My Name is Kobe Bryant

Chapter 214 Los Angeles Derby and preparing to face the Bulls!

"Derby in the same city! Elden! How does it feel to play at the Clippers' home court?" The Lakers returned to Los Angeles with a record of 41 wins and 4 losses against the 18-25 Los Angeles Clippers.

"The Los Angeles Derby? It feels like I'm back at home. They are all familiar fans. Those fans are all talented, and they speak nicely." Campbell rubbed his chin. Now Los Angeles is completely ruled by the Lakers. The Anaheim Arena, where the boat is rented, is different from the Lakers. Fans in Los Angeles don't care about these things. In the same city derby, most fans are still Lakers fans.

The Clippers this season are currently ranked seventh in the Western Conference, and they are very hopeful to return to the playoffs this season.

This year's Clippers are led by Bill Fitch, leading a group of good young people to work hard and achieve achievements beyond the expectations of the media.

"Lorenzen Wright, this year's All-Star will join us in the Rookie Challenge."

"As the No. 7 pick, his basket protection has benefited the Clippers a lot. His 2.11-meter height and excellent size allow him to do a lot of things under the basket."

"Who is the boss of the Clippers?"

"Lloy Ott, right? Averaged 15+10 per game. Most of their teams are egalitarian and there are no outstanding stars."

"Then their record can overwhelm Richmond's Kings, and Kevin Johnson's Suns are still pretty strong."

"Maybe we will meet them in the playoffs this year? If we are first and they are eighth."

"Haha, that's interesting."

On February 4, the Anaheim Arena, the Lakers played away against the Clippers.

In February, California was already sunny, and a large number of fans flocked to the Anaheim Arena.

"Damn! Why are there so many fans in the Clippers' home court!"

"Because they played Uncle Lakers."

"SHIT, these damn scalpers stole all the tickets, so no one cares about it?"

"You don't expect Clippers owner Donald Sterling to take care of these things. I even think that the tickets in the hands of these scalpers are given to them by Donald Sterling."

Kobe entered the arena from the team bus and heard the familiar name.

Donald Sterling.

What a nasty person.

The current Clippers owner is a purely white racist who bought the Clippers in 1981.

"My promise: I will make you proud of the Clippers." This is the catchphrase after Donald Sterling bought the Clippers.

Unlike Buss' immediate success with the Lakers, Sterling and his Clippers struggled through many lackluster seasons, and they didn't make the playoffs until 1991-92. In the 33 years that Sterling owned the Clippers in 2013-14, the Clippers lost 50 or more games 22 times, 60 games or more eight times and 70 games once. They went 9-41 in the lockout-shortened 1998-99 season and were projected to lose another 60 games.

It's okay to have a poor record, at most he doesn't understand basketball. However, the most disgusting thing about Sterling is that he treats his team and players completely as a money-making tool. The annual team salary ranks at the bottom of the league. Once there are excellent players, he will be sold. Discrimination against black people from the bottom of my heart.

In 2014, his mistress was exposed and his conversation was recorded, and Sterling was seriously dissatisfied with the photo of his mistress and the magician. The recording says:

"It annoys me that you want to openly associate with black people."

"You can sleep with Nigg, you can take them inside, you can do whatever you want."

"All I have to say is don't bring them into my game."

When the recording came out, it caused an uproar. Both coaches and players in the league expressed outrage, and in the end Sterling was banned from the league for life and fined $2.5 million, the largest fine allowed by the NBA constitution.

The league forced Sterling to eventually sell the team to Ballmer.

Such a boss can be said to be a disgrace to the league.

The current Sterling is also covering up his racial ideas, just like most white elites in today's society, even if they discriminate against African-Americans, Asians, and Latinos in their hearts, they will not say it out. On the surface, he is polite, but in his heart he treats you as another animal of a backward race.

Kobe can't do anything now, but when he has the right to speak, one day he will contribute to racial integration.

Regardless of race, regardless of gender, as long as you love basketball, you have the right to the respect you deserve.

"Guys, let me say something."

Before the game, Kobe called all his teammates together.

"Today's game, we not only want to win, but also win beautifully."

"I don't want to see any Clippers player score in our paint."

"I need a massacre to sacrifice the flag for our game against the Bulls tomorrow!"

"Okay, head! You have the final say!"

"Kill the Clippers, let them see who is the king of Los Angeles!"

The Lakers players appeared amidst the cheers, and they received even more applause than the Clippers players at home.

Because this is Los Angeles, and the king here is the Lakers.

Then, now, and forever.

Purple-gold blood is the color of Los Angeles.

There was murderous look in Kobe's eyes.

When the game started, the Clippers were on the verge of collapse.

Kobe continued to bite Clippers guard Darrick Martin.

The undrafted pick is the starter of the Clippers, 1.80 meters tall, 10.9 points, 1.4 rebounds and 4.0 assists.

It can be said that such a point guard is the lower limit of the NBA.

Unfortunately, he ran into Kobe.

"Scratch! Kobe stopped Darick Martin with his chest, and pulled the ball out of his hand!"

"One-stop two-handed lever folding dunk!"

"We can look forward to Kobe Bryant's heroic appearance in the dunk contest!"

Massacre, the Lakers made an unbelievable point difference in the first quarter of this game.

Bryant's offensive and defensive grasp made the Clippers' back line so weak that they couldn't even dribble across the half court.

At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers 27:11 Clippers.

In the second quarter, the Lakers 51:27 Clippers.

In the third quarter, Kobe played a symbolic half of the quarter.

The game ended with the Lakers 98:65 to the Clippers.

Who is the protagonist in Los Angeles?

"Fack, this little nigga, is he so good?" Sterling rarely watched games other than his own team. He didn't care about the blue flag at all, he only cared about how much the Clippers could bring him. Kobe's dominant performance made him a little angry.

Kobe played 27 minutes and scored 26 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 steals, 2 blocks and 1 turnover.

No one on the Clippers scored 20 points.

After winning this game, the Lakers are about to return to Los Angeles.

Against an all-out Bulls.

And now the Bulls will never be ignorant of the Lakers' tactics like last time.

Phil Jackson wove a big net for Kobe.

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