My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences

Chapter 284: It's not a hernia, 1 big fish found

Generosity belongs to generosity, but no man will really watch his girlfriend being taken advantage of by other men.

After Zhou Can explored for a while, his expression also became more serious.

"You seem to have a bag here!"

His words made the young couple tense up instantly.

"No way?"

The woman endured the pain and began to check herself.

It's just that the part is a bit special, and she looks a little embarrassed.

"It seems that there is really a big bag, and I didn't even pay attention to it!" After she finished the self-examination, she was surprised with a bit of fear. "Doctor, is my bag important? What's going on? I definitely didn't have this bag before, and it probably swelled up today."

At this time, the woman desperately wanted Zhou Can to help her answer.

The woman's boyfriend originally suspected that Zhou Can was taking advantage of his girlfriend, but now that Zhou Can found a swollen lump after touching it a few times, he couldn't help admiring Zhou Can's medical skills.

"If it swells up in a short period of time, it may be an inguinal hernia. I can't tell the nature of the swelling just by palpating through a layer of clothes. I suggest you go to the hospital for further examination."

When Zhou Can touched the lump just now, it felt hard.

Usually, the mass from an inguinal hernia is soft to the touch. Because it is actually a mass formed under the epidermis after the human abdominal tissue leaks out of the abdominal cavity.

For example, a mass formed after soft tissues such as omentum and intestinal tube protrude from the abdominal cavity is called a hernia.

It is soft to the touch.

And there is another characteristic of hernia, which is often formed in a very short period of time.

If the mass of the woman in front of me really formed overnight, it is most likely a hernia.

However, other diseases cannot be ruled out.

"If it's that groin, is it serious?"

the woman asked in pain.

Her cheap boyfriend was also standing by nervously waiting for Zhou Can's answer.

"It's an inguinal hernia, a hernia of a hernia." Zhou Can corrected her. The pronunciation of Xun and Sha is actually a little different, why can't she tell the difference?

"This disease is generally not serious for the first time, and it can even be retracted manually. If it is a repeat offender, or it cannot be retracted manually, it is more serious. It must be operated in time to prevent necrosis. In addition, yours is not necessarily an inguinal hernia, I just want to say There is a possibility."

At this time, Director Zhang Bihua also came over after breakfast.

"Girl, I'm also a doctor at Tuya Hospital, can I touch it for you?"

Director Zhang knew that Zhou Can was a male doctor and he was not easy to touch, so he asked the patient to touch him.

"Well! I'm sorry to trouble you!"

The woman nodded in agreement.

Zhang Bihua is in his fifties, and he has practiced medicine for a long time, so he really has a unique temperament that only doctors have. How should I put it, it gives people the feeling of being cold and serious, and at the same time has a bit of a doctor's unique murderous aura.

In other words,,,..version. 】

This is the murderous aura formed by doctors who have been giving injections and using scalpels for a long time.

When encountering a lesion, the doctors are never relentless, and often cut it off with a single knife.

Over time, the doctors have a daunting murderous look.

"When I touched it just now, the mass was hard, not like a hernia. But she said it didn't happen before, and it just appeared overnight. Could it be inflammation?"

A mass formed in a short period of time cannot be a tumor.

Either inflammation, hernia or hematoma.

"It's possible."

Zhang Bihua reached into the patient's pants and frowned his very thin eyebrows.

Almost a lot of older women like to shave part of their eyebrows to make them thinner. Then draw the slender willow leaf eyebrows.

It does look beautiful from a distance.

But if you look closely, you still feel that natural eyebrows are more beautiful and natural.

"The mass is not big, and the texture is slightly hard. It doesn't look like a hernia. It feels a bit like a tumor. Girl, you need to go to the hospital for an examination to further clarify the nature of the mass."

Director Zhang Bihua has extremely rich clinical experience.

Even after she touched it, she felt that there was something wrong with the mass, so it must be no small matter.

The girl looked up at her boyfriend.

"Ah Qing, what should I do?"

"Listen to the doctor, I will send you to the hospital for examination immediately."

The boyfriend was still responsible, and without any further hesitation, he immediately decided to send her to the hospital.

"Young man, the experts from Tuya Hospital who checked your girlfriend just now are going to our Xinxiang Women's and Children's Hospital to carry out consultation activities with experts. I suggest that you can take your girlfriend to Xinxiang Women's and Children's Hospital for treatment. Anyway, it is close to the hotel, which is very convenient. "

Section Chief Tang said to the young couple with a look of 'concern'.

"Okay, thanks for the reminder!"

The man agreed.

Zhou Can curled his lips subconsciously, and Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital has now been reduced to soliciting customers. And it is a section chief soliciting customers, it seems that its business situation is even worse than imagined.

The collapse of a large hospital was due to a medical accident.

This also reminded Zhou Can that he must always be cautious and strict with himself in the process of practicing medicine in the future.

Otherwise, it will really harm others and harm oneself, and even the hospital where I work will be in bad luck.

Zhou Can and the others had breakfast at the hotel, and Section Chief Tang was already anxious like ants on a hot pot, and secretly urged the experts several times.

Because it was almost eight o'clock, Dean Tian must have set a task for him to ensure that the experts were invited to the scene before eight o'clock.

Yesterday, the experts in Tuya Hospital attended consultation activities. Although there was a quarrel between Du Leng and his family members, overall it was quite good. Several difficult cases were diagnosed, all of which were extremely difficult cases that many large hospitals were helpless.

These dazzling achievements will be used by Dean Tian as a publicity point and vigorously publicized.

"Director Zhang, when I came this morning, I saw many patients waiting in line in the outpatient hall. You must be very busy today!"

Section Chief Tang raised his wrist to glance at the time, and once again cryptically urged the experts to come over early.

Most of the medical staff have already eaten.

Only Du Leng, Director Dai, two female nurses and a young female doctor were still eating slowly.

Look at this posture, eating for another half an hour may not be able to finish the job.

It is estimated that Section Chief Tang has regretted making the breakfast variety too rich.

Especially some Western-style meals have all kinds of specialties, and it takes a lot of time to eat them.

Du Leng is a doctor who has studied abroad and has rich experience in overseas life.

The two female nurses and a young female doctor surrounded him, learning from him how to eat Western meals. How to match.

He may feel a sense of superiority, and the fact that he is surrounded by young women gives him the idea of ​​showing off his life abroad. When teaching them, all kinds of western food etiquette, how to eat, and how to make dim sum are the best, he said it clearly and clearly.

The two female nurses and the female doctor were all dazzled and looked at him with admiration.

Even today, there are still many people who worship foreigners and always feel that everything about foreigners is particularly perfect.

As a result, some women were tricked by their so-called foreign boyfriends to go to Africa and live a life that was almost primitive. There are also women who are treated as slaves after marrying men from Western developed countries.

I really don't know what these women think?

It can only be said that poor people must have something to hate.

Everything is pretty much self-inflicted.

"It's time to go to work, so hurry up and solve it. We went to Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital to carry out expert outpatient activities. The work and rest hours are relatively free, but we must follow the most basic working hours. If you arrive at the post after 8 o'clock in the morning, you will be late. Leaving work before 30:00 is regarded as leaving early. Leaving work in the middle will be carried out in accordance with the attendance standards at Tuya Hospital."

Director Zhang saw that many people were so lazy, so he announced a attendance rule to the twenty-six medical staff on the spot.

The two female nurses surrounding Du Leng immediately understood that they were warning them.

Quickly finished the breakfast on the plate, and hurried to the outside of the hotel.

Relying on his status, Du Leng finished eating slowly, took off his napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth before getting up.

When he rushed to the bus waiting outside, although Director Zhang didn't say anything, there was already a trace of displeasure on his face.

People are most afraid of not knowing themselves.

If you want to survive in the workplace, you need a little discernment, which is a necessary survival skill.

The group of them rushed to Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital, just got off the car, and before entering the outpatient hall, they found media reporters taking pictures of them.

Although some people took pictures yesterday, they were arranged by the hospital itself.

All the photos were taken of some highlight moments for publicity.

Such as Du Leng's quarrel with his family members will definitely not be photographed.

There are three groups of media reporters who came today, and their equipment looks more professional.

Director Zhang frowned slightly, and turned to look at Section Chief Tang.

The meaning is to ask, why did you invite the media reporters?

And they were not consulted beforehand.

"Don't worry, they are all from our own family. They are friends with Dean Tian. I also heard that the results of the expert consultation yesterday were not bad. That's why I volunteered to come over to film some scenes and post a few soft articles to help our hospital publicize."

Section Chief Tang explained with a smile on his face.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in an ant nest.

The collapse of a levee is by no means the instant it appears on the surface. In fact, its interior has already decayed and was hollowed out by ants, and it will be washed away by the flood at a critical moment.

In the same way, the collapse of Xinxiang Women's and Children's Hospital did not happen overnight, but was already riddled with holes and many bad things.

For example, the current various commercial operation routines, it can be seen that the senior management of Xinxiang Women's and Children's Hospital is very keen on this.

In fact, what we really need to do is to learn lessons deeply and pay close attention to medical style and quality.

For any hospital, medical quality and service are the core competitiveness.

No matter how well the publicity is done, no matter how well the advertisement is played, at most it can only help, but it is not a decisive factor.

"Director Zhang, hello! I heard that you led the expert team of Tuya Hospital to successfully diagnose many difficult diseases and rescued a boy with severe bronchitis with a very high fatality rate yesterday. Can you tell us about the situation? "

A very beautiful female reporter walked over holding a microphone.

It turned out to be a reporter from a TV station, and what was written on the microphone was a certain satellite TV station. I thought it was a reporter from some small media.

"Actually, there is nothing to say. It is our bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded. You can contact the relevant departments of Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital for details. Some patients are still waiting for me to see and treat them. Sorry, I have to go to work."

Director Zhang Bihua must have seen many big scenes.

She didn't even give the TV station female reporter any face, just said a few words, and left directly.

The female reporter had strong adaptability, and looked at other experts, but the other chief physicians hurriedly avoided her and went to their respective posts.

There are doctors who chase after fame and fortune, but more doctors work down-to-earth, pursue the peak of medical skills, and truly take it as their responsibility to relieve patients' suffering.

When the female reporter saw that the interviewing experts were not cooperating, she had an idea and looked at the team of young doctors behind.

"Who is Dr. Du from Johns Hopkins University abroad?"

An interview with a returnee doctor is also a great news highlight.

"I am!"

Du Leng was already tall, and he was extremely particular about his attire, giving him a bit of an elite feel.

His raised hand immediately made him more eye-catching in the crowd.

"Hello, Dr. Du, is it convenient to interview you?" The beautiful eyes of the female rememberer locked on Du Leng, and approached Du Leng holding the microphone.

Originally, they had already gone to the front and went to Section Chief Tang, so they ran back quickly.

Interview Du Leng, are you kidding me?

This kid caused all kinds of troubles yesterday. If this kid becomes the main character in this news report, Dean Tian will have to take his skin off.

Section Chief Tang hurriedly stood in front of Du Leng, and said to the female reporter, "I'm sorry, Dr. Du is going to have a consultation too, so I can't accept your interview."

The female reporter was stunned for a moment, and was somewhat upset when someone interrupted her interview.

Don't look at the arrangement for her to bring someone over for an exclusive interview and report, and gave some instructions, but as a reporter, she has considerable autonomy.

At most, the content of the interview cannot satisfy the superiors and cannot pass the review.

"May I ask you are?"

She asked about the identity of Section Chief Tang.

"My humble servant is Tang Jiuyin, the section chief of the Propaganda and Traditional Warfare Department of Xinxiang Women's and Children's Hospital."

The identity of Section Chief Tang is actually the person in charge of the Propaganda and Traditional Warfare Section, which is really unexpected.

Because under normal circumstances, the receptionist and the hospital office make overall arrangements.

It is not ruled out that the hospital office tried to save trouble and directly arrested him.

After all, experts from Tuya Hospital were invited to come over for consultation this time, and they had to do a good job of publicity while receiving them.

"It turned out to be Section Chief Tang. It's a pleasure to meet you! That's fine, we will interview Dr. Du later, and let's not disturb the work of the experts."

The female reporter has a lot of eyesight. When she heard the identity of Section Chief Tang, she immediately understood that he represented the propaganda intention of Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital.

Section Chief Tang prevented him from interviewing Dr. Du, there must be a deep meaning.

The pace of her interview must be consistent with the propaganda intention of Xinxiang Women and Children's Hospital.

The consultation work of experts began soon.

Zhou Can and Deputy Director Shi are still so busy that they don't have a single patient to see them.

However, compared with yesterday, the two now have an additional identity, the leader and deputy leader of the crisis management team. So the two are still calm.

A woman who had abdominal pain in the hotel and a mass near her groin was also queuing up for treatment.

Because of her special situation, Director Zhang also took great care of her.

"Little girl, go to that table first, ask Director Shi to give you an inspection list, and just come to me with the results after the inspection. Don't delay the illness."

"Ok, thank you!"

The young couple came to Zhou Can's table gratefully.

"Doctor Zhou, you have seen her condition at the hotel before, you can apply for an inspection!"

Deputy Director Shi knew that the patient's lesion was located in the lower abdomen near the base of the legs, so he didn't intend to give her another physical examination.


Zhou Can readily agreed.

The condition of this female patient is not complicated, and the lesion is obvious. It is enough to directly check the abdominal cavity and check the nature of the mass.

He prescribed blood routine, abdominal B-ultrasound, and abdominal ct.

A total of three inspections are required.

The patient took the examination application form for examination.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning. Yesterday, the 19-year-old female patient who had been treated for a cold for two years and hadn't recovered from it came back from relevant examinations.

The girl's mother saw that Director Zhang was busy, so she rushed over to Zhou Can.

After yesterday's diagnosis, her trust in Zhou Can is already very high.

"Doctor Zhou, can you help us take a look? All the test results have come out."

Instead of looking for Deputy Director Shi, she looked for the younger Zhou Can for diagnosis.

This behavior was immediately caught by the female reporter of the TV station.

With her professional ability, she immediately realized that this seemingly ordinary young doctor might be extraordinary.

But she didn't rush to interview, but turned to ask the photographer.

"Old Qin, does that young doctor look familiar to you?"

"Which young doctor?"

The photographer was checking whether the photos he had taken were up to standard, and upon hearing this, he raised his head and looked forward.

"Here, it's the seventh consultation table, the third one from the right."

She pointed at Zhou Can's table.

"Isn't he one of the three doctors in the promotional materials sent to us by Xinxiang Maternity and Children's Hospital yesterday? Look at your memory."

The photographer recognized Zhou Can at a glance.

"Oh... so it's him, no wonder I said he looks familiar! What's his name Zhou?"

After being reminded, she suddenly remembered.

"Zhou Can!" The photographer rolled his eyes, implying to say, look at your bad memory.

"That's right, that's right, Doctor Zhou Can. Such a young man, but he can get promotional opportunities with Director Zhang and Director Dai at the same time. This person must not be simple. Can you help me look up his information? I found that he is very Might be a big fish."

She plays to her strengths as a pretty woman.

Ask colleagues to help, just give a coquettish tone.

A woman with a beautiful face, if she has culture, temperament, and brains, will indeed be very advantageous in the workplace.

Beauty is their greatest capital, and many male colleagues can be mobilized for free to help them voluntarily.

"He is a doctor at Tuya Hospital. If I want to check his information, I have to use my network resources. If you agree to a big meal, I will check it for you right away."

Lao Qin made a condition.

A big meal, nothing too much.

After all, this requires the use of his network resources.

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