graduation thesis, he also borrowed some knowledge and opinions from The Lancet.

At the age of 31, she was hired as an attending doctor by Tuya Hospital. This woman is definitely a genius.

No wonder the status is so high.

Director Shen led people to check the beds one by one from over there.

For some patients with simple and clear conditions, he basically just listened to the report, and then checked the next bed.

After more than 20 minutes, I finally found the 115-124 bed area managed by Zhou Can.

"Hi, Director Shen! I'm He Zhang, the doctor in charge of beds 115-124."

Dr He is so funny.

With his shoulders on the couch, his waist slightly bent, he greeted Director Shen with a smile on his face.

Maybe because I was too nervous, my tongue was a little **** when I spoke, and my hands were shaking a little bit.

Don't make fun of him for licking like that.

Everyone wants to try to climb up. If a low-level resident doctor like him can be appreciated by Director Shen, his fate will be changed immediately.

Even if it's just to leave a good impression in Director Shen's heart, it's good.

"Thank you! The bed doctor knows the patient's situation best. Please give us a brief introduction to each patient's situation!"

Director Shen smiled amiably.

"no problem!"

Dr. He immediately stood up straight, and began to introduce the situation of each patient to Director Shen in the most concise language.

There were no major problems with the first few beds, Director Shen just asked a few simple questions.

When introducing the female patient who kept yelling "I'm going to die", Director Shen listened carefully.

And took her inspection report to check carefully one by one.

Especially filmed.

"This hip joint is cracked, and there are more than one place. The operation plan is a bit complicated!"

After reading it, Director Shen handed over the inspection report to the extremely fair-skinned Doctor Shan.

After she took it, she looked carefully at the film taken by the patient against the light.

"It's really complicated, and she still has osteoporosis symptoms, and the repair effect has yet to be evaluated."

After reading it, Dr. Shan expressed his opinion.

"It may be necessary to invite Director Luo, who specializes in the field of bone joints, to discuss together, and conduct a comprehensive discussion on the patient's nutritional enhancement, surgical repair, or replacement of the entire hip joint, and evaluate an optimal surgical plan."

Treatment of hip fractures is inherently difficult.

Because it belongs to the point of connection between the lower limbs and the upper body, and this part is still active.

"Who are the family members?"

Director Shen asked.

"This is the patient's son. In a single-parent family, the patient was injured in a car accident. The driver is fully responsible, and the insurance company has already dealt with it."

Dr. He quickly introduced.

The adequate preparations made before the arrival of Director Shen came in handy at this moment.

At least the answers in all aspects satisfied all the senior doctors.

"Young man, because your mother's injured part is the hip joint, and she has fractured in multiple planes, we must go through a rigorous discussion before working out the best treatment plan. It may take two to three days, and the results will be discussed at that time. I'll talk to you again."

Director Shen took the initiative to explain to the family.


The young man just nodded indifferently, and then realized that there was nothing wrong, so he continued to play his game with his head down.

Therefore, it makes sense to say that habitual children are like killing children.

This young man's nature is not bad, so that he can ignore his mother's pain so much and only focus on playing games. I believe it must have been caused by being overly pampered and spoiled by my mother since childhood.

Director Shen just looked at the young man and smiled, then walked to the next bed.

Dr. He was about to introduce, Director Shen waved his hand.

"I know this patient well. I performed the operation myself."

He looked at the man on the hospital bed.

"Did you drink water after the operation, did you eat?"

"Drink a bowl of porridge."

"Did you urinate?"

"Row once!"

"Is the color of your urine normal?"

"Bright yellow!"

"Well, it looks pretty good. In order to keep your leg, our entire medical team did an operation for a full eleven hours. If there is no rejection after the operation and the first seven days pass, then basically this leg is considered a Keep it."

Director Shen lifted the quilt to check the patient's legs.

"The skin color of the feet is not bad, and the temperature is not bad. It seems that Dr. Shan's technique of anastomosis of blood vessels and nerves has already reached a very high level!"

"It's because of your good guidance that I can improve so fast."

Doctor Shan's EQ is quite high.

In front of the superiors, he is not condescending at all.

Zhou Can looked at Dr. He, hoping that Dr. He would take this opportunity to report the patient's slight edema and purpura. Unexpectedly, Dr. He pretended not to see it.

can understand.

He felt that the patient's edema was just a normal postoperative reaction.

At this time, pointing out objections in public may make Director Shen and Dr. Shan who are operating on the patient themselves unhappy.

Sometimes it's just a thought when you offend someone.

Especially now that the atmosphere is very good, Director Shen is also very satisfied with the operation he performed.

Director Shan is even more proud.

It is okay to raise an objection at this moment, if the problem is serious.

But there was only a slight edema, and when the two senior doctors were in a good mood and proud, they questioned whether their operation was not done well.

I can imagine what will happen with my toes.

When Zhou Can saw that Dr. He was so cowardly, he felt that it was necessary to seize this rare opportunity to report to Director Shen.

After watching Director Shen ask a few words, he was about to move to the next bed.

Zhou Can bit the bullet and said, "Director Shen..."

As soon as he spoke, Dr. He tugged on his clothes.

Shaking his head slightly at him.

Instruct him not to speak at this time.

"What's the matter with you?"

Director Shen looked at Zhou Can in surprise.

He couldn't recognize the names of many residents, and he didn't know the newcomer Gui Peisheng even more.

"Patients report swelling and pain in their legs!"

Zhou Can made up his mind to say that this is really not the time to consider personal gains and losses, but to try to keep the patient's leg. There is really a problem with the operation, and it should be corrected in time.

If there is no problem, that is the best.

"Well, I know. The patient reacted just now, and this is a normal phenomenon after surgery."

Director Shen's tone was still gentle.

His face was kind.

"I have carefully checked the patient's legs, and the edema near the operation site is severe, with purpura under the skin."

Zhou Can has a straight face.

He doesn't speak as licking and flattering as Dr. He. It is a normal way to respond to problems to the leader, neither humble nor overbearing.

From this point, it can also be seen that capable people have a lot of confidence in their hearts when facing their superiors.

This is the confidence brought by strength.

"Because the patient's leg was run over by a car, mild subcutaneous purpura appeared on the ankle, which is generally not a big problem." The smile on Director Shen's face restrained a little.

The young doctor's speech was a little unpleasant.

Even if you want to win a position, you have to divide the occasion.

He had just checked the patient's leg himself. Did he not see these phenomena mentioned by Zhou Can?

"Edema near the surgical site is also a normal postoperative reaction. After a day or two, the edema will subside. You should humbly ask your instructor for advice on these issues in the future."

Although he didn't scold people explicitly, there was already a hint of dissatisfaction and criticism in his words.

"The new Gui Peisheng is not sensible, and I will hold a training meeting for them after work." Dr. Yang quickly stood up and expressed his opinion.

With so many patients and family members watching, he was hesitant to speak.

Otherwise, it is very likely that Zhou Can will be scolded directly.

It stands to reason that with a little discernment, Zhou Can should admit his mistake at this time, and then stand obediently behind and say nothing.

He is very iron-headed.

"Director Shen, I'm just making a bold assumption. Is there any hidden danger such as blood vessel damage or thrombus in the patient's leg? I feel that the patient's edema and subcutaneous purpura are different from the normal postoperative reaction. I was in the emergency department. I have also seen postoperative edema in the operating room, and generally the edema after surgery is not so hard. Purpura, if it is a skin injury, the color will be darker. And it will not continue to spread and become larger."

Zhou Can's boldness comes from his rich surgical experience.

This patient is definitely not normal.

When Director Shen checked the patient's legs just now, Zhou Can clearly saw that the purpura had expanded a little.

Extends to the ankle bone.

Director Shen's expression changed slightly, but he didn't say much this time.

He seemed to be thinking about Zhou Can's words.

The doctor Shan next to him would quit.

The blood vessels and nerves in the patient's legs were repaired and anastomosed by her. Zhou Can suspected that the patient may have vascular damage or even more serious thrombosis. Basically, it is equivalent to publicly questioning that her operation was not successful.

She must be extremely proud to be promoted to the chief physician at such a young age, and to have a high talent in surgery.

If Director Shen questioned that her operation was not done well, she would not have any opinion.

But a Gui Peisheng, and he was from the worst emergency department, dared to question her in public.

This made it hard for her to accept it anyway.

"Doctor Yang, it seems that you have strengthened the training of these trainees at night! Their spirit of exploration is so 'cute'."

Highly educated women never swear like shrews with their hips on their hips.

Even though this doctor Shan was turned blue by Zhou Can's anger and her chest heaved violently, she still maintained the art of speaking.

How could Dr. Yang fail to hear the dissatisfaction in Dr. Shan's words?

When looking at Zhou Can, his gaze was cold.

I'm afraid that he has the thought of strangling Zhou Can to death.

"Xiaohe, take him to the office first, and explain it to him, so as not to make jokes next time."

Dr. Yang can't get away now.

He can only let Dr. He take this ignorant doctor away.

He really convinced Zhou Can, and the other junior doctors were all trying to make a good impression in front of Director Shen. This young man offended the two most prestigious doctors in the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma in one breath.

The key is to offend him, and he, the attending physician who governs Pearson, has to be implicated.

It is true that people sit at home, and disaster comes from heaven.

During the ward rounds, nothing was wrong with the patient, but he was stabbed by this kid.

Dr. He was about to cry.

How could he have expected Zhou Can to be so stupid! It's really just a single-minded brain, without turning.

"Doctor Zhou, come to the office with me, and I will explain all your doubts to you. Don't interfere with Director Shen and his ward rounds here." Doctor He Zhang grabbed Zhou Can, almost dragging him, and led him towards the office .

"Invincibility begins with offering sacrifices to the ancestors"


Director Shen actually took the initiative to stop Zhou Can who was about to be forcibly taken away.

"His analysis is not unreasonable, and his observation is very careful. Out of responsibility for the patient, I think this matter should be cautious."+Add to bookmark+

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