My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 123 Dunk on your head!

Kevin Garnett hit another mid-range shot at the top of the arc, and then slammed his chest frantically! This is the 7th point of the game. After half a quarter, the score between the Lakers and Timberwolves did not widen. Garnett's mid-range consecutive hits injected vitality into the team's stagnant offense and forced the score to rise alternately.

Los Angeles Lakers 12:11 Minnesota Timberwolves. O'Neal had to go out after being double-teamed. The two insiders of the Timberwolves are highly mobile insiders, especially the third position is also tall enough to interfere with O'Neal's offense. When the Timberwolves desperately went to double-team O'Neal, he could only Look out for opportunities.

The ice and snow in Minnesota also made the Lakers players feel a little stiff in their hands and movements, and their outside shots were often inaccurate. Fortunately, the breakthroughs of Kobe and Eddie Jones kept the team from falling into a scoring drought.

Kevin Garnett faced Campbell's defense one by one, and even felt invincible at this time! In terms of height and speed, Garnett far surpasses Campbell, but his ability to fight is slightly weaker. With his excellent technical moves, Garnett beat the opposing Campbell.

At this time, Garnett felt a strange gaze, turned his head, and saw Kobe's meaningful gaze.

Why are you looking at me? I know, Kobe must be envious of me! A high school player who entered the league a year earlier than him actually has such perfect technical movements and physical fitness. This is something you Kobe can't envy! Do you know how much sweat I have spent in the training hall in order to achieve such ability! This is youth! This is blood! Thinking of my running in Minnesota at sunset, that is my passionate youth! ! !

If Kobe knew Garnett's brains, he would laugh unkindly. Kevin Garnett's youthful and passionate basketball has a very large market. When he implements this path, he will undoubtedly attract the attention of a large number of fans of the same type, but the cold-blooded Mamba does not eat this set, the weak Strong, the law of the jungle is what he respects.

Kobe was waiting carefully and patiently, looking for an opportunity to cut into a dunk. Like a venomous snake curled up, not to flinch, not to fear, but just to kill with a single blow if necessary. There is only one chance. If Garnett's defense is not successfully attracted, or the dunk fails, Garnett, who is alert, will definitely not give Kobe another chance! With such a height and a body shape, Garnett is the background board that many players in the league dream of, second only to the four major centers.

It just so happened that the Timberwolves' defensive tactics revolved around O'Neal, and Kobe could wait for the opportunity.

The difficulty of dunking Kevin Garnett is not the dunk, but after breaking through the first layer of defense, Kevin Garnett's defense will come to help, and this help defense can't be too outside, if it is blocked at the free throw line Hold on, Kevin Garnett's towering height and wingspan will definitely overwhelm Kobe, not to mention dunking, it is very difficult to even complete the offense.

The opportunity Kobe needs is that Kevin Garnett can help defend while still being relatively close to the basket.

Opportunity presents itself quickly! O'Neal asked for the ball in the low post, Kobe passed the ball, and Garnett immediately double-teamed O'Neal!

O'Neill points out! Kobe didn't hesitate to catch the ball, accelerated the start and passed Marbury cleanly with one stride!

"Help defend!" Marbury could only see Kobe's back, and he couldn't even grab the jersey with his hand.

"I'm here!" Garnett, who had just successfully defended O'Neal, turned around and moved towards Kobe's position.

slow! too slow! You are far from your peak!

Let me help you grow faster, let shame and hatred become the goals of your progress! Youth and passion need to face the tempering of reality.

Kobe's explosive power seems to have increased to another level. With the deepening of the season and continuous strength training, Kobe's physical fitness is also constantly strengthening. This time, his breakthrough has reached 90% of the speed of his peak period!

Kobe received the ball in one step from the free throw line, kicked his left foot hard, and the whole person soared into the air that did not conform to the laws of physics!

As soon as Kevin Garnett entered the defensive position in the penalty area, Kobe flew up!

right! In Garnett's eyes, Kobe flew up!

Garnett didn't even have time to jump, and raised his hands lamely.

Kobe bent his body into a bow! Hold the basketball with both hands and pull it behind your head!

Glaring! You are the one who stole my three consecutive championships, right?

"Boom!" Kobe and Garnett collided.

Collide first! Dunk again!

Kobe, who rushed up, slammed into Garnett, who was not standing still, with great force! Then work harder! Dunk the ball behind your head into the hoop with both hands!

Garnett felt a bullet hit his body. Although he was not as heavy as a tank like O'Neill, the pain and force made him lose his balance when he was staggering.

fall down! Garnett was knocked to the ground by Kobe's hands!

Sitting down on the ground, Garnett's dark face seemed to be covered with a shadow, and it was difficult for him to accept this reality. With a height of 2.16 meters, I was dunked to the ground by Kobe, the point guard.

Falk! This time humiliating.

"Jesus bless! Kobe killed Garnett, are we going to mourn him?" The players on the Lakers bench were about to rush into the court to celebrate, but were quickly stopped by Scott and Rambis.

"It's so miserable, children, don't look at it. The shoes are all lost, there is no way to save it." Horry covered Fisher's eyes.

Kobe let go of his hands grabbing the basket and landed on the ground smoothly. Looking at Kevin Garnett who fell to the ground, he suddenly felt that his thoughts were clear! Comfortable, sure enough, the pleasure of dunking on the head of a big man is the most pleasing of all scoring methods.

Marbury hurried forward to pull up Kevin Garnett, who was skeptical of his life, and he felt a sense of sympathy. Kobe, the big devil among the rookies, started torturing his teammates after tossing himself.

When is this day a head?

At this moment, the audience surrounded by the TV repeatedly watched this dunk that was enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and couldn't help but exclaimed one after another.

"The perfect combination of speed, bounce, and strength, this way of playing is exactly what I want!" A sophomore shooting guard at the University of North Carolina, watching the pictures on the TV is fascinated. His idol is Dr. J, and he seems to have found Dr. J's shadow in Kobe's dunk.

Dunk is the most pleasing thing in basketball! It is also the thing that makes Vince the happiest! He likes to fly in the sky like his idol, Dr. J, he likes to breathe the air of higher places, and he likes to hear the sound of fans cheering for his slam dunk.

And in Philadelphia, Old Joe also jumped off the sofa for this dunk!

"I knew this kid could play like this! He is worthy of my seed! This is tmd basketball."

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